Professionalism in The Strength Coach Profession


When I first began sharing / writing articles and creating work online, I garnered a few haters. Not too many haters, but the few who hated were actually well respected Strength Coaches.

They may have forgotten what they said, but I did not forget πŸ™‚

When someone brought it to my attention I said to them, "Tell them not to worry about spending time bad mouthing me. I can see their blazing insecurity every time they have bad things to say. Besides, why do they feel so threatened by a guy building BEASTS from a garage?"

One guy was never a Coach, but he was what we view as an "internet guru". So when he would write articles or send emails, he would have a sideways comment about not needing to train "Underground". As you can see, when a grown man can only have negative comments to say from behind his computer, you know they are not a professional.

I feel ZERO need to talk down about others. It doesn't elevate me, it doesn't help me and overall, it does nothing good for anyone. That type of gossip by adults brings me to this quote:

I have learned from countless coaches, lifters and athletes. Unfortunately, I probably forget many of the names but I always try to give credit and pay homage / respect to all who influenced me since day 1, going back to 1989 when I began training.

The abundance mindset shows you that if someone else wins, they do not win at the expense of someone else. There are enough pieces of the pie for everyone. But, for the lack minded, they think ONLY they can win.

So when I come across a Coach who trained with me and learned from me and they get asked who inspired them and they mention nothing of The Underground Strength Gym, it really is a shame. Some of these Coaches have even requested time with me to "pick your brain" and tell me they want to do exactly what we have at The Underground.

What is so wrong with giving credit?

Now that I think about it.....

What is so wrong with being a kind human?

If a Coach or internet guru feels the urge to talk rudely about others, say it to the person's face. There is no honor in being an internet trash talker.

I can't imagine looking yourself in the mirror at night and taking pride in coaching no one and / or speaking ill of others when you have NO content of the person.

The Strength & Conditioning profession does NOT need someone or something causing division. We need more coming together.

As the old saying goes, "If you don't have anything good to say, keep it to yourself!"

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7 Responses

  1. Due to injuries in my past and 2 artificial hips I have some limitations. But you are a great inspiration for me to train the best I can and in unorthodox ways which work

    1. Philip, do what you can with what you have, buddy! I’ve got a few friends w/ new hips and they FEEL Great!

      Keep me posted πŸ™‚

  2. I love this Zach! Keep the positive vibes and solid work ethic!

    1. Jess :)!! I emailed you the testimonial, but it keeps coming back as an error. Please email me and maybe I can cut and paste to you? Miss you and you’re the best!

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