Running A Part Time Strength Coach Business


From the first week I opened The Underground Strength Gym warehouse gym, I got MORE phone calls from aspiring Strength Coaches than I did from parents of athletes.

THAT was scary! I'm out here trying to build savages and I've got Lawyers and Accountants calling me & leaving me voice mails like this: "I hate this suit and tie shit, I wanna do what you're doing, flipping tires and building beasts!"

OK, so that was 10 years ago!

So was this earlier video.....

Today, I STILL gotta remind you HOW this all was possible.

Before I opened my gym I had written HUNDREDS of articles for a blog and other web sites, magazines, newspapers and more.

I invested thousands of dollars back then because information was NOT free. There was no such thing as a podcast. I recall buying a collection of interviews from business owners and it came delivered on an iPod! I looked at that iPod as if an Alien had just arrived!

I was subscribed to multiple monthly membership programs, both training and business. It was an investment of hundreds and hundreds of dollars ever month.

I even used a "sick day" to visit a prison to interview inmates on how they're training behind the bars.

What did YOU do on your last "sick day".

I invested $3K to sit down with Gary Vee for an hour. I still have the notes from that day.

Wanna ask a well known Strength Coach for some advice? Back then, they never answered their e mails, you had to pay them to gain access to their private forum.

Need a web site built?  That's a WHOLE other story...... Here's one for you that should hit home; I payed a guy my entire 2 week teaching pay check for a web site, he was charging me 150-175$ / hour.

You think I was scared? You're damn right I was scared! I was also driven and had a vision.

The stories of things I did and fought for are far too many to even remember them all.....

Guess what, it has NOT gotten any easier.

It has only gotten TOUGHER to run a gym and an online business. Honestly, to a point where I have lost myself instead of finding myself. That means I'll be trying to figure things out and focus on being grounded rather than grinding.

I've had some great convos with Elliott Hulse, a friend of mine since we connected online during our early days and he was a avid reader of

Even the most successful entrepreneurs feel the stress and overwhelm of constant connection to the web.

The questions never stop coming regarding this "gym business" life.

I believe you CAN have a "normal job" and then train the people you have a passion for help a few times a week, a few hours here and there.

I even helped a buddy who struggled in this situation. He learned that he as just NOT a business man, he was a pure Coach. I told him to shut down the gym and get back to his roots; training athletes from a garage and training 3 x week.

In this process, I urge you, don't lose yourself. Your passion and purpose should help you find yourself.

It's EASY being a Coach, telling people HOW to run a gym while they put in the hours and you sit behind a computer collecting money for coaching. I don't respect the "business coaches" who don't LIVE the coaching life themselves.

If you have more questions, you have a few options to get answers from me:

  • Search my YouTube & Podcasts for the words "Warehouse Gym" or "Business" etc.
  • See my "story" to get insight into how and more importantly, my WHY keeps me going.

Till the next time.....

Live The Code 365,


Changing The World Through STRENGTH

The Underground Strength Coach Cert HERE

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