Life, Love & Laughter


Hey, Undergrounders..... With all this talk of always being intense, pushing the envelope and being mentally tough we gotta remember to enjoy life, spend time with friends and family, tell your special friends and those you care about that you respect them & love them..... Time goes too fast and sometime we forget to do these things amidst all our hustling, grinding and working day and night.

This week has been a very intense week for me emotionally, some ups and some downs. I caught myself complaining and realized I had NO right to complain for one milisecond! Video on this next week....

While chillin' with my amazing wife, she asked me what I wanted from my life long term. Asked me if my goal was to be the best strength coach in the world, be known, etc.

I told her I don't really give a shit what the world thinks of me. I CARE about my family, My Underground athletes (who I view as my extended family) my close friends and The Undergrounders around the world who follow this blog & are part of The Underground Inner Circle.

My goal is simple, I'm just helping those I train and those who follow Underground Strength Nation. I don't have a desire to train pro athletes, celebrities, etc. Sounds crazy, but it's NOT about me, it's about YOU and my family and the people I love.

I love my family and I love you, that's the #TRUTH! With that said, please go ahead and enjoy this video and feel what I'm saying ๐Ÿ™‚

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Much Luv & Respect!



PS: The Underground Strength Coach Cert is hitting Australia, check it out HERE

20 Responses

  1. Amen bro! That’s what life is all about, it’s always gonna begin and end with family. Everything else means nothing if we don’t really share our lives with our loved ones. Like you and the Underground Nation, my BRIGA family has been there for me in tough times and that’s why I give them my all every single day…
    There’s no doubt the best part of our job is we get to spend a lot time with the wife and kids…to me, that’s the biggest thing of all. If more money or more fame would come if I had to stay away from them for too long…it just wouldn’t be worth it.

    We don’t know how much time we got, that’s why we go at it everyday with everything we have. We just can’t think we can take them the people we love for granted and look for them when we feel like it, ’cause they might not be there or we might not make it.

    Time goes by so fast that like you said, we have to let our loved ones know how much we love’em and how mych we appreciate them.

    Luv ya bro, thanks for everything by the way!


    1. Daniel Hardy says:

      I totally understand where you are coming from, not only are you a great strength coach but you are very wise. You understand what really matters in life and it seems that there are many people today that just don’t see the real picture. I have followed you for a long time now and I have learned many great things from you. Thank you for all that you do Zach, I hope I can run a business like yours and help people as much as you do.

      1. Dan, HUGE thnx 4 the kind words, bro, your success is TOTALLY up 2 you

    2. Ory U da man, gotta rep 4 family and those we love, plain and simple, sometimes, we make life too complicated…. training 2 complex, etc.

      Just gotta LIVE…. this is a reminder 2 myself as well, I get caught up like every1 else!

    1. Come on, brutha, that’s ALL you!!! Miss ya, Dude, we’re cut from the same steel!!! But, you’re stronger and better looking!!! ha ha

      Hope 2 C U soon!

  2. Z, I feel like every time I have been thinking about something you go ahead and but it on your blog — get outta my head man. On a serious note though I truly appreciate all that you do and you’re right on with what you said about family and friends. I wish you all the success in the world Z. You epitomize the phrase “pay it forward” and I’ve taken a lot from you both training-wise and life-wise and I’ve tried MY best to pass that on to those I care about and see potential in. If there were more people like us in this world, I’m sure it would be a much better place …

    Franco Crincoli

    1. Franco!!!!! Jerzee Homeboy, I love seeing your success and hearing about it.

      KEEEEEEP crushing it, brutha!!!


  3. Tyler Nagel says:

    Zach- I met Donovan in person when I was 15 at a surf contest in jerzee, he’s a cool cat.

    I love the lifestyle blog posts you put up. They always hit home. Ya gotta grind and work hard in life without complaining, but you have to enjoy the ride.

    Love it!

    1. Tyler, yo bro!!! NIIICE, man, would be awesome if he hit Stone Pony!!!

      You’re a BEAST, so psyched U dig the Blog, seriously means a lot to me!!!

  4. You’re absolutely right Zach; family and time are the most precious things in life, once they’re lost, you can never get ’em back. Enjoy every moment.

    1. Thnx, brutha…. time is the one thing we can NEVER win back….. muscle, money, etc we can get back…. time, gone 4ever

  5. Great stuff! I appreciate the great, valuable content you provide for free. Thanks!

    1. Thnx, John, respect 2 U if U DO something with the info, that’s my hopes all the time

  6. I respect your drive,commitment and intensity, but it’s good to see that you can lighten up a little sometimes too. I had a hunch that under that tough exterior is a big heart. Thanks for all the inspiration you give to an old gym rat like me!

    1. Thnx, Brutha, ha ha, 4 sure, I can’t always go 0-90 MPH with pedal 2 the medal, I’m human, my man!

      MANY flaws over here ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thnx 4 being part of the conversation, I’m ALL heart!

  7. Rick Walker says:

    All of my training lately has been 2 mile walks and body weight work. I havent touched a weight in a couple weeks. Why? Because it allows the wife, 8, 5, and twin 2 year olds to be right there in the mix with me so I dont miss a damn thing!

    Some things in life are more important, and we often take this shit too damn serious. My blood is what matters. My true close friends are what matters. You hit the nail on the head Zach.

    In about 30 minutes I will be on the lake with the fishing lines in the water, surrounded by my wife and kids having an awesome time no matter what we catch or dont catch. LIVING!


    1. Damn, Rick! Years ago the priority was the weight on the bar, here we are, new priorities, stronger, yet not caring about the weight on the bar.

      It’s not as easy finding time to train, but there focus is on health and bodyweight workouts help you get it done.

      GTG ala Pavel and some more work and things DO get done!

      MAN Strength.

      Keep me posted, my man!!!



  8. Zach,

    thx for your endless input. Been going through your pages for the last couple of weeks. Man, you really have a huge output (talking about the pedal 2 the metal, …).

    With family it’s like Spartans used to say – without your Polis, you are nothing! In modern times we often neglect that – but it is true. It’s instilled in the human heart.

    Keep it up
    Sven, Italy

    1. Thnx, brutha, means a lot to me, my man, been working on this blog for a loooooong time!!!

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