WHY You Must Train When It REALLY Matters



I was planning on training. I had come off a long weekend in which one night I slept about 2 1/2 hours and then drove 105 miles each way to train several groups of wrestlers.

I was exhausted but no one would ever know. I keep those feelings on lock down. My emotions, my energy.... I push myself.

I wanted to get that training session in but one thing piled up after another and the clock struck 8 PM.

Finally. It was time to go home. Or, was it?

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkCT8mDysXU[/youtube]

WHY do you train?

WHAT drives you, even when you're exhausted, tired and your day is supposed to be over?

Drop a comment below.

I wanna hear form you!

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16 Responses

  1. Couldn’t agree with you more, Zach — this is EXACTLY what I needed to hear. There’s always demands your time, be it work, chores, home-life, family or friends. And life will ALWAYS get in the way if you let it. You don’t find time to workout, you MAKE time!

    1. Truth! Make time or become a normal guy, couch surfing, weak and punching the clock

  2. Pete Forsey says:

    Thanks Zach!!! You couldn’t have posted this at a better time for me. Long shifts last few days, late night, hardly slept. Planned on putting tonight’s workout off till tomorrow. Then I saw this post. I thought about my why, went into the garage, and did the workout. Weighted chins, weighted dips, dumbbell clean and press. Powerful end to my day. Thanks again!

    1. I feel ya! Been up since 4:45 am and crushed my training after working w/Lehigh…. I have a 2nd shift now, time to train the BEASTS at The Underground!

  3. Winners find a way to win, losers make excuses…
    I train hard everyday because I know don’t want my opponents to out do me on the mat.

  4. This is the kind of attitude we need in our politicians and leaders! Everyone would be much more successful.

  5. I’ve long used training to discover that mental limits are self imposed. Ever since I started working out I relished the times when I felt like I was at my limit and ten discovered I had another gear.

  6. 100% in agreement, Zach!
    If a person is looking for an excuse, any one will do.

  7. Thanks man! I’ve recently turned 30 and felt like I had no choice but to submit to my desk job and responsibilities as a father. Over the last two weeks, I’ve been working on developing a character that says, I can and will achieve whatever greatness I desire, and it will come at great cost. And that in the pursuit of those things, I will become a better, more vibrant, father and husband. Thank you to Mark Divine, Joe De Sena, the Barbell bros, and you Zach for the serious kick in the pants. My 40 year old self will thank you as well.

    1. Awesome, stay tough and don’t stop! It’s easy to keep kicking ass when momentum builds!

  8. Other than the physical benefits,I train because it’s my mental release from stress and the negatives that life and the stress that my line of work can bring.
    I like to push myself because those mentally challenging workout sessions constantly trains my brain that when life kicks me in the balls and knocks me down, I have the mental fortitude to get up and keep fighting.

  9. To be fair, there’s also the point where this consideration that comes in: will your training today be beneficial? If you’re absolutely shattered and all you’re doing is spinning wheels, then would a rest be more important?

    Now, if you’re not training because “well, it won’t make a difference if I do it today or tomorrow, so long as I get my X number of sessions in this week”, it becomes easier and easier to say “no” to your training. After a while, you’ll seem to be resting more than training.

    Take the days off when you need it, but don’t make “recovery” your habitual go-to reason for not training. That’s not recovery, that’s justification of your own weakness.

    I train as an outlet and as a “perceptual break” from the day-to-day grinds of work. I enjoy my work, but that doesn’t mean there are days where it grinds at me. Every session is my time to just zone out and focus on seeing how much I have achieved, how much I can achieve, and how I can achieve more during the next. If there are days when i’m missing out on my training, I just feel ill at ease.

    Physical strength should be a by-product of one’s mental fortitude and strength.

  10. Thanks for the motivational message yesterday brother, it helped get me off my butt and finish that workout at 9pm!
    I ran out of time in the morning to get through it before work, so it felt good to comlete my workout! No regrets!

  11. On those days that are long as f*ck and I’m grinding at 100mph, training time get’s interrupted and unplanned obstacles surface, I find a short period of time to work on an area of training that I either dislike or need work on. I focus only on those one or 2 things that day. It builds my mental toughness and improves my performance for future times when there is less adversity. BOOM!

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