STRONG Life Insider: When Men Lose Their Edge


When men lose their edge.....

Worse yet, when a man NEVER had an edge. A mental edge, a physical edge......

Any sign of inconvenience is viewed as a threat by these men. And, while we're at it, let's also include young men / teenagers. It's a frightening world where I see the smallest things are threatening, scaring and completely stopping people.

The lack of getting our hands dirty nowadays is NOT a good thing, regardless of how much technology we have or how many robots are coming to wipe our butts in the future.

I am not much of a handyman but I can work. When I was 3rd grade, if it was raining outside my buddy and I would completely take apart our bikes, clean everything inside out and put it back together.

When's the last time you saw kids mowing lawns?

Shoveling snow?

The days of seeing guys working on their cars in driveways or in their garage during those long Summer nights seems to be a thing of the 80s and 90s. I haven't seen that in a LONG time.

I've said it many times before, Comfort is the enemy.

Get your hands dirty. Seek discomfort. Do things that you don't like to do. STOP fearing the work & sharpen your sword. If you're 1 of those guys who has lost his edge, you need to seek out voluntary hardship as my friend Matt Reynolds calls it.


Punch your excuses in the face.

Live The Code 365,


VIP Coaching with Zach

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