The Iron NEVER Lies



It was just me and my best Dude.

My son.

We were going out to eat that night with our friends and I remembered what kind of person I was last time I missed my workout.

I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around, let's put it that way.

I knew if I could get in a few deadlifts and some calisthenics I would tame my inner animal for at least the next few hours.

My son was with me and we had less than 20 minutes to spare. He went into the office and turned on the TV.

It reminded me of Henry Rollins' poem, 'The Iron Never Lies'.

So, I spoke with my son about the Iron and it changed his attitude and his excitement on the dime.....

You can see Ethan marching through the gym with excitement now.

You see him fired up, even as a 7 year old.

These are things that we MUST teach the younger generation.

In a generation of everyone so scared to push others to be intense, to want to WIN, to straight up be someone who wants to Kick Ass & Take Names In Life.....

Here's how the rest of our time together unfolded in an AWESOME way....


As you can see, some hardcore training doesn't take much.

A barbell gets the job done. You can do this in your Garage, where the distractions are gone and the truth is all that lies on the barbell.

"Two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds".

The lesson here: Don't skip workouts. If you've got 15 minutes then you've got time to make it happen. Simplicity is KING. All the fancy bull shit you see is just that, fancy bull shit.

Live The Code 365,


Gladiator STRONG

8 Responses

    1. Frank I’m with you…..

      I was up at 3:30 AM, couldn’t sleep, had to do work.

      The Calling doesn’t lie.

      Neither does the Iron.

  1. This is great, Zach! I feel you on this one.

    Got a good quick session of sprints and pull-ups in with my son yesterday in the little time we had together when he got home from school.

    Training with your kids is an amazing experience.

  2. Mike Garrison says:


    You always come straight from the heart brother and it is legit. I have been getting back into the iron game with kettlebells after years of excuses and injuries and have always wanted my wife to get up early with me and work out too. We have a special needs child who requires constant attention and we are both broken down.

    The last few months have been frustrating for me as I have been changing and choosing to improve (with daily inspiration from you) and waiting/hoping for her to come alongside.

    Well, this weekend she decided to improve and every day this week at 5 am she has gotten up with no whining and worked her tail off…taking coaching and instruction like a champ.

    I am so thankful for your work and remember that for every whiner and complainer out there yapping at you there is a legion of brothers like me ready to go to war with you.


  3. Truth! I square away my family dinner time, my infant time, and reading time with my 5 year old. Then off to bed for them do a few more house chores and then the IRON. Sometimes I find myself on the side garage, where I keep my outdoor gym, outside at 11PM or later hitting a quick workout. You’re right, if I try to sneak into bed without that workout it lingers. You lie to yourself, but the IRON calls you out. haha! Keep on keepin’ on!

    1. My next home needs a detached garage or barn so I can drop that bar and not wake up the family, sometimes I’m up before 5 AM!

      1. mike guardiola says:

        right on! nothing like dropping some 45’s in the dirt. it seems to dig in and you have to pull harder. it’s fun! i do have to be a little quiet with neigbors and all, haha!

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