The Secret To Building Muscle


Two important videos to watch today.....

Let's cut through the BS, stop settling for LESS than your TRUE Best, STOP searching for the holy grail of fat loss or muscle building. Most of the time you just gotta buck down and start Lifting Like A MAN. Period. End of Story.

In these 2 videos, as fired up as I get, as fired up as Warrior gets, it's Passion coming through. We see that YOU are capable of more. When I see people accepting less of themselves, I get fired up.

Check these 2 videos..... (WARNING: PASSIONATE LANGUAGE USED!!)

The Secret To Building Muscle Is.....

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Over Training & Mental Limits....

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Push yourself and demand MORE of yourself today.... tomorrow... and the next day.

Drop a comment below and post the TOUGH workout you pushed yourself through today. Share your workout with other Undergrounders.... tell us how you FELT when you finished that workout.

I want to see a collection of TOUGH workouts for other Undergrounders to be able to put to use. TEAM Underground, let's DO this. Thank YOU!

Stronger Than Yesterday

- Z -

PS: Check out this course by Joe Megz, our Head Underground Strength Coach. This kid trains alone, has no one to push him or motivate him or inspire him... and I see him, day after day, getting stronger and stronger.

Time to Lift Like A MAN - Details HERE

22 Responses

  1. Zach,
    very well said. You gotta earn it – PERIOD! Especially in the beginning it simply doesn’t matter what you start out with. Warmup & mobility, pushups, pullups, squats & crunches will do the job – if performed right. Mix that with daily walking and a healthy diet and you’re on your way.
    Warrior looks freakish and intense as ever – gotta love the man.

    Here’s my workday yesterday:
    -morning: got up 40min earlier and went for a walk, after that small mobility session outside. Fasted till 6pm with a salad at noon.
    -before noon: I hit the second week of the BWtraining. Had a good rest over the weekend and this time I didn’t get sore like last week. Means – stronger, better than last week.
    -evening: The BW-session didn’t burn me at all and I felt full of energy so I hit my sandbag (40kg) for a quick session. Three sets of:
    1) military press sandbag 5x
    2) slow pushups 10x
    3) slow pullups 5x
    4) ring dips 5x
    5) hanging leg raises 5x
    Nothing big and super sweaty, just felt like it. Cold shower ater that – felt awesome.

    Today I’ll go for a run with some stonelifting down the river with some friends. Looking forward to it – love doing some crazy shizz outside.

    Another tip – if you have the possibility – train outside. Take your kettlebell, your sandbag, your dumbells or barebells outside and make it happen. Men were born, raised and lived outside – only in modern society we almost don’t spend time in fresh air and natural light. You want to stay healthy and thrive? – get your cute little behind outside and feel the power of mother nature.
    Peace out

    1. Sven, you’re my boy, living the code, keep doing it!!!

  2. Listened to Warrior another two times. Now, he’s always straight in your face, intense and he often rants a lot – but there are ALWAYS some very vital issues in his videos.

    For me this time:
    1.) Issue of overtraining and “… simply because they loved it! They enjoyed it!”:
    That is something I personally can’t emphasize enough. You got to train often so you start loving the grind. If you don’t love the things that you do, you get sick of it and eventually get physically sick. But if you love something there are practically no limits! I know amateur boxers who’ve been training, dieting and living the life of a boxer for decades. They run in the morning, hit the gym at noon and spar in the evening – EVERY SINGLE DAY. How is that possible? Because they love it! Period.

    2.) “…listening to MY inner voice – slaughters the science evey single time!”:
    All of us still have that inner voice – we just don’t listen to it anymore. That inner voice has guided us for the last 40.000yrs and longer.
    That holds true not only for training but for lifestyle, being a man, being a human being and life in general.

    If you eat shit – your body knows it and WILL tell you so, if you hurt somebody you KNOW that you’re wrong, if you don’t engage pyhsically your body will tell you to do so, if you live unhealthy your body & mind will scream at you. Start listening to it again and you’ll be surprised where you’ll end up. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Have passion for what you do and the energy will be greater than you ever imagined….. this is why I tell people to train with a style that brings them joy

      VERY true on those boxers…. same went for many of the bodybuilders of the golden era, they did HIGH volume but they LOVED to train – the results were amazing!

      Those physiques have never been duplicated….

  3. mike guardiola says:

    the Warrior sure can light a fire under your ass! Fired Up and ready to tear up my run/bw! awesome warrior wisdom!
    in strength, peace

