What can I say, I LOVE Kettlebell training. I've loved them since the day I started ripping into them in my bare bones garage when I first started the creation of The Underground Strength Gym.
Every Kettlebell workout kicked my ass and pushed me unlike any other training tool I ever used.
I love the fact that you can use Kettlebells in countless ways: throw them, press, row, squat, push and pull. Use one or two kettlebells, take them with you for a workout at the park, your backyard, garage, the beach or anywhere you damn near please.....
Check out The Underground Kettlebell Assault video. I show you around 20-30 different Kettlebell exercises. I haven't counted them yet, but check em' out and get busy using them so you can start getting STRONGER!
Till the next time, keep kicking ass in Life AND Lifting!
89 Responses
Yo Z!
Love the workout man. You have a lot of good movments that will def crush a dude. Love the kb work for sure. I have grown to them. Amazing how they back on the strength and muscle. Anyone wanting to pack on the size and strength check out Z’s underground Beast Strength program. It delivers!
Kettlebells are a great weapon to have in the training arsenal. It took me about 4 weeks of training with them before I became a believer in their benefits.
Start slow, use good technique. The conditioning aspect of the KB is unmatched. One of my favorite conditioning routines is Tabata KB swings, followed by 5 minutes of continuous right/left Turkish Get Ups.
The beauty of the KB is you can use them for conditioning, functional flexibility, explosive strength and power workouts by using various weights and reps.
USC uses a wide variety of methods and techniques to build strength and conditioning, that is a huge benefit in training todays athletes who have a tendency to get bored very quickly.
Good, timely information, thanks Zach
Totally a great work out. This is something different I also incorporated a 400m jog with it between every two exercise. Thanks for these tips dude.
Now that was good. It was a good primer on KB movements, you went thru most of the basic moves, and you did it yourself. Thank you. Please tell me this video will be accessible for a while.
Awesome post! Love the sequence of exercises with the kettlebell, this sh*t hits all of the muslce that you need for any sport not just wrestling.
I especially like that fact that kettlebells are a great, limited risk way of training the explosiveness of the posterior chain and pelvic tilt(anterior and posterior roll).
I saw a really sick exercise done with a kettlebell and 1 1/2in rope called a Hercules Hurl; I must admit, I thought you were going to do the Hurl when you first brought out the rope and I was pretty hyped up. Basically the hurl is performed by swinging the kettlebell around your head at the end of the battlerope – this is great exercise for the obliques and grip, I love it! Not to mention that combining the hurl with an exercise like sledgehammer hits makes you feel like a beast!
Great work!
– Christopher
This may be an instructional video but I bet it was a good workout too. Nice job.
Z-man… as always great shit brudda!!
To Zach Even-Esh:
My favorite:
Start with a get up or deck squat from the ground, here the ’round’ begins, the bell can’t 1)Leave your grip while resting in space or on the ground 2) The bell can’t stop moving for the entire ’round’3)The lifter must travel in a circle the room, slow or fast, forward or backward. This requires a very grippable and relatively light bell. I have found that ‘passing through the legs’ ‘around the world’ and ‘halos’ started becoming just as necessary as resorting to the swing. Rack position, victory position and hang position is technically at ‘rest’ and only allowed between rounds as the lifter walks off the last round, so during the round the bell must move in space while the lifter travels! I don’t have the discipline to do super huge swing sets so this has helped. I dig it, see what you think. Length of the round is according to circumstances, I dissuade walking presses they got risky as the gas starts giving out, traveling snatches though, nice!
10 KB powercleans, then go straight into 10 front squats, then straight into 10 presses, on the last press, hold the KB with arms fully extended and did walking lunges for 10 steps, each leg. Then went straight into 10 KB swings. Rested 30 seconds, repeated, then rested 60 seconds and repeated.
