Lift Strong Prep, Challenges & Life At The Underground Strength Gym


Things are REALLY rolling here at Underground Strength HQ.

Summer is a CRAZY time of year for us:

- We've got our 5th annual LIFT STRONG Fundraiser coming up (You're invited, to compete OR watch & support us). I am FIRED UP because we just got one of our Underground Adults, also a Chef, to come and grill for us, getting 6 ft grill and food and I am PSYCHED!

- We have athletes in & out all summer as they attend various training camps, compete in local, state & national wrestling tournaments, take vacations, etc.

- I've got an influx of Coaches e mailing me for updates on our Underground Strength Coach Certifications & newly created Underground Training Camps

My personal training is being pushed to the limits as a few close friends and I are prepping for a 24 hr Navy SEAL challenge, organized by Mark Divine.

My body is even feeling banged up and beat up so I'm gonna return to going full blown Bodyweight Training and take a break from the squats, deadlifts, etc.

Check out these video updates as we've got a Challenge Offered to YOU, highlights of our guys in training for LIFT STRONG and insight into our guys kicking ass & taking names during our heat wave last week.

Underground Strength T Shirt Challenge

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Ladies! You're Invited To COMPETE In Lift Strong 2012! First Time EVER!

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Lift Strong Farmer Walk Preparation

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Training Footage From The Underground Strength Gym

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Got questions / comments, feel free to drop em' below

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9 Responses

  1. Dustin W. says:

    Nice challenge! Wish I lived closer, but driving from WI for a t-shirt may be a difficult sell to the wife.
    I will be nailing my own challenge today for tire flip. I have a 1000#(not a typo) beast waiting to be flipped. I have been training with the 800#, and the 600# is too easy so it is time to see what I am made of.
    Best thing about my training is that it should be 90 degrees by training time.
    Dig Deep! Train Hard!

    1. BRO! I wanna see video of ALL your tire flips, you’re a MAD Man!

      1. I’m not techy but I will try to get you something

        1. hells yea, bro, throw it on a you tube channel or on Facebook! BOOM!

  2. Dustin W. says:
    Here you go Big Z! Not fancy like your videos, but I am not a fancy guy!
    My 600# tire was weighed at the tire dealership that I got it from. The other two I used a pdf from a strongman website to get the weights.
    2×2 Warmup with 600/800# tire
    2×2 with Big Tire
    2×4 800# tire
    2×6/1×5 field stone press (170#)
    2x80ft Farmers Carry (240#)
    3×2 Thick bar snatch (175#)-2.5inch(homemade) Just started snatching.
    2×5 Stone lift (240#)
    Within the next year I will be attending your cert so when I come I will toss your 600# tire.
    Thanks for the motivation and inspiration!

    1. Dustin – much RESPECT!
      That is some serious stuff, man. You definetly earned yr t-shirt. Maybe big Z will drop by and hand it to you. 😉

      1. Thanks! It has been a few months since I tried to flip it. I think it was the motivation to show Zach what I can do. Little underground karma! T shirt or not I am going to train hard!

        1. Dustin KILLED those BIG-ASS tires!!! That is some serious strength! GREAT Vid

          What else U got in that home gym?

  3. Dustin W. says:

    Field stones ranging 170-225#, concrete blocks(pressing) 200-240#, Farmer carry implements starting at 200#(homemade), and a lot of steel. And my father’s day present-Hybrid Stone mold. I have a few atlas stones.
    Racks, benches, bars, plates in basement. Everything you need to get big, strong and explosive.

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