Powerful Tips To Increase Your Squat, Bench & Deadlift



After many years and decades battling the iron, I have made plenty of mistakes and found what works and what doesn't work when it comes to get stronger, packing on muscle mass and the like.

I take pride in the hellish workouts I have battled through and won but I also take pride in helping you get there faster (MUCH faster) than I have.

Check out these tips and strategies and put them to use to boost your squat, bench and deadlift.

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zoupmay3abo[/youtube]

Drop your questions for me in the comments section below.

Live The Code



3 Responses

  1. Zach excellent point on being “specific” with your focus in training. The learning the 5 different languages at once analogy was perfect! Excellent analogy to drive home the point to your readers. Excellent excellent share my friend.

  2. Thnx, Brandon!!!

    So funny, because I was at a seminar just NOW with Andrey Malinchev and he ONLY does the 3 powerlifts 10 months out of the year!

    1. Very cool Zach! Btw if you get a chance check out the link on this reply. I shared your video out. I liked your analogy so much I thought it would be a crime not to share it! πŸ™‚ Thanks again my friend.

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