KB Workout Contest response:
4 rounds:
1 pood (doubles) cleans
2 pood single overhead swing
50 yrd farmers walk with two 80lb KBs
Here is a workout we do for an MMA fight prep. Format follows the fight standing/clinch to ground and then getting back to your feet
We call it the 10’s workout
10 kb snatches R
10 kb snatches L
10 kb double cleans
10 kb squats
10 kb guard floor press R
10 kb guard floor press L
10 kb renegade rows R/L
5 turkish get ups R/L
10 KB gorilla cleans
10 split lunge with kb racked then see/saw press
this has been kicking ass for my fighters, ROCK ON
Here’s a workout for you:
10 swings per arm
10 cleans per arm
10 clean and presses per arm
10 snatches per arm
10 squats per arm
9 swings per arm
9 cleans per arm
9 clean and presses per arm
9 snatches per arm
9 squats per arm
8 swings per arm
8 cleans per arm
8 clean and presses per arm
8 snatches per arm
8 squats per arm
etc. all the way down to 1
If you’re really feeling like an animal that day work your way back up 1-10.
Zach, this is one of my exercises that I did in my 55 challenge to celebrate my 55th birthday, each day for in the month of May I would do or did a disending ladder 10 – 1 = 55 reps,I would use this routine as an extra besides my normal workout. That’s why I call this my 55 challenge. the one routine I found to be the most challenging so far is the RTGU (reverse turkish getup)with a KB, most done with an 24kg, got them done in less than 24 minutes after a tough hour workout.
So far I have listed 27 days of pain on rocboxing.com coaches corner routines. thanks Zach love your stuff, some day when Im coming back to Edison, had fun with you and JCB. keep punching Coach Dom
being that iam certified by the 3 STUDS in the kettlebell world (pavel, cotter, and fedorenko ) iam going to put a sick video together for all us Undergrounders this weekend. Please take into account that I will not be catering to a certain style just
some kick ass extreme stuff for people to take their workouts to new levels.
Awesome video bro! KB are awesome cardio and strength tools. My favorite KB workout comes from Mark Twight creator of Gym Jones. He calls it “30-30s”. It freakin burns even with the lightest weight. What you do is take 2 KB (or DB) and do overhead presses for 30 seconds then hold the KB stright up in the air overhead with arms locked for 30 seconds. Repeat this until you reach 4 minutes alternating presses with overhead holds every 30 seconds. Oh yea and no rest between sets.
Pick a distance to run, I run around my block, about an 1/8 of a mile
double KB press x 5
double KB squat x 5
double KB swing x 5
repeat for 8-10 rounds
do the run, clean up two KBs and do presses, when presses are done go right into squats
and then right into double swings
KBs don’t touch the floor until all presses, squats, and swings are done, repeat sequence for 8-10 rounds
Here is my kettlebell 300 workout which at first made me puke a number of times. This workout has helped to increase my overall lifts.I use two 24 kilos for this routine.
Kb swings 10 reps
Cleans 10 reps
Presses 10 reps
Front squats 10 reps
Rows 10 reps
Lunges 10 reps
Snatch left hand 10 reps
Snatch right hand 10 reps
Bench press 10 reps
Burpess with a clean 1o reps
Repeat times 3 for a total of 300
Got all caught up in the contest and forgot to post reps…..
KB Workout Contest response:
4 rounds:
1 pood (doubles) cleans – 15
2 pood single overhead swing – 5
50 yrd farmers walk with two 80lb KBs
Simple workout, good as a quickie or finisher.
60 Alternating arm kettlebell swings (30 each arm)
60 Pushups…rest 60
50 of the same with 50 rest…
40…40 rest
210 swings and 210 pushups. Add more resistance or rounds or go back up the hill and finish with 60 to make it more challenging.
Best rounds in 20 minutes:
Choose a medium weight KB(Single or Double, if Double ignore / marks):
Press x5/5
Clean & Jerk x5/5
Snatch x5/5
Swing x10/10
Front Squat x5
Frog Walks x25-50ft(killer!)
Working down your body. Don’t go heavy enough that you are taking breaks in between.
As always AWESOME workout bro…
So here is my KB workout for you, are you ready?
*20 two hand swings
10 overhead presses each side
*20 two hand swings
10 overhead squats each side
*20 two hand swings
10 overhead presses each side
*20 two hand swings
10 overhead squats each side
20 two hand swings
Grab 2 kettlebells of the same size and weight.
