One BadAss Book: ‘The 4 Hour Body’ Book Review


tim ferriss

The trailer pumped me up BIG time. I won't lie.

I wanted to Deadlift HEAVY and run FAST as soon as I saw this Video.

Sometimes, the trailer is better than the movie, or in this case, the book.

But, NOT this time.

This time, Tim Ferriss kicked some major ass in his latest book, 'The 4 Hour Body'.

It was a Friday night in NYC. I was meeting up with my homeboy, BMack, the Mastermind behind CrossFit Endurance, Tim Ferriss was going to meet us that night as we rounded up a crew of friends for good food, good drinks and good times.

Chatting, chilling and talking life, business, strange events (to be kept private!! haha) and training with Tim Ferriss pumped me up even more so, because during the course of a dinner cooked for Gladiators, I learned that deep down, Timmy Ferriss IS a BadAss Gladiator.

I'd been exchanging random e mails with Tim Ferriss ever since he released his first book, 'The 4 Hour Work Week'. Check out my first ever review HERE, from back in the day!

He walks the talk. He's a Black Belt in Judo..... he got his black belt in Japan.

He is a National Chinese Kickboxing Champion and I am sure Tim is quite well versed in other forms of combat.


His latest Book, 'The 4 Hour Body', is for Undergrounders around the world, regardless of your age, this book gets 5 stars from me.

At such a cheap price, with all this hard hitting info, it's a steal. It's been ages since I've read a book with all types of "Underground" tips and tricks for fat loss, muscle building, strength gains and more. Back in the day, this was only shared amongst a small inner circle of hardcore bodybuilders and strength coaches.

Times are changin'....

Enjoy πŸ™‚



Recommended Resources:

Get Your Copy of 'The 4 Hour Body' on Amazon HERE

The 4 Hour Body Web Site

4 Responses

  1. Tim;
    Is brilliant. He connects with people and is generous with his time and ideas. Also an amazing new age marketer. looking forward to the read.

  2. Pre ordered the book, got the book, read the book. The best reference book on the market to help you understand the way the body functions. A must have for the home library.

  3. What can I say about this book. I’ve lost weight with it, and family members of mine have. Tim’s cracked the code. Stop eating bread, rice, sugar, etc, drink lots of water and you’ll kick butt and lose weight. His idea of a ‘cheat day’ is actually useful and not just used to ‘appease’ junk food lovers. It’s brilliant. But make sure you pick up a copy so you can customize your own workout.

    One drawback is I’m not having a ton of success with the Poly phasic sleep part. Sometimes I just feel super tired.

    1. @Michael A. Robson: right on, Mike! I love the performance parts in the book! The powerlifting, the distance running, the training of athletes using minimal work for speed training…

      The nutrition and supplement stuff is cool as well. My buddy told me he is following one the supplement stacks Tim mentions to keep his metabolism flying high.

      It’s 4 pills together, I gotta follow up on it!

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