STRONG Life 53: Chad Howse Talks Eating, Lifting & Living Like A MAN



I was fired up after reading Chad Howse's article on Viking Manhood Lessons.

I was pumped to see someone online not solely focusing on your bicep peak or building a big chest. Chad "gets it". Training is for LIFE not just for snapping selfies with your hair looking perfect.

Come on. Lift and LIVE on your own terms.

Follow NO man, instead, follow your heart and your gut instincts.

In this STRONG Life podcast Chad and I discuss the following:

- His impressive before / after pic and transformation


- Why boxing is awesome

- The strength and muscle building mistakes Chad made and what finally changed his physique and proved to deliver results

- Nutrition changes Chad made to transform his body that led to his "MAN Diet"

- Chad's life adventures and travels abroad and how / why you can do this to experience the world and grow as a Man

- Training for Life

- A few critical Books you Must Read

Listen / Watch:



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More Resources from Chad Howse:

- Chad's (current) 3 Favorite Books:

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand - impossible to complain after reading this book.

Robert E. Lee on Leadership by H.W. Crocker - most disciplined man I've read about yet.

Chad's article on 30 books to read before turning 30

The MAN Diet - Full Story HERE



3 Responses

  1. Dallan Lax says:

    Hey Zach!

    The podcast with you and Chad was great! You are very correct when you state that you and he are kindred spirits! I think it is pretty cool that you fellas who are inspiring a revolution in training mentally and physically are now getting to know each other…and in the process you fellas are slowly starting to change the status quo with your synergy! You, Chad, Joe DeSena, Ben Greenfield, Mark Divine and all the others are creating the dynamic to overturn things and put us back on track!

    Keep leading from the front, kicking ass and taking names!


    1. Dallan, thanks, brotha, it’s awesome to see and connect w/ more influencers who are training beyond bigger biceps!

  2. Good one, Z!
    My buddy’s boxing gym is in the same warehouse complex as the Cave (two doors down).
    Serious work gets done in there!
    Definitely a good mix with Underground training

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