Do Bear Crawls with 1 kbell in each hand.(I know how you dig walking on hands Zach!!!)
50 feet-(down/back=100ft total) X2=200ft
The Bear Crawls alone could be it’s own workout, but you wanted badass so…There you go Zach!
If this isn’t enough, I you could do some body weight exercises to mix it up a bit.
Have fun with it!
Hey Zach,
I call this my “Lucky 7’s” workout. Each exercise is done 7 times. Perform as many rounds as possible in an hour (Train like a beast right?)
Round 1
2 hand swing
1 hand swing
Round 2
Push press
Clean and Press
Swinging snatch
Round 3
Snatch press
Round 4
Horn squats
Horn lunge
front squat
clean and front squat
Round 5
Round 6
(Not sure what this was called but I liked it)
Record in my gym is held by a 50 year old woman and was done with a 30 lb bell! She went through 4 times each hand!
Train like an animal and lead from the front!
Here you go Zach; this is a great and productive circuit I do with my athletes. Feel free to use with your athletes and share with everyone. I think I’ll shoot a video today to go along with this and post it on my site.
Everything is done with two kettlebells, but this could be modified to be done with just one.
Double KB Swing 10 reps
Double KB Swing Clean to front squat to push press 8-10 reps
One arm swing snatch (Do not set other KB down) L/R 5-8 reps
Alt. KB Cleans 10 reps
Double KB Swing 10 reps or for time (30sec-1min)
Rest and repeat for desired number of sets. Usually 3 working sets is enough to kick anyones ass! Enjoy!
Coach Shreck
70 lb KB 36 sets of 2 rep snatch + 1 squat in 40 minutes
My favorite full body Kettlebell workout is,
Swing X 8 reps
Over head walk into press X 8 reps
Over head walk into Snatch X 8 reps
One arm above head one arm farmers walk X walk the prescribed distance then switch and walk back
And finish the round with 20 rep Squats.
This will defiantly fry your forearms and traps if you really push the amount of weight.
Do this for 3-5 rounds as a finisher and get ready to feel the pain.
This one raises the sweat!
– 50 2-arm Swings
– 3 x 10 Push-ups on kbs
– 3 x 10 Double Cleans
– 3 x 10 on each leg Racked Bulgarian Split Squats
– 3 x 10 on each arm 1-arm Military Press
– 5 per side Turkish Get-ups
– 3 x 10 Goblet Squats
– 2 x 10 on each side Renegade Rows
– 50 2-arm Swings
Keep ’em comin’
I’ve done all of the KB posts you’ve had up, but here are a couple I really enjoy.
150 Walking KB Swings – KB never touches the ground for rest.
200’s Snatches – Snatch left X 1, Snatch right X 1. Left X2, right X 2…until you’ve done 10 left and 10 right and then come back down to 1 left and 1 right for a total of 200 Snatches. These can be done with cleans/clean & press, etc.
By the way I’ve done these at age 58 (now 60 and do these every once in a while) and I’ve been a Type 1 Insulin Dependent Diabetic for 48 years.
Definitely not your typical Grandpa!
I think I originally got this workout from you.
Using two kettlebells:
– Start in a standing position with both bells hanging down to your side
– Squat down and press both bells into the floor and do a push up
– As you stand back up, clean both bells to your shoulders
– Then squat and as you stand up, press both bells over head
– Return the bells to the hanging position down to your sides
That is one rep. 10 reps equals one set. Do 5 sets for time with a one minute rest between sets. This workout leaves me lying on the floor gasping for breath for about 5 minutes when I am done. Great stuff!!
Keep up the great work. Love the videos!
Here’s a workout i used to do some damage the other day;
snatch x 5/5
snatch to overhead squat x 5/5
goblet side lunge x 5/5
x 4
Turkish get ups x 10 ( 1L, then 1R until total)
clean & press x 5/5
press x 5/5
two handed swings x 10
x 4
keep a good pace, and keep rest to a minimum… brutal!
Man Maker
:45/:15 Work to Rest Ratio
Double 24kg
Front Squat
Push Press (or Military)
Front Squat
Kb’s to Floor Plank
Renegade row each arm with push up in between
20 -30 minutes of pain ought to do the trick. Enjoy!
