STRONGCast Ep. 7: Ryan Brown, CrossFit Inspiration, Tosh The Legend & MORE!



In Episode # 7 of The STRONGCast PodCast I interview Strength Coach Ryan Brown.

In this podcast we discuss the following and more:

- The EPIC Brian Chontosh Boxing Matchย  (Holy Shyt this is NUTS!)

- Ryan's BEST Strength Coach Tips from both a training and a business perspective

- What type of Deadlift is required to be just average in CrossFit competitions nowadays

- How would Ryan program for a CrossFit competitor

- Why breathing and movement is critical before you try to lift heavy

- How Ryan trains up to 70 high school athletes at a time without having them all follow the same cookie cutter program

- Should you scale CrossFit workouts or not?

- How often Ryan squats for best strength gains

- Why does Ryan have so many Tattoos and what do they represent?

- What important lessons did Ryan learn while in the Marines?

- How to fix the poor movement patterns of high school athletes

- How Kelly Starrett inspired Ryan and what is the thing that inspired Ryan most when he met KStar?

Check it all out in the video below.

Also, I need your support. Please share this STRONGCast with all your friends via facebook, e mail, twitter, etc.

Thank YOU!


To listen on iTunes, (audio only) Click HERE

Drop a comment with your feedback or questions for Ryan.

Live The Code and hope to see you at a future cert!

Resources Mention In This STRONGCast:

Ryan Brown on Instagram

Darkside Strength Twitter

Darkside Strength Facebook

Underground Strength Coach Certification



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4 Responses

    1. Carsten thanks for reminding me to link up Ryan’s info! ALL set!!!

  1. I agree. Since I have been training in my basement, I am the strongest I have ever been! No joke

    1. James, NO doubt! My first transition OUT of commercial globo gyms was my parents garage and DAMN, those sessions were epic!!!

      That is what inspired me to create

      I got f**ng JAKCED in that freezing cold garage and all I had was:

      – 50 and 100 lb dumbbells

      – utility bench

      – gun rack for squats

      – 300 lb barbell set from CostCo

      – Dip Bar

      – Flat Bench

      Those were some high rep training sessions because back then I had NOT torn my ACL yet and my Squat was a solid 455 for 3 – 5 reps so I was doing sets of 10-20 reps on squats with 300 lbs for multiple sets!!!!

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