This article is about GRIT & Toughness for the Strength & Conditioning Coach.
This profession is NOT easy. The hours can be crazy and the vacations can be little but we are SO damn passionate about what we do, it's a double edged sword.
I've been at The D1 Level and of course the independent level, running at times up to 4 locations of The Underground Strength Gym. Thank God for wrestling because it taught me to be TOUGH.
From my first job working at JFK Fitness Center to my days of traveling to Lehigh almost 2 hours each way, coaching 3 groups, getting in my own training, then coaching 5 groups at The Underground - let me tell you, there are times when you WILL be Tired!
Well, tired is an understatement!
And in case you're too distracted or lazy to watch the entire video below, this article is NOT about glorifying the work or working harder, longer, earlier, later than everyone else. NO.
It's about understanding the demands and being AWESOME for those you serve.
Too MANY Coaches, especially aspiring Coaches, have all these rules such as:
- Can't work weekends
- Can't work mornings
- Can't work nights
- Can't work past or before ______ o'clock
- Can't work 2 days in a row
- I don't need to intern, I've paid my dues
Look, I've been on ALL sides of the fence. From 6 AM training sessions to closing the gym, cleaning and coming back the next day at 6 am.
Let me explain further and deeper through this video as to WHY Coaches MUST have GRIT.
Watch in FULL, don't be a lazy looker.
Spartan Up: Sweep the Sheds
You MIGHT be wondering, Great, Zach - so I work my face off, but how does this all become a business? How do I make money?
It depends.
Step 1: Listen to my STRONG Life Podcast and read articles / watch videos business related on my website. Here's a Link when I searched "business" in my search bar.
Step 2: Figure out what you REALLY want? Write down and revisit what your perfect day looks and feels like. Reverse engineer your business to meet your perfect day.
For some it means the college sector, for others, it means private. If you're like me, it can be a little of everything AND it also means things change. I now do more consulting than ever before and keep my coaching options open.
AT age 43 with 2 kids, I am ONLY working with people & organizations who truly provide something of benefit to my family.
My days of working at the college sector where they pay you crap is over and done. But I NEVER would have gotten the college experiences had I not been a work horse.
Step 3: Prepare to learn how to take care of yourself with business smarts.
I have had multiple streams of income as a Coach since the early 2000s when I began coaching. I earn income when I am away with family, when I am at my kids' sports games, etc.
This knowledge and most of all, the thousands upon thousands of hours I've invested in myself to learn and then create my online business gives me the freedom.
TOO MANY Coaches who have NO other form of income outside of coaching are trying to not work at this time or on that day, etc - Well, you are in trouble because you ONLY make money when you trade your hours for dollars.
The wealthiest people have money working for them, money that works around the clock even when you are not "working".
No matter how you slide it and dice it, you GOTTA BE TOUGH.
Otherwise, forget it, someone else will pass you by.
You need the smarts, but you definitely need the work ethic. Lack of work ethic never helped anyone.
Live The Code 365,
Consulting Options with Zach

2 Responses
Tremendous advice, Zach!
Frank, my bro, you live this!