Hey Zach, great stuff! One killer workout That I like to do is from Jon Hinds: his 15/15 10. 15 seconds on, 15 seconds rest for 10 minutes of dbl kb c&p. Total goal is 100 reps in 10 minutes! What a killer! Still working up to 100 reps.
This workout is based loosely on Rooney’s hurricane:
5 rounds for time(for those who aren’t familiar with what this means, it means it is a gut busting, all-out race against the clock):
-10 kb snatches each hand(the kb’s should be heavy)
-20 push-ups(if your advanced, pick a tough variation like clapping push-ups or switch the variation each round)
-sprint 200 yds(if you are a firebreather, run up a hill)
This circuit is simplicity itself, but it will knock the snot out of you!!! If you are strapped for time and don’t mind puking before your next appointment… give it a go.
You truly have one of the coolest sites I’ve ever come across. I love how you have taken your passion and turned it into a business.
I rocked out a video a few months ago, doing a kettlebell/sprint workout at the beach, in San Diego. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/user/LifeEnhancementChris#p/u/20/eRgcdk0GyW4
See you at the top,
I realy enjoy the video. simple and bad ass workout.
My favorites in the moment:
15min non Stop with the heavys KB as possible:
1 Snatch
1 Push Press/Jerk
1 Windmill
1 Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Swing
then other Hand
an other:
1min KB32 Snatch
2min KB24 Snatch
3min KB16 Snatch
grip killer!
Kenneth Jay’s Mvo2 Snatch Protocol
:15/:15 work to rest ratio
16kg kb for men 12 kg kb for women
you need to take the 5min snatch test first to find your cadence:
Start with dominant arm
1st minute: 10 reps or 1 every 6 seconds
2nd minute : 14 reps or every 4.2
3rd minute : 18 reps or 1 every 3.3 seconds
4th minute : 22 reps or 1 every 2.7 seconds
5th minute all out and count your reps
only good reps are allowed. divide your final number by 4 This is your :15/:15 cadence
80 sets is your goal but you should stop well before that until you can work up to that work load.
Short but deadly
Using a 24Kg
5 Snatches each side
1 Turkish Get Up each side
5 Snatches each side
Clean & Jerk Latter (1, 2, 3)
5 Snatches each side
Complete as many rounds as possible within 20 minutes.
Did this last monday.
Split Double KB Snatch/Jerk timed for half an hour
Snatch + Jerk = 1 rep
2x28kgs 3x
2x24kgs 4x
2x20kgs 5x
Managed to get 9 rounds
Followed up with: 2x28kgs, 2x24kgs, 2x20kgs for 50′
Farmer’s walk
Rack Hold Farmer’s walk
Farmer’s walk
Farmer’s walk with towel hold
Towel Pinch only (20lbs’ers)
Great Workout Zach,
I like doing the following complex ladder
KB one arm swings (each arms)
KB around the worlds (both directions)
KB cleans (each arm)
KB high pulls (each arm)
KB Snatches (each)
I do the complex 1 rep each move then 2 reps each
move then three reps and work my way up to five
reps and then work my way back down 5 to 1.
I then repeat 1 to 2 more times. between full ladders
I do 5 reps of KB front squats with two kettlebells
Firstly let me say, i just love the workouts that you do, they really hit the spot Zach, your vids are inspirational.
I am a qualified Personal Trainer and i train several guys ( here at Girevik u.k. England)three times a week, with mostly Kettlebell circuit training, they normally consist of something like this, I have seven stations, a minute on each station, (do as much as you can in that minute) and we repeat three times with a twenty second interval between each station (so total of 21 mins of balistic training, minus the intervals)
I hear you say ” doesn’t sound a lot” believe me some of the guys are reaching for the bucket at the end of these workouts.
Depending on whose working out, I have to have several different weights i.e. 16kg, 20kg,24kg etc at each station. (NEARLY ALWAYS WARM-UP WITH SWINGS X 100, THEN COMMENCE THE CIRCUIT)
Station Number
So Remember that’s all out balistic type training at each station at one minute duration before moving onto the next station, and we go around 3 times, try something similar you’ll love it.
