The #1 Problem Killing Your Strength & Muscle Gains


The #1 Problem Killing Your Strength & Muscle Gains


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Do you have further questions on how to get stronger and pack on more muscle mass?

Have you hit a plateau in training?

Are you confused with which program will work for you?

Drop a comment below & I'll answer!

Live The Code




17 Responses

  1. I have hit plateau mentally after hittin it physically. I train for strength as in heavy weights, and for bodyweight relative strength as in barstarz and stuff — the pullup bar.
    I workout 4 times a week, from 20 mins to max 35 mins, add 10 mins body warmup and 10~15 mins of warmup sets, you get one hour

    I tried 5 reps for 5 sets, 4 sets, 3 sets.
    I tried 3 reps for 3 sets
    I tried 2 reps for 5 sets

    my nutrition is between 2500 and 3000 calories or a bit more. A lil bit.
    My carb system is at the end of the day. I tried cycling (low, high, medium), I tried high-low-high-low, I tried all of that.

    One note: I get adapted way beyond quickly, physically and mentally. Call me crazy cuz I am.

    1. If you adapt to training, switch the exercises AND be weary of maxing out too often which holds back progress

      Look at sleep levels and protein / fats as well

      1. Alan Reilly says:

        Regarding being wary of maxing out, what if he did more concentric and less eccentric work? Like DLs but drop the bar each rep, or more O–lifts

  2. Hi Zach my gains haven’t stopped I’m still progressing great! I’m in my third year of training! I’m 16 and am going to pull 500 in 5 weeks. My question is though I need to train for strength and speed and explosiveness because I am a powerlifter as well as a varsity football player! And I am confused as to how to incorporate all these in to one!? Any help would be appreciated

    1. Check out Louie Simmons. You could probably find it in Youtube, or Zach may have the link. He spoke at a Track Coach Conference (I believe) and discussed box squats mixed with plyo jumps for development of explosive strength. He may have discussed it in the Interagation Zach did a few months ago. Need to be a member of Inner Circle. If you’re not! Get it!

  3. Zach you hit everything in this one! Great job!
    Advice on the tire. I love the tire! Seriously love it!
    Close second is stones and farmers.
    It is about balancing the barbell with the brute force exercises. Complementing each.
    Most importantly Do IT! I train the tire twice per week, and always after a heavy complex. Mix in bodyweight conditioning circuits.
    I don’t get the desire to run over a mile. You can do so much more with the proper complex, and it carries over to conditioning if you want to do a 5k. The door only swings one way! Just because you run 3 miles per day doesn’t mean you will be able to crank out a brute force conditioning circuit. But cranking a brute force conditioning circuit twice per week will allow you to improve your 5k time by only having to run once or twice per week to test time.
    Good Stuff Z!

    1. DW

      your comment reminds me to get back to attacking KB and BB Complexes!

  4. Couldn’t agree more. I train this way and have found that I can have a 6 min mile and deadlift 400lbs bench 275lb for reps and do over 60 burpees in 3 min.

    This is all possible because of a strength foundation and listening to your body when it is tired and reacting accordingly.

    1. Max, you are solid, my brotha, awesome numbers!

  5. In my experience training with former and active military personnel as well as several current Army SF and MARSOC operators, strength is never the emphasis in their command PT. A five mile run in boots and kit does not necessarily translate well to a max lift etc. The majority of personnel who are strong under the bar supplement their unit PT with heavy weight training. BUD/S, SF Q-Course and the like do not emphasize raw strength and power, but rather sustained speed over great lengths of time. Rucking, running, swimming, etc. However, a basis of strength will help ANY individual, in any situation.

    1. Nick, agreed…. without a doubt, the men I know in SF Military are NOT weak.

      Without strength they would NOT have the back and legs to ruck long mileage

      BUT, their durability comes from, as you said, are using heavy lifts as a supplement.

      For me, heavy lifts are not just the powerlifts.

      I look at farmer walks, sandbag work, odd objects to increase durability

      My friend who wants greater strength is doing literally 500-1000 burpees a day….

      Yet, he wants greater strength

      There has to be a time to lay low on insane high volume met con type work if strength is to be achieved

  6. Artur Monteiro says:

    Zach, I’m sure I didn’t have reached a plateau, but how to incorporate a strength, endurance and explosiveness with a low caloric intake for fat loss?! I am 171lbs and I aim for 165lbs but with a apearant midsection(I have a flab), not the 6-pack aesthetic abs which represents nothing. And I really like bodyweight exercises such as pullups, dips and pushups. I always hear everyone say that low caloric intake and strength and mass gaining can’t walk together. Is this true?!

    1. Artur – you can go high protein, mod fat & low carbs and this will help your fat loss AND give U greater energy!

  7. Ammon McKinlay says:

    Before I say anything I want you to know this comes from the bottom of my heart and I say every word with the utmost passion and sincerity.
    You might recognize my name because I post on your twitter and Facebook posts all the time, I truly appreciate what you do for athletes and coaches all around the world.
    I am currently working very hard and saving my money to pay for my mission that I will be serving for the LDS church. The mission is two years long, in which there is no going to school or working, 100% service all the time.
    As pumped as I am to serve a mission, I am also OBSESSED with becoming the greatest athlete I can possibly become. I am obsessed with the dream of playing college football upon returning from my mission.
    This dream seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer as time goes by though. I am almost 20 years old, 2 years out of high school, and it will be 4-5 years since I last played football when I get back from my mission…
    Zach you have become a huge mentor in my life. I started watching Elliot Hulse on YouTube, which led me to your videos and products. Both of you have been HUGE influences on me as my life as I have truly found myself and my true calling in life through your passion and wisdom.
    I don’t believe that I am any better or different than any other passionate young athlete trying to make his dreams become reality, and I know you are a very busy man with TONS of priorities. But I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this dream happen. Which is why I am seeking out your advice, leadership, and wisdom one-on-one. I live in Arizona, but I am more than willing to invest my hard earned money to come out there and be taught by you. I find you to be a huge mentor, and I know my athletic career, and future coaching career would be TREMENDOUSLY helped if I could spend even one day training with you. I believe your mentorship would be priceless.
    You can contact me at or call or text me at (928)243-4911.
    I know this is not your typical blog comment, but I mean every word with 100% sincerity.
    -Ammon McKinlay

  8. Hey Undergrounders,

    I strongly feel that there’s a simple rule:

    What you work/train for is what you get.

    So if you train running – you’ll be good at running,
    if you train speed – you’ll be a faster type of yourself
    and if you lift heavy you’ll be a stronger version of yourself.
    Same goes with intensity.

    There are no shortcuts in life or training that is. And for that matter all the crossfit philosophy is right and wrong in some way. I really do think that you get a good mix of everything. But you won’t excel in one particular area.

    But I do think that there are certain areas that you should NEVER neglect because they spread into other areas of training:
    -lift for life



  9. Zach, as always, great stuff. This is the video that is getting me back into my training after taking a break for my family. Lots of stress, bad diets and the like.

    All of it … all of it … I know can be dealt with daily practice of attacking any weaknesses. Right now for me … that’s stress and lack of discipline.

    Right now, got to get after rugby training…

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