The uncomplicated strength workout


Keep it simple, nothing fancy, hit the weights hard, hit em' heavy, go light when your body tells you to back off, and, if you're feelin' like a beast, go ahead and kill the weights.....and I do mean KILL IT!

That's 585 x 2......

I'll break that record soon stay tuned, it'll come your way via The Underground Strength Show!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

P.S. - Tell me about your latest simple, ass kicking workout?

7 Responses

  1. simple ass kicker in 16 minutes:
    3 pullup
    3 clean and press with 2x32kg kettlebell
    3 squats with 2x32kg kettlebell
    20 kettlebell swings w/ 1x48kg

    Begin each set at the top of the minute

  2. This maybe isnยดt workout for you guys, but…

    here is what I did.

    Tabata = (20 s work, 10s rest)4minutes per movement
    3.Toe-tap (aka quick feet) on 20″ box
    4.Dumbbell snatch 50lb


  3. Zach- I am working on that 500# Hex DL- Impressive lift on the video- you got me fired up. I like my 15 min workout for 2-3 cycles – It works because even at my age I am getting stronger as long as I stay regular with my training. The sumo squats and chain presses can be left out if there will be more than one round done. The workout is #9 on your 15 min. list. Thanks for the inspiration. I am looking forward to hooking up with you again. My lady longjumper won our State Title Div. 1 19’91/2″- I trained and coached her. 8th best in the country- OSU bound. Morgan

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