Episode # 120 Baby...
If you ever read the old Strength & Health magazines or Arnold's ORIGINAL Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding you would have seen HEAVY lifting going on, calisthenics / gymnastics movements, lots of jumping, rope climbs and speed in all movements.
Hence, you're about to witness a lil' taste of what goes down in my gym and DeFranco's.
Check it and post your comments...
Wanna see footage of what we would do after a workout like this?
Let's get 20 + comments and I'll be back with more baby!
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
Resources Mentioned in This Show:
The Underground Strength Coach Certification / April 25 & 26
10 Responses
heavy DB cheat curls – George deFranco and Richard Sorin would be also proud about this!
nice nice keep it up
yo coach z, i’m thinking of getting the econo-prowler. how much weight are you guys piling on that beast?
Nice work Zee. Lets see some more !!!
i love the db snatch too, prolly my favorite exercise! great work
Lets see some heavy squats and deadlifting man.
I love the dumbell snatch. Helped me enormously with my jumping.
Gotta get that FREAK strength!
lol im going through your old videos
seems like the db clean and press is a central movement of your system….I need to do more of it.Im not gonna make any excuses
Havent tried the cheat curls,I rarely do curls. What Ive been doing lately is 50 rep sets,more as a general exercise than anything else.
Heres a site you may have seen, or maybe I even found it through you: http://www.sandowplus.co.uk/
Awesome stuff! Im reading through the Hack material again. Check it out, keep it real,Tear It UP!