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ATTN ALL Coaches On a Mission To Change Lives!

Discover How to Earn a Full Time Income (Even a 6 Figure Income) With Your Strength & Conditioning Gym.....

Even If You Only Have Part Time Hours.

Discover The PROVEN Strategies That Will Transform Your Coaching Business Into a Low Hassle, High Profit Business That You LOVE.

Less Stress, More Success.

You Will Learn from Zach & Guest Coaches Who Will Share Their POWERFUL Strategies for Crushing Your Obstacles & Turning Them Into Opportunities to Grow Your Business.

As Always, NO Fads, NO Gimmicks, Just RESULTS.

What Are People Saying About The STRONG Life Experience?

There's LOTS of people telling you how to run your business, how to train and how to do XYZ. The problem is, it's NOT you.

You find yourself comparing yourself to everyone else, in turn, you feel like you're always wrong or that you're not "successful".

You feel like you're not "successful" unless you run your business the way this person or that person says is the right way.

The SLE Gives You the Business & Mindset Strategies to Be YOURSELF, Find Your True North & Boost Your Income as a Coach.

We'll go through strategies that will give you the business strategies & the mental edge you NEED you to craft your business according to YOUR rules of Success, not somebody else's rules of success.

There Is A Way to Run Your Business According to YOUR Rules While Achieving Your OWN Level of Success

Dates & Times: Saturday Night & Sunday (Full Details Below) Oct 6 & 7, 2018

Saturday, Oct 6th:

7 PM -9 PM (Yes, Saturday Night! I'll be podcasting all day Saturday so prepare for an Awesome Night Training Session & Gathering of Awesomeness during our Dinner together)

Saturday Night Location:

Cross Garage Gym

19 Tech Circle / Natick, MA 01760

After we're finished training......

We'll get cleaned up and changed at the gym (They have lockers and showers if you want) and then head out for a Viking Dinner (included) at Panificio Restaurant!

Saturday Night after training, We'll have a Dinner Gathering of Awesomeness at Panificio!

We'll take a few Uber's to the Restaurant and Dinner is Included!

Viking Dinner on Saturday Night (Included)!

During our dinner together we'll share awesome conversations and get the creative juices flowing prior to our full day together on Sunday in Boston!


Sunday, Oct 7th

9 AM - 5 PM

*** Lunch on Our Own Approx. 12 Noon ***


Spartan HQ

234 Congress Street / 4th Floor

Boston, MA

Discover The Powerful Strategies That Will Transform Your Health, Strength & Coaching Business to the Next Level, Without The Headaches, Stress & Massive Time Wasted on Mistakes...

Investment in Yourself: $997

EZ Pay Plan: 2 x $250 (30 days apart)

Click HERE To Sign UP!

During Your STRONG Life Experience, We will go through a kick a** training session Saturday Night  followed by a gathering / hang out Dinner at Panificio to prep up for Sunday!.

You're Going to Learn.....

The SLE is a powerful Blueprint seminar for ALL Coaches where we blend Powerful Life & Training Strategies so you can accelerate your path towards greater success both in AND out of the gym.


Here's a Small Taste of What You Will Experience:

- A Kick A** Training Session To Kick off The STRONG Life Experience and Get Coached personally by Zach.

- Learn The Type of Training Required To Develop a STRONG Mind, Body & Life. Dominate in the Gym AND in Life. I'll teach you proven training methods to create Strength BEYOND the Gym.

- Powerful Goal Setting Strategies for Smashing Through Training Plateaus & Creating Greater Success in All Areas of Your Life.

- Proven Success Strategies for Turning Life Obstacles Into Life Opportunities that Boost Your Income.

- Unique Strategies for Setting BIG Goals, Destroying Your "Obstacles" AND 10Xing Your Growth as a Coach.

- How to Market your Coaching Business According to YOUR rules to Boost Your Income, Reduce Stress & LOVE your Business.

- How To Strategically Organize Your Day, Your Week, Month & Year To Multiply Your Success Both In AND Out of The Gym. More Money & More FUN as a Coach!

- Uncensored QnA Time with Zach

- Our Special Guest Speaker has created a international company that is in 30 countries! He will talk about the Success Strategies he's learned through experience AND from interviewing / working with some of the most successful men and women in their chosen arena, some of whom can not be named.

If the saying Success Leaves Clues rings a bell with you, you are going to be floored by what you'll experience at The SLE.

Common Questions:

Do I need any experience in training to attend The SLE?

What should I bring to The SLE?

Who is Guest Speaking?

(Sunday) On Day 2.....

This is the Day Where I Deliver The Success Strategies for Your Career / Coaching.

Myself & my Guest Coaches will present to you a life changing presentation that impacts your health and life. These strategies will be applicable to your business, career, goals in health, fitness and work.

You will be able to take these strategies and apply them to your own life immediately. No complex BS that only confuses you and gives you nothing applicable to the real world.

This is called "time collapsing" or jumping the ladder of success. Do NOT climb the ladder of Success when you can JUMP the ladder of Success.

We will have a QnA session to ensure ALL your questions are answered.

Surround Yourself With People Who Are Going to Support You & "Fan Your Flames"

To live The STRONG Life you can not segment your commitment to excellence to just your health or just your career. You must pursue excellence and apply it to ALL areas of your Life.

At the end of Day 2 we'll organize time for QnA so you can ask ANY questions you have! We'll have some hot seats for you to get dialed in with any questions you have and tackle your biggest struggles, frustrations and stumbling blocks. You will NOT go home with your questions unanswered or without a plan in place to achieve more in your Life. We're making sure you leave with a strategic plan of action to 10X your Life.

My goal is to ensure you are getting at least 10X the value of your investment!

- Individual 1 on 1 Hot Seat Time Where Zach will Work 1 on 1 With You to Tackle Your Biggest Obstacles & Help You Create a Strategy for Success.


Flying In? Boston Logan International Airport.

Hotels? Use AirBnB or search for local Boston hotels.

What else?

Be ready to Kick A** & Take Names!

Live The Code 365,


PS: I've attended MANY seminars in my lifetime.

I've ALWAYS brought with me the Simple Goal of walking away with at least one gem that will give me the power to take my life to the next level. Having the proper mindset going into the seminar was KEY for me.

I only wanted 1 BIG Idea.

I wanted to get the "slight edge", learning just one thing that could change my life. Whether you're a Coach or not is irrelevant. The STRONG Life Experience is for those of you who want to coach yourself or others, ultimately being The CEO of your OWN Life.

The key in life is to get out there and push yourself to a higher level. To get comfortable being UNcomfortable. Raise the bar and push yourself to achieve Greatness. Take the leap, make the jump and BELIEVE. Surrounding yourself with other motivated people and learning from other successful people is how you can create change within your life.

Don't expect me to give you anything less than my best during our time together at The STRONG Life Experience.

I know you will walk away educated and inspired to kick ass and take names more than ever before!

Investment in Yourself: $997

EZ Pay Plan: 2 x $250 (30 days apart)

Click HERE To Sign UP!


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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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