Mark Rippetoe Interview on Building Functional Muscle & Brute Strength



Enjoy the audio interrogation with Coach Mark Rippetoe.

Apologies for the little static during the first 2 minutes but it clears up after the 2 minute mark. Have mercy on me as my office is out of a military back pack since moving out and awaiting for our new home to be ready and I don't have a land line 🙂

Regardless....The information in this interview is Golden and make sure you READ the article linked below. It is what I would call EPIC!!".

Read THIS Article: Reflections Of Iron: Mike Webster

It is my FAVORITE article I've ever seen on Coach Rip's site and perhaps one of my All Time favorites. As you know, I have an affinity for anything "Old School" and these stories kinda remind me of how The Underground started in my backyard using stones & logs year round, winter and all.

Drop your comments / questions below regarding this interview with Coach Mark Rippetoe and especially let me know your thoughts on the amazing article!

Resources for Coach Ripp are ALL linked on his informative site, make sure you grab some coffee and kick back. It is a loaded site with amazing info.

Of course, if you enjoy this audio, please share it out via facebook and twitter.

Live The Code 365,


The Underground Strength Coach Cert

Details HERE


10 Responses

  1. juan cerda says:

    great info, awesome zach!!!!next year is the moment to cacht everithing…
    i put under streght to the pontificia universidad catolica de valparaiso¡do you wanna know more??

  2. Wow what a great interview!! Thanks for your efforts in getting such great info to us!!

  3. just superb!!!!!..n’ 2010’s here.. more resolutions which all focus on improving last yrs records….let’s see…..

  4. Skadwaz

    hells yea bruddah, time to break serious records…. in lifting, life and business!

  5. i can’t seem to down load it. i click on it and i go to a blank page with a small red x in the top left of the page.

  6. Zach, the Mike Webster article is just astounding! He was truly a superb human being who looked like a football player. Even when his body was diminished, his spirit just took over and defied 3rd dimensional reality because his mind opened the door. Like Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, when they had to carry him into the dojo on a cot. He’d get up and onto the mat and just throw people through the air. Then he’d lie down to become a frail, sick old man again. In their minds and spirits they are unconquered and see beyond what we think we know. The Spirit willing, I may still have one day like that before I die.

  7. I can’t seem to download the article, but thanks for sharing the interview. I’m gonna listen to this again later.

  8. Dear Zach,

    Please visit . Its a website for the only inch for inch, pound for pound competition to be held April 21 in Colorado. After having read many of your articles over the past few years I would really appreciate your informed opinion about the concept.

    Thank You !


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