Part III of the Leg Workout.
So far we rocked a movement prep warm up, Zercher Squats with a high rep finisher and now check the video below.....
Let's Recap the workout thus far....
1) Warm Up
2) Zercher Squat: 1 heavy set x 3 reps, 1 high rep finisher x 15 reps
3A) Bulgarian Bag Jump Squatย 3 x 10
3B) Bulgarian Bag Lunge Jump 3 x 10
4A) Glute Ham Raise 2 x Max
4B) Kettlebell Swings 2 x 10 - 15
4C) 45 degree Back Extension + 60 lbs 2 x max reps, drop weight & burn out
5) What's Coming Next?.....
Drop a comment and let me know what you think is coming next!
Peace Bruddahs!
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7 Responses
Some sled work son?! Gotta love it!
THE PROWLER!!!!!!! Maybe some Prowler suicides or the Prowler challenge?
front drags, back drags, and farmers…..oh my
Zach, when you were doing your back extentions, do you feel that it serves a better purpose to come up as high as you were compared to even with the floor or maybe a 45 degree angle?
Coach Z,
What’s next?
Insane: 52kg Farmer’s Walk x 100′
Bonkers: Prowler Runs x 100′ w/ 6×45#
Completely off your F#ckin’ Rocker: Truck push & pull circuit with wheelbarrow sprints w/ 2x52kg kbells over 50′ for each exercise….
Not sayin’- Just sayin’ whatt ya think BEAST?
Age Quod Agis
that is a glute ham raise so you are doing a bodyweight leg curl basically, but, the glute ham bench can also be used for traditional back extension