The Jersey Shore Strength Challenge, Part Deux


This is round 1 of a 5 round circuit. Check the video below.....

That was not an easy workout headed by Uncle Mike Stehle and The Milkman (Both Beasts pictured below).

Uncle Mikesocial d mike stehleย Stehle of course had his favorite pasttime blaring loud to keep us amped up, Social D all the way baby!. These are just SOME of the perks of running your own biz, you don't have to be subjected to the punishment of sappy love tunes and other fitness bunnies talking on their cell phones while you try to push through your set of heavy squats or kettlebell snatches.

Wait! Most "normal" gyms don't even have Kettlebells, and if they do, you can bet they are using some SCARY technique!

Now, getting back to the workout that kicked my ass....

I rarely, if ever, train in such a manner, with all these circuits and timed rounds for metabolic conditioning.

But you know the old saying, right?

If you suck at it - that's probably the workout you SHOULD be doing!

Uncle Mike and the Milkman usually hit 3 metabolic conditioning workouts each week and 2 strength and power endurance workouts each week.

Next time I head down there I'll be redeeming myself and showing up for a strength and power focused day, ha ha ha ha!

Here's the exact workout we did that day. Give it a shot and post your comments below to share how you did and how you felt. If you own a gym, unleash this bad boy on your clients and show them some Jersey LOVE!

milk man jim

For 5 rounds.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest.

After you complete 1 round, rest 1 minute and repeat.

1) Battling Ropes

2) 2 Hand Kettlebell Swings

3) Prowler Push (High & Low)

4) 2 Hand Kettlebell Hi-Pull

5) Air Dyne Bike

6) Burpee Pull Ups

If you don't have an air dyne bike you can hit the Battling Ropes for another round.

I gotta tell ya, Milk Man & Uncle Mike Stehle impressed me BIG time. These guys are in serious shape and strong as heck to boot! You may have noticed me straightening out Paul Reddick on the hi-pulls ๐Ÿ™‚

So, you have 2 Options:

1) Perform the Jersey Shore Challenge as described and post your comments below....


2) Tell us about a time YOU got your ass kicked from a workout. Make sure you post the details of the workout.

Preferably, I wanna see you rock out The Jersey Shore Challenge because your last ass kicking may have been YEARS ago. Sometimes we all need a GOOD ass kickin.

I am PSYCHED to read your comments and responses!

So get busy!



PS: A few spots are left for The July 18-19 Underground Strength Gym License. Wanna run a gym like mine or like the Milkman and Uncle Mike? You can even run your little Underground Strength Gym part time, on the side of your full time gig, and STILL kick ass doing so! More Info HERE (Click ME NOW)!

12 Responses

  1. Love that shot of the Milkman!! I might have to bring the goatee back.

  2. Zach,

    Totally Kick Ass man! Mike- respect I am stoked about potentially reaching you for the Cotter seminar in August! I can’t wait to see your gym bra’h it looks kick ass- and that tower is for sure gonna a closer once over by me ๐Ÿ˜‰ maybe for future use.

    Great job guys really motivating sh*t keep it up!

    – Christopher

  3. Emil Tchalamov says:

    That sounds like an awesome workout…gotta give it a go.
    I have been running my clients through what I call Junkyard Gym workouts…I have done it with them too:
    Station 1:
    Tire Flips
    Box (wood pallet) Jumps
    Lunge to Curl
    30 lb MB alternated Jerks
    Vertical Chops with Sandbag
    Skiers with sandbag
    Station 2:
    Overhead Lunge, 5 gal jug
    Jump Lunges with Water Jug
    Single leg, Single Arm row with sandbag
    Lateral/Front iso hold with sand filled backets
    Mountain Climbers
    Sandbag Deadlifts
    Station 3:
    Car Push
    Tire Drill
    Jump Rope
    Each Exercise is a minute long and you go through the entire station (6 minutes) sprint to the next one and keep going until you complete all. rest couple of minutes and do it again….It kicks butt

    Look Up Junkyard Gym on Facebook for coiple of sample videos…

  4. Thanks for the blog Zach, inspirational as always!

    I did a killer lower workout today consisting of squats, lunges, split squats, v ups and some calf raises for good measure, all heavy (for me anyway!) and all intense, i’ve not sweated like this for a while now.