Obviously i have a ton of different exercises that you can do with Kettlebells.
Another Seven For A Circuit
Although we do use Kettlebells in the main, we also utilize Gym Rings, Log Lifting, Stone Lifting, Sand bags, Big Tyres, Sledgehammers etc.
Remember “Keep the Faith” Marc (Woody)
With one 53 bell, AMRAP 11:00, if the bell touches the ground start the round over.
5 R/L Swings
5 L/R Cleans
5 R/L Front Squats
5 L/R Jerks
5 R/L Snatches
5 R/L Getups
Hold bell overhead and locked out till failure, then go to rack till failure, then in to farmers walk hold till failure, switch sides and repeat.
Kettlebells are a great tool most recently we used a bell curve method to implement into our workout…
Snatch R/L
Thruster R/L
Lunge R/L
Row R/L
Deadlift single leg R/L
increasing decreasing
weight weight
g……….X…………. X
Started with the 16kg kettle then 20kg then 32kg then 44kg then worked down to the 16kg
Here is my badass kettlebell workout Zach!
I only have a 35, 25, and 15lb kettlebells…so i make it more metabolic.
1 arm KB swings 35/15 each arm
Drop down into Plyo Pushups with one hand on the KB 20 total..up and over for each pushup…this is sick!
2 handed Bent Over Rows with 25 and 35..alternate hands every other set… 15 reps
Jump Bulgarians with 35 in one hand…12reps each leg
Lastly I take a towel and run it through all 3 KB’s…grab each side of the towels and do 20 reps of deadlifts off a steps so that you can get deep.
Every workout I do 4 sets of everything!
Let me know what you think bro dude!
4 rounds 60-90 seconds rest in between, less if using lighter weights.
1a-10 KB Burbees (one 70 one 60) switch hands after 5
1b-5 one arm snatches (70lbs) switch hands repeat
1c-5 overhead squats (one 60 one 50) switch hands repeat
1d-100m farmer walks again switch hands repeat
After the last round rest 30- 60 seconds then:
one 50lb KB and one 40lb KB
2a-Overhead walking lunges- 10-15 then switch hands and repeat
2b-KB pushups to burnout, switch sides and repeat
Adjust weights as needed.
Ah well never did kettlebell, I always thought you need to learn KB’s from a master, like kung fu π
But if I did do them, first thing I would use them in would be a full body workout 1 time a week on an off or a deload week and it would go something like this:
turkish get ups for warm ups + plank with light KB on your back (ask a partner, mustn’t fall off) at least 2 min.
EDT style supersets:
-Squat to press 10min
-braced leg squat with scarecrow walks holding KB’s (hold the KB’s in a lateral scarecrow position until your palms fall down to your side) 5 min
-Romanian DL to swing 10min
-sprints with heavy KB farmers walks 5 min
-weighted push ups on KB (feet elevated so that you’re horizontal) with double bent over rows 10 min
Using only one KB…
– Goblet squat with a press out
– KB snatch – one arm
– KB snatch – other arm
– valslide (or whatever implement allowing you to slide) reverse lunge with KB in a racked position. left arm carry, left leg sliding back
– opposite leg
– Goblet squat duck walk…KB stays high on the chest
you can do this for timed sets or you can do it complex style back to back to back,etc. with a set distance for the duck walk…ENJOY!
Hey Zach
Killer video as always man, keep it coming. Here is a routine that I use with my clients that sorts the men from the boys. It combines KBs (or DBs) and Burpees with awesome effect.
The heaviest KB I have at the mo is 20kg so gotta get nasty with the combo moves……..
Start with KBs at your side,
squat down and place KBs on floor,
legs out behind into a plank,
press up,
mountain climber (1 across body and 1 same side each leg),
renegade row and up into cross position (1 each arm),
legs in,
front squat,
lunge (1 each side),
push press (or military),
KB back to sides and that is your first rep done.
The plan is simple, 10 reps, 5 sets, minimal rest (1 min max).
Either that or go for time, see how many reps you can do in 15 minutes.
Long cycle double clean and jerk.
