3 Reasons Why I Wish I Learned Olympic Weightlifting Earlier


Dmitry Klokov of Russia competes in the men's 105kg weightlifting competition during the World Weightlifting Championships at Disney Village in Marne-la-Vallee outside Paris

3 Reasons Why I Wish I Learned Olympic Weightlifting Earlier

1) Although the Olympic lifts are considered complicated, they are excellent for developing athleticism and coordination. Learning to transition from one position into another position with speed and accuracy has great carry over to sports. Greater athleticism is in simple terms the ability to move without inhibition and pain.

2) From years and years of powerlifting and strongman work, my mobility never had to be great. Good was good enough as each lift is fairly simple. "Good enough" mobility has led to some painful times in my life. Performing the olympic lifts forces you to focus on mobility which leads to greater health. Health is always # 1. Without your health, you have nothing.

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1C3bbQcA3Y[/youtube]

3) Olympic lifters have a unique type of strength as do strongman lifters. The speed and strength required to rip a weight from the ground to an overhead position requires tremendous strength speed. I always heard powerlifters complain about olympic lifters stating they weren't strong but you CAN have the best of both worlds.

- You'll also notice Olympic Lifters often times find special exercises that increase their athleticism, also, leading to greater benefits in health and overall performance. I've posted some unique exercises below from Dmitry Klokov and these special exercises are reminiscent of many of the photos I've seen in older Russian training manuals.

Below is Travis Mash, first man to beat Ed Coan's 220 lb class world record in powerlifting, also a top notch Olympic Lifter.

Travis will be at The Underground Strength Gym soon to unleash his knowledge for lifters, athletes and coaches of all levels and types, see the details below!

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMvEKw4uTts[/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvPe_FQmFBg[/youtube]

Unique Warm Up & Mobility With Dmitry Klokov

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x522dB-4y2w[/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY2szkuCM1s[/youtube]

Learn To Lift Weightlifting Seminar Coming to Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan, NJ

On Friday, August 2nd

Led By World Record Holder, Travis Mash

More Details HERE * ALL Ability Levels Welcome, From Beginners To Advanced *

5 Responses

  1. Awesome Zach! The weekend before that I am doing an USA Weightlifting-Sport Performance Coaching Cert.

    1. Smart man, keep learning, my brotha!! It is KEY!

      1. Yeah Buddy! I trained in olympic lifting with a guy in my home town. Left after the school year because I had no ride. I know find one, but in a farming community with everyone working all day and the facility being 10 miles away (by highway) I couldn’t do it. Plus at that time I was 12yo and that type of training wasn’t “Cool”. Lee Haney, Dorian Yates and a score of other bodybuilders were the craze. I remember getting the olympic weightlifting magazine and it looked like someone photo copied it, stapled, and mailed it. I wish now that I had kept them.
        Getting older and I have found that beauty again in olympic lifting. I plan on going to my coaches place some day just to say “Thank You” and lift some stuff.
        He still operates out of a garage. Ever since the early eighties.

        1. Dustin, U def. need to go visit your Coach. Something about O Lift Coaches and Garages = Magic!!!

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