    All the best!

  5. Uncle Mike and the Milkman are pretty hardcore, but you’re the real BEAST Zach! Nice workout…Way to kill it!

  6. Pissing down the other week so off I went to the soccer field for:

    Pull ups from crossbar x 5
    Deck squats x 10
    Sprint to half way line
    Walk to edge of goal box
    Spider man crawl from Gopal box to goal line.

    Repeat as many as possible in 20 minutes, then jog home with a few intervas thrown in.

    Saying that, my last one hurt aswell.
    It was sunny and I had a couple of kettlebells in the house and a half hour to spare:
    Double jerks – 5 min continuous set
    Doulbe jerks max reps in a minute x 5
    Double kettlebell burpees on Tabat timer.
    Sleep for 10mins, eat, shower, get out to work…

    See, cardio can be fun!

  7. ka dudes!
    love the socail d. hang’in the 415.
    try this sf ocean beach training.
    go to the end of ortega and jog in the soft sand for about 4 blocks looking for the perfect log.
    about 50-70lb & 5 ft long are about right.
    10 log flips
    alt shoulder carries 30 steps each side, shoulder to shoulder as you trot
    zucher carry 60 steps
    10 push press
    carry on back 60 steps
    2 min rest 10 sets
    all in the soft sand
    my chica and i did this on the fly three weeks ago.
    zach you always kill it dude.

  8. That workout looked good, here are a few that make me want to cry:

    30 2 handed KB swings
    Run 400m
    10 Double KB cleans
    Run 300m
    40 2 handed KB swings
    Run 200m
    15 Double KB cleans
    Run 100m
    50 2 handed KB swings
    Run 100m
    20 Double KB cleans
    For time

    Another one:
    5 one-leg squats L/R
    10 one-leg sprint starts L/R
    10 handstand push-ups
    30secs plank
    3 rounds

    We’re having a heat-wave in the UK at the moment and this KB flow drill killed me in the humidity:

    20 one arm KB swings L/R
    5 windmills L/R
    10 C&P L/R
    10 one armed row L/R
    20 Fig 8 to a hold
    10 thrusters
    10 one-arm high pulls L/R
    3 rounds


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  10. Adam McHale says:

    Hey Zach,

    This workout totally kicks ass. I tried it yesterday, I just alternated the bike with sledge hammer hits to a tire, but it totally kicked my ass, but it awesome. Also there was some younger kids in the gym who saw me doing the battling rope and said that looks easy why are you doing it and they did one set and were tired as hell. I love this crazy sh*t keep it coming.

    Lift hard

  11. Hey Zach
    I have a fast and simple workout that kicks butt . I took a page from ” Twisted Conditioning ” and adapted for Kettlebells
    set your gymboss timer for 30 sec rounds
    jumping jacks 30 sec
    push-ups 30 sec
    sit-ups 30 sec
    squats 30 sec
    double kettlebell snatch 30 sec
    no rest
    jumping jacks 30 sec
    push-ups 30 sec
    sit-ups 30 sec
    squats 30 sec
    double kettlebell clean and press 30 sec
    no rest
    jumping jacks 30 sec
    push-ups 30 sec
    sit-ups 30 sec
    squats 30 sec
    kettlebell rows ( I do alternating rows ) 30 sec
    no rest back to
    jumping jacks 30 sec
    push-ups 30 sec
    sit-ups 30 sec
    squats 30 sec
    double kettlebell swings 30 sec
    about 10 minutes Kickbutt workout whole body gets
    sounds a lot easier than it is

  12. another ” twisted conditioning ‘ inspired workout

    do each exercise for 1 minute rest as little as possible
    15 exercises
    Clean and press w/kettlebell
    barbell squat
    DB incline bench press
    DB alt row
    power wheel pike
    power wheel leg curl
    jumping jacks
    2 hand KB swing
    body row with rings
    curl and press with lifeline-usa band
    sandbag shouldering
    mountian climbers

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