2 x 24kg
5 Rounds of 5 reps, 10 reps, and 15 reps
Rest between sets is only as long as it took you took complete last set in order to simulate going back and forth between a partner. For example: 5 reps, rest as long as it took to do the 5 reps, 10 reps, rest as long as it took to do 10 reps, etc.
Usually takes between 15 and 20 minutes. Definitely stresses strength endurance, aerobic, as well as anaerobic capacity. I typically feel obliterated after this.
Keep up the stellar work Zach.
Warmup / Stretch
Coordination / Active Warmup:
10 each arm single KB swing flip 16kg
10 figure 8s thru legs β 16kg
10 each arm single KB swing to inverted static hold (5 sec) β 16kg
10 leg press (lay on back, put KB on feet, press) β 32kg
6 single KB clean and press into windmill β 32kg
6 double KB overhead squat β 32kg
6 Turkish Getups β 24kg
(rest as needed)
Conditioning Complex:
(use double KB for complex – 24kg)
6 KB Swings
6 KB Squat Press
6 KB Lunges
6 Alternating Bent Over KB Rows
6 Renegade KB Rows with Pushups (3 total)
6 KB Deadlifts
6 KB Clean and Press
(rest about 1 min, repeat 2 more times)
1 Farmers Walk to failure β two 32kg
Take the next day off because you are going to need it lol.
Thanks for the post/video Z
Two kettlebells required circuit 10 push presses to overhead kettlebell walk for 50 yards 10 more push presses walk back with kettlebells overhead. 10 kettlebell front squats from there go to kettlebell rack walk for 50 yards 10 more squats.kettlebell farmers walk 50 yards from there do 10 bent over rows then farmers walk back. after your done keep the kettlebells on the groung go into burpee then clean them up for 15 reps after that do 10 swings with one kettlebell than 10 turkish get ups on each side then do 25 v ups no weight this is one circuit.
OK…I only have 2 kettlebells. They are only about 8 pounds but I was so inspired by this that I decided to make a similar workout with dumbbells.
1. DB clean to shoulder and press
2. DB clean to shoulder and squat
3. DB clean to shoulder, squat and overhead press
4. DB clean to shoulder and lunge
5. DB overhead and lunge
6. DB overhead squat
7. DB goblet squat
8. Walk with DB overhead 25 yards each side
9. Walk with DB at chest 25 yards each side
10. Walk with DB at side 25 yards each side
11. DB goblet curls
12. DB towel curls
If you want to see it: http://jonesercise.wordpress.com/2010/05/27/jonesercise-featuring-one-arm-dumbbell-complex/
Thanks for the inspiration Zach!!
10 snatch right arm
10 snatch left arm
10 swing right
10 swing left
5 TGU right
5 TGU left
5 times for time (24kg Bell)
Best time 15:32
oh Zach have one more for you. Did this combo with a client the other day he was worked.
1 Kettlebell 24kg you should flow into each movement without putting the bell down.
Snatch/negative press/squat/press/10 walking swings
As many rounds within 20 minutes switching sides of course.
Zach, checkout this kettlebell workout I developed. I’m 135lbs and use a 53 pounder throughout the whole workout. http://www.vimeo.com/10048640 Give me a shout if you like it. It 30s work 10s transition time.
Kettlebell Workout #1
A1 Double KB Clean and Press 5 sets 5-8 Reps
A2 Double KB Rows 5 sets 8-12 Reps
B1 Alternating Renegade Row 3 sets 6-8 Reps (ea side)
B2 Turkish Get Up 3 sets 3-5 Reps (ea hand)
C1 Double KB Squat 5 sets 6-10 Reps
C2 Single KB Snatch 5 sets 2 min max reps
Do A, B, C as supersets with no rest between #1 and #2. Rest 60 sec between supersets then go on to the next. If the rows seem too easy with the weight you are using try adding a three second hold at the top, thatβll get ya. For Renegade Rows donβt use a KB less than 24 kg as they tend to tip and that is hazardous on the wrists. If you work with a lower weight use a bench to support your off hand and do straight reps rather than alternating. With the Turkish Get Up donβt try to go too heavy, focus on the form and keep reps manageable, torn shoulders are not the goal. Chances are your shoulders will give out long before your legs with the KB squat. If that is the case switch to a suitcase squat to get the burn in the legs (suitcase squats are also a great upper back exercise!). If 2 minutes straight for snatches burns you out before 5 sets are done lower the time to 1 min and work up in 10 sec steps each week. After 6 weeks youβll be rippinβ 2 minutes.
