Off he goes


One of my athletes is heading off to Pa. for a good month for some family vacation time. They have a place "in the woods", so he was very worried about missing his workouts.

I told him about what we used to do in my back yard, and how powerful the underground strength training was when we first began, it was truly shocking!

We had two tree logs, a climbing rope, some stones, a few sledge hammers and that's it!

Our wrestlers began with a 10 minute circuit of max rounds of this workout:

1) log carry around back yard x 1 lap

2) rope climb x 1 rep

3) sledge hammer swing x 10 left / right

Every week we added 2 minutes until our guys would perform the workout for 20 minutes.

Holy shit did they get insanely strong and develop some animal like conditioning! I was awe struck!

The advice I gave our young lad as he was to head off to the woods for some vacation was simple.

The tools to use would be stones, tree logs, bodyweight / calisthenics and the typical outdoorsmen type activities: hiking, trail running, swimming, kayaking, etc.

Imagine doing pull ups on tree branches, carrying stones, squatting with logs....

This is the kind of stuff that builds what I call "freak strength", others call it "brute strength" or "unusual strength".

Whatever you want to call "it", know this: It's the stuff that you want to use because the results are just too damn powerful to pass up!

Go get em'!

In Strength,


P.S. - Want the Bible on developing "Freak Strength"? Click HERE.

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