Minimalist Workout For MAX Muscle Gains


"In any war, you put your back to mine, I put my back to yours, and let's do what we gotta do."

- Ray Lewis

Here's a lil' inside look at how we roll at The Underground Strength Gym with our adult training crew. YES, we train adults just like we train our athletes.

We are ALL athletes. Don't ever forget that!

Underground Strength Tip Of The Day:

Do ONLY what is needed to pack on strength & muscle and NO more. Pick 2 or 3 exercises, work up to 1 or 2 heavy sets and then move on.

Simple, NOT easy.

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

The XL Trap Bar you see in this video is from ROGUE.

Questions or comments, please drop em' below.

Looking for a powerful minimalist training program? Click HERE.

5 Responses

  1. Dustin W. says:

    Nice! Megz is a beast! He owned those 15s! Good stuff as always! Rolling with the minimalist training myself. Take the most effective yet brutal and push hard!

    1. ha ha

      Megz working those small muscles to stay healthy!

      1. Dustin W. says:

        As we get older that is a necessity! Just joking with Megz! Good guy great coach!
        When I trained at a club years ago I would see guys swingnig weight, and then commenting about their back being tight. I would ask what they are trying to train, and they would say, “Biceps”. “So why does your back feel it more?” And they would give me a line on cheat curls, and total body.
        I would put them against the wall with ten pound dbs and watch them cry in pain to get ten reps. They never trained to feel the bicep muscle work. Instead they jumped straight to an advanced routine because they wanted to be a bodybuilder.
        Can’t build your body if you don’t take the time to listen to it.
        Good Stuff!

  2. Sibghatallah Imdad says:

    I absouluely LOVE the minimalist training posts so far! they really make things a lot easier, especially or me as i get confused real fats. i’m currently following bodyweight bodybuilding, and i’m doing the first session of phase 3 tomorrow actually. just recently i’ve been starting my workouts with a squat or deadlift, and i gotta say, it feels GREAT!

    1. Sib – right on brutha. YES, start each workout with a squat, deadlift or press, work up to 2 or 3 heavy sets then hit the Bodyweight Bodybuilding Workouts. Awesome brutha, proud of you!

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