When I first began trianing my dungeon garage my only rule was, "There are NO Rules."
I was tired of being confined to routine and rules when I was training in a commercial gym setting.
I have learned that there is no 1 tool or 1 way to make things happen - there are many ways.
On the flip side, there are ways that are much better than others.
But if all you do is follow the rules, you will not exceed your boundaries or the limitations people tell you about.
Break the rules and start kicking ass. Check the video below and you'll see a variety of training happening at The Underground Strength Gym.
You see athletes climbing rope, jumping rope, tossing around Russian Kettlebells, performing Bodyweight exercises, olympic lifting with dumbbells and more.
Check out the workout our college crew went through that day (There were a few Strength Coaches on hand getting a taste of the Underground as they were about to go through an intensive day of Underground Business Marketing to prep them to open their own Gym):
1) 1 Arm Dumbbell Snatch - Push Press Combo 5 x 3 - 5 reps
2A) 1 arm Kettlebell Floor Press 4 x 5 - 10 reps
2B) Mixed Grip Chin Ups 4 x max reps
3A) Thick Bar Cheat Curls 2 x 6 - 10 reps
3B) Tate Presses on Floor 2 x 10 - 15 reps
4) Sled / Prowler Conditioning 4 x 200'
5) Grip & Ab work 4 x each
Give the workout a go and let me know your thoughts.
If you want a full 12 months of Beast Workouts, you better check out The Underground Strength System HERE - it's the REAL Deal.
Make it happen!
PS: I just added 2 more dates to The USC Gym License Course. Register fast before all spots are taken ==> https://zacheven-esh.com/license.php (The Dates are listed at the Bottom of the page)
19 Responses
Looks awesome and great fun. Whish I was there working out with all of you.. Keep it up!
Hey coach Even-Esh, that’s a badass video. Anyway, I have to start thinking about what major I’m gonna do in a couple of days and I got it down to science teacher education or exercise science. What I wanted to know is when you got your degree, did you learn alot or was it just eat your veggies, do your aerobics and stay out of the sun deal. If that’s the case, I’d go crazy. One of my goals is to get into the medical field but not just teach what big pharma has to say, but to teach the world the truth in how to be health like primal man. It would be awesome to hear your input coach.
That was one of the better workouts I’ve had a while. Great stuff. Thanks Zach!
Zach awesome video as always. You really have a great mix of athletes working out at the USG… Glad were in Texas and not NJ 🙂
Keep up the great work Bro as your an inspiration to coaches and parents everywhere
What an insane training environment! Your guys are kickin’ ass and the proof is in the pudding!
I totally forgot about how much the DB Snatch/Push Press combo kicks ass…I’ll be doing that this week!
I am simply amazed by the intensity of the workouts you manage to rip out for the members of the underground. Where do you get kettlebells and rope?
What can I say – OUCH! Way to crank it. It is easy to forget how to go crazy like this when you are working with a different clientele but there are parts of this that are applicable to everyone!
break out!
Nikki Layton
Volo Innovations
Awsome workouts, i’m doin the same EDT style!!!
big z, the kids are kill’in it. my clinet mr.kopec said you made him home sick. with your treats from the shore.
keep kill’in them z
I will try this later today, and I’d like add sth.more.
I’ll start with 1min hindu squat for cardio
then kettlebell Turkish stand up 4reps each side for flexibility
since I don’t have a sled, I’ll do step climbing 10 floors×4
I guess my modified plan gives more pressure on legs. makes a stronger ass…lol
Man you got all types of people training in their!! kids-teens-adults-all of them training the a** off!! thats how its gotta be! HArd work! no BS!!…….ima go workout now bro
NO rules, NO limitations, No wonder your athletes kick butt! Big ups to you Z for creating a great training environment.
SOLID WORKOUT!!!! Wish i was there as well!!
Dudes, u rock for the feedback!
Nikki – I have to connect w/you VERY soon to get things rolling 🙂
Joe, I recvd my BA in Health & Physical Education and my MA in Health Education. Honestly, the things I learned regarding training came from the trenches and learning from others in the trenches.
Still, my education was great but it does not prepare you knowledge wise for what happens with your clients, athletes or not.
I got more craziness coming, don’t worry 🙂
Any workout that I’ve done at the UNDERGROUND has been badass! You better be well conditioned and have some strength to get through that workout or you’ll be sitting on the FUCK YOU BENCH!
Great exercises – these guys are really going for it – not like most gyms where people are sitting around chatting or talking into their mobiles.
That was awesome! Any chance there is a USG in Wadsworth, OH? Also I am traveling to Dewey Beach, DE. Anything there? Thanks in advance. Way to kill them Z.