Keep it simple, nothing fancy, hit the weights hard, hit em' heavy, go light when your body tells you to back off, and, if you're feelin' like a beast, go ahead and kill the weights.....and I do mean KILL IT!
That's 585 x 2......
I'll break that record soon stay tuned, it'll come your way via The Underground Strength Show!
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
P.S. - Tell me about your latest simple, ass kicking workout?
7 Responses
simple ass kicker in 16 minutes:
3 pullup
3 clean and press with 2x32kg kettlebell
3 squats with 2x32kg kettlebell
20 kettlebell swings w/ 1x48kg
Begin each set at the top of the minute
Awesome work, great to see you practicing what you preach! Today I did a workout of ring dips, rope climbs and keg cleans, it was killer!! Check out my “underground” gym!
Ryan – sweet set up brother!
This maybe isnยดt workout for you guys, but…
here is what I did.
Tabata = (20 s work, 10s rest)4minutes per movement
3.Toe-tap (aka quick feet) on 20″ box
4.Dumbbell snatch 50lb
Zach- I am working on that 500# Hex DL- Impressive lift on the video- you got me fired up. I like my 15 min workout for 2-3 cycles – It works because even at my age I am getting stronger as long as I stay regular with my training. The sumo squats and chain presses can be left out if there will be more than one round done. The workout is #9 on your 15 min. list. Thanks for the inspiration. I am looking forward to hooking up with you again. My lady longjumper won our State Title Div. 1 19’91/2″- I trained and coached her. 8th best in the country- OSU bound. Morgan
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