Training When Short On Time & The NO Excuses Mindset



You know that feeling....

It's late at night.

Time escaped you, or is it the other way around?

Perhaps YOU escaped time.

But now it's put up or shut up.

Don't talk about it, BE about it.

Watch the Video on mindset and DOING....

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

The day this video was recorded, Coach LaSalle had trained athletes for 12-13 hours, I had already trained athletes for 8 hours plus went through an intense bench session at 3 PM.

We both trained and I hit my 2nd session of the day.

Don't talk about it BE about it!

Comments? I'd love to hear them, please jump in the conversation below.

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17 Responses

  1. It’s “0-dark thirty” and I will be listening to that video message before I head to the Cave.
    Early or late, there is never a perfect time to get things done; so just get it done!

  2. Big Man,
    That’s what it’s about. What the hell else are you going to do effectively when tired? When over the mental slump to do it you are away. Another great post keep them coming! Ignore the mind and stretch the body out.
    W. (Ireland)

    1. Wayne, so interesting how we get tougher AND smarter as we age!

      1. Big Man, You are so right! I am 35 now and finally trying to get stronger – been plugging away for just six months but feeling great and up for another six months – six years! Really enjoyed your advice and Mr Hulse’s. But all those things my parents said sleep well and early, eat right, do your best, focus on yourself rather than the crowd, be a wolf not a sheep. It is only now when older those simple messages actually make sense! I have twin girls promotion at work never been busier and yet because the focus is right, as you say, you just make the time to do the training, do it and then it feels great – like an act of rebellion that you have fitted it in – made it a priority. Appreciate the message, W. (Ireland) – See more at:

  3. Big Man,

    You are so right! I am 35 now and finally trying to get stronger – been plugging away for just six months but feeling great and up for another six months – six years! Really enjoyed your advice and Mr Hulse’s. But all those things my parents said sleep well and early, eat right, do your best, focus on yourself rather than the crowd, be a wolf not a sheep. It is only now when older those simple messages actually make sense! I have twin girls promotion at work never been busier and yet because the focus is right, as you say, you just make the time to do the training, do it and then it feels great – like an act of rebellion that you have fitted it in – made it a priority.

    Appreciate the message,
    W. (Ireland)

    1. Wayne! And now we must pass this ideals to younger generation and LIVE them ourselves.



  4. PointReyes says:

    On week 11 of a 12 week program. This week I have to do 5 consecutive workouts. My chest and upper back are in serious DOMS. Tonight is legs. This morning I woke up with a very bad headache due to a weather front coming through. Headache is gone; I’m exhausted, I will eat dinner and take a nap before my workout tonight. No matter what, I will be doing this workout tonight. Tomorrow I will be doing physical labor working outside most of the day and then will do my workout at night. I’m 49 years of age with a pregnant wife and 7 kids (ages 2 through 18). I’m determined to have Week 12 done by next week Saturday. Reason: because I have planned out my workouts for the holiday months in a way that accommodates the family and allows me to have a bodyweight recovery phase in the living room instead of the current weightlifting workout in the cold barn. By having a goal really helps me in moving through workouts like tonight that I don’t want to do.

    1. Brother that is Awesome.

      When Holidays come just crush the 1 exercise everyday method

      day 1 – squats

      day 2 – clean and press

      day 3 – sprints

      day 4 – push ups

      day 5 – pull ups

      Simple stuff.

      Farmer walks, etc.

      These can be done with a warm up and cool down inside 15 minutes.

      Mobility and stretching done with the kids πŸ™‚

      1. Big Man,

        Thank you for this tip – I am going to give it a go!!!!

        Wayne (Ireland)

  5. Dustin Maynard says:


    This is right on. My average work day is 13–14 hrs a day. I’m still supervising at the Steel Mill, putting in gut-busting hours everyday. I have been working a minimum of 12 hr shifts for over a year and a half.

    I’m always short on time! But never on excuses. Getting strong and healthy—is absolutely easy! As long as you put yourself in the right mindset. My workouts during the week are 10 minutes TOPS. Most of the time they are less than 5 minutes if I am doing just one big set before leaving to work. 5 days a week. On Saturday—an hour of power.

    Most people don’t understand how could 5 minutes be enough to build super-strength? It’s comes down to the Attitude and the Intensity you bring forth! When you only got one chance or just that one set—of 20 rep squats, 30 rep cheat curls, 50 rep 1arm DB rows, or whatever you decide to do—you will really bring the intensity. Because in my mindset—I know I only got this one chance to build that freak strength! So I make it count! No excuses.

    One thing that truly makes a difference is nutrition. It’s THE key to strength, energy, and health. Even with 10 years of training, I still learn how valuable the difference nutrition makes.

    Rock ON!

    1. D Maynard, good shyt, brotha!

  6. I love this shit, gives me a kick in the ass, I want to give up, and not work out, Im a Firefigther working crazy hours, studying for a promotional test, little girl at home,and I get tired, but listening to this, pumps me up to work out and study, the second video says it best “your not handed shit” so time to work, and really seeing other guys here I really have nothing to complain about

    1. Mike when I was busy as hell (still AM) I was training 2 x week. STILL got stronger.

      You can do it, brotha

      Search my BLOG for Minimalist and you’ll get more tips

  7. Gaurav Srivastava says:

    Hey Zach,

    I have been following you for the last two years and I have to say you are inspiring and motivating. Thank you for keeping it real. It helps me do the same!

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