  4. Dustin W. says:

    In the paper “Science of the Heart” by the Institute of HeartMath they lay out that “overtraining” is a state of mind. Those individuals with high tolerances to stress and pain do not exhibit signs of overtraining. They are considered “hardy”.
    Hell that sounds like us! You and the Warrior give us the tools to use in life to prepare our minds/hearts for higher levels of stress and pain.
    Saturday I tore the skin off the tip of my finger. Still finished the event in a fast time. Sunday I competed again and everyone asked how I was feeling, “I still have nine fingers that work. I plan to use them.” I could have stopped during the events and give up, but that is not the Warrior thing to do. I screamed and kept going. At the end of the day I tore more skin off that finger. Monday I trained.
    Dumbbell Flat Press=5×5
    Front Squat=5×3
    Lat PD= 5×5
    Kb Hammer curl=5×5
    Wrist Roller=5×5
    *I circuit these exercises. I do one set of each then rest for two minutes. Repeat five times. I train at 85-90% max and progress by 2.5#/exercise/week.
    Yeah my finger hurts like hell, but it is just a finger. I can not allow myself to fall into “I should take some time off” mindset. I have to Warrior Up!
    As for your email you talked about-What the Hell! Seriously! Pay your $20/month for inner circle and get to work. I get these questions myself from people and they think I am jerking them around. I tell them to deadlift, front squat and military press one day, and push up-pullup the next day. Alternate and mix in sprints(still not a long distance fan ๐Ÿ™‚ They look at me like I am going to say the last secret thing to their success. That’s it! Eat healthy!
    You want your boy to get big for football this year? Do that and drink a lot of grass fed milk! He will be a machine! Oh Yeah-get a tire!
    Good stuff as always!

    1. Dustin, as always, awesome and amazing stuff!

  5. Amen Brother…Work It! Earn It! LIVE IT!

  6. Listening to the Warrior makes me want to tear shit up and go hit a workout. I agree totally about all this over training BS. Look at dudes like Little Beast and Hershel Walker these bad ass beasts are killin hundreds to thousands of reps of the basics EVERYDAY! if you cant do as much one day who gives a shit listen to your body go hard when you feel good and back off a little when your banged up.
    Keep postin the truth brutha!

  7. Fellas, trust me, you CAN over-train and run down the body, BUT, the mind can do enormous things for you….

    I remember when I was a bodybuilder, training w/guys on steroids…. It started f**ing w/my head… I started feeling run down, beat up, it’s too much for me, bla bla bla

    Then, 3 mos out my mind changed

    I STOPPED getting tired, I began getting so focused and committed that my mind changed the way my body reacted

    This is a HUGE state of mind…..

    Most are NEVER Over-Trained b/c they simply don’t train hard to begin with


    1. Dustin W. says:

      Sure you could over train if:
      -If you don’t eat healthy
      -If you have a poor life style (drinking/smoking etc)
      -If you have a poor mindset “Can’t make gains without….insert magic pill”
      -If you are a defeatest
      -If you follow, and are scared to lead
      -If you would rather be given, than to search knowledge
      There are people that will do 2-3 hour training sessions every day and add weight. Failure sets, negatives, drop sets, but they do not have an understanding of how to use them properly.
      Yeah, you can over train! Just like a soldier can die if they run into battle without a gun or a plan!
      You need to seek knowledge. You need to experiment with training routines. You need to progress.
      And damn it YOU NEED TO PUSH YOURSELF!
      Most trainees have no clue what it means to push it. They may sweat, bleed and progress ,but until you put yourself in a situation where you feel like you are going to black out, or die you have no clue what hard is.
      Quick gut check:
      *24 hour fast
      At hour 23 start doing pushups, pullups, bodyweight squats. Sets of 10. Between each set sprint for one minute. Hop off the treadmill or come in from where you are sprinting and do it again. For one hour! Then eat a healthy meal.
      YOu will learn a lot about yourself in that hour. Might change your life!

  8. F*cking epic as usual man – ain’t nothing to it but get after it! Get it done, Rinse and repeat!!

  9. You gotta earn it, thats what most people are missin today. Like you said, you gotta go through the blood, sweat and tears to accomplish anything here. People are too scared to go through any pain to get it!

  10. aaaaah, Zach!! That was a GREAT shit-giving. As always, you’re my HERO when it comes to just telling it like it really IS! Shut up, work hard, stop looking for the ‘quick fix’ or ‘next best thing’… it doesn’t exist. SWEAT for rewards. End o’ story.



    1. U rock, Jackie, thnx 4 checking in to see what goes down over here!!! Keep kicking ass!

  11. Did the following kb complex the other day
    With 24kg’s for 5 rounds

    Snatches x 7-5
    High pulls x 7-9
    Swings x 10

    Followed by 4 rounds of
    Man makers w/thruster x4

    It was pretty intense

  12. Hey Undergrounders, I got to spend some time with your Mentor a couple of weeks ago. He’s the REAL deal as you know, and it was MY honor to hang with him. You couldn’t be in better, more capable, more trustworthy hands. Keep killing it, young warriors. Always Believe, Warrior

    1. Warrior – you’re THE man for stopping by, BIG thnx! The honor was ALL mine. Your presentation at Underground Strength Conference was un-freaking-real!

      It will be remembered for a lifetime, ALL were inspired!

  13. Zac, I asked a simialr question a couple weeks ago, not so ridiculously though. You suggest Gladiator Training and I bought it. Now is day one of week two and I am planning the trip to the gym 3 hours before I need to go there. Workout bag packed, pre workout meal, taking my post workout shake etc. I love the old school menatlity that your sites offer and look forward to finding my weight limits, and smashing through them, as I get back into training properly.

    Thanks for your commitment to training. Training yourself and us!

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