Try this workout below, in the video.
It's an oldie but a goody, a blast from the past dating back to the original days of The Underground where most of my workouts were outdoors mixing Bodyweight, Kettlebells, Sleds, Playground training, etc.
Get as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes.
You get 1 point for each round completed, NO half points 🙂
The name of the workout?
Damage Inc.
See the Video below for details!
Here is your workout, Damage, Inc.
1. Hand Over Hand Sled / Tire Pull with Rope 50' rope attached
2. Sprint x 150'
3. Pull Ups x Max Reps (Switch Grip Every Set)
4. Sprint x 150'
5. 1 Arm Kettlebell Snatches x 5 ea. hand
Drop a comment AFTER you've gone through Damage, Inc for 30 minutes.
I'm heading off to work with Blair Academy Wrestling team, the deadliest high school wrestling team in the country!
Drop a comment Below with your results.
Live The Code 365
13 Responses
Nice workout,like the forethought you had to get the guy in the background to dig your grave when you are doing your pullups!!!
Keep on rockin’ Zach.
You are the man!!!
I’m off to the playground to try this stuff out.
Looks like fun bigg dogg! whoa! did I just say that???
Brutal combination! I was gassed after 15 minutes, but drug myself through the last 15 minutes. I would have had more juice if I took a recovery day after yesterday’s kettlebell and sandbag leg routine. Thanks for the ideas and inspiration!
P.S. Love the guy shoveling, maybe next time you can incorporate some sledge work on that pile of sand next to the playground.
Great Circuit! 4 Rounds in 30 mins(100lbs on the sled/Sprint was only 100yds though not 150/10 pullups ea round/27k kettlebell for the snatches) then I laid in the parking lot like roadkill for half an hour before I dragged myself back to my truck. You never dissappoint me Z!
Remember when you would drive past a playground and see kids playing all day long. Notice in the video not one kid in site. Just Zach’s crazy ass. Get out and play like a kid again.
Beastyboy, haaaa, that was funny!
Yea bruddahs, 15 minutes of that can kick your ass! 30 minutes is even worsed!
did any1 modify or switxh exercises?
Yes, back in the day playgrounds were packed w/kids.
Today, barely a soul in sight, I guess this is why towns aren’t putting money into the playgrounds, it’s a matter of numbers.
They don’t see kids on them, so they assume nobody wants to use them, hence, no need for the town to “waste” money on something people don’t want.
It’s really unfortunate!
really enjoyed this. Very tough, but a fantastic real world circuit. 5 rounds in 30 mins
Just did this workout.. I only modified it a bit.. Here’s my session today.. (Weighed in prior to session at 186 lbs)
1A.) Deadlift- Worked up to 401 lb 1RM (haven’t pulled over 300 lbs in months. Have been using higher reps/volume lately. You can still get strong with high reps peeps!!)
Then did the above circuit for 15 minutes
a.) Hand over Hand tire pull plus 66 lbs in tire x 50 feet
b.) Sprint x 50 yards
c.) Max Pull Ups
d.) Sprint x 50 yards
e.) DB snatch x5/arm (50 lb DB)
Completed 5 rounds in a little over 15 minutes.. SPENT!! Finished with some ab work via Diesel Crew..
Talk about an ass kicker!
-John Cortese
Makes me want to go home and crank out some down and dirty outdoor lifting. Keep on bringing the goods! Thanks
Nice bro I am going to have to take my guys out to the park one saturday and do this, hell I will do it with them. Pushes me as I cant let one of them beat me, so it pushes them to try and beat me haha.
Might change up the sprinting with a sled sprint then hand over hand pull
I have to admit, there is a renovated playgrounf across the street from my daughters school that’s really beautifull … and broken now that my clients and I did our workouts there … with a few eyes wandering over, just the way I like it … I only brought a couple of jump ropes, kettlebell 20lbs. and the equipment that was there. Had a blast, and what really killed it for them were the pike crunches on the swings!!! Ha HA Zach, bring em back! Did some underground in the basketball gym today … kettlebell walks the length of the court 8 times, plyo jumps onto a bench roughly 24 inches high, she didn’t think she could do them, but once again I love seeing clients faces when they realize that they can! wall walks … not the prettiest things to watch but was her first time doing them. But she kicked major ass and has gotten some real nice compliments on her bodily changes … fitness rules baby! Keep risin tothe top!