BTW β Thanks to Mike Mahler for teaching the basics of building the routine!
Great stuff, as usual. Here’s a full body kb workout that is equal parts strength and conditioning work. I’ve used it with the high school soccer team I coach, with solid results:
KB 300 (using a 53# kb)
5 rounds (with rest intervals as described) of:
Goblet Squats: 10
Rest :30
Clean and Press (or jerk): 10L/10R
Rest :30
High Pulls: 10
Rest :30
Reverse Lunges: 10
Rest :30
Two-Handed Swings: 20
Rest :30
That will give you 300 reps. The numbers and rest intervals aren’t particularly important; nor is the weight of the kb. What is important is that you keep track of them. As you finish a round, get your rest and go right into your second round, third round and so on. Once you figure out how long it takes you to complete the 300 reps, try to shave off a few seconds from each rest interval. This workout then adopts elements of density training and you can start to chart your progress. Change rest intervals to :25, :20 or whatever works. The first few rounds will go by pretty easily, but then it will catch up to you. Manipulate the workout by seeing how faster you can do the same number of reps. After you’ve made improvements, you can use a heavier kb and start the process over. Of course, if your technique suffers in the fourth or fifth rounds, give yourself more rest. One technique I found helpful was to shrink my rest intervals to :15 between each exercise within a round and then take :30 or :40 seconds between each round. This workout has push and pull, upper and lower body, full body lifts, squat and reverse lunge, plenty of grip work and the swings give you some quality conditioning. Thanks for the opportunity, Zach, and keep up the great work.
I f*#%$n love KB’S!! Trebor and I gave our mom KB’S for mothers day! It was so awesome to meet you at the CF gathering in Miami! You are one BA dude!
I call this one Fahrenheit 451 because each set is 450 seconds. I threw in the extra second for the reference.
15 seconds between exercise just ’cause I’m nice.
30 secs lunges
30 secs deadlift
30 secs push ups
30 secs snatch (LEFT)
30 secs snatch (RIGHT)
30 secs military press to squat
30 secs situps with 1 KB arms straight (right angle to floor)
30 secs burpees with jump
30 secs halos
30 secs swings
Rest 3 minutes
Repeat 2 more times
OK, so there’s a couple of non-KB exercises modified in there, just ’cause it will kick your arse even more! Sorry, but I demand results.
This workout is done 2-3 times a month
16kg KB
5 Halos each side
5 figure 8 to hold each side
5 tactical lunges each side
3 rounds of each for a warm up
Next 2 16kg KB for a walk around the block
every .30 sec’s or so
3 clean and press
3 snatch and front squat
keep repeating until home again
most times about 27 mins.
Terry in New Zealand
Here’s my KB workout.. Great workouts posted so far btw!
1. Double KB “Man Maker” – Clean, squat, press, squat, press (that’s one rep) I’ll shoot for 5 total reps, and go for 5 sets.
2a. Chinup (being as explosive as possible)
2b. Heavy KB swing
(3 sets, 10 reps each. Add weight to chins if necessary)
3a. Lactic acid pushups (1 sec down, 4 sec up)
3b. Double KB high pull
3c. Renegade rows
3d. Split Squat Jumps
3e. Double snatches/Double clean to jerk
3f. Double KB racked reverse lunges
(lighter weight, 10 reps ea movement, 5-6 rounds, minute rest)
Finish off with glute ham raises, band pullaparts and ab work.
Don’t like to use too many exercises, so this sits well for me…
I work in a boarding school and am the father of triplet babies so I’m severely pressed for time, so most of mine are max. 10 mins, for example:
10 KB thrusters followed by 20 KB swings each arm (that’s one set) for 10 mins (with up to 20 secs rest in between sets)
10 KB goblet squats followed by 10 clean and presses (that’s one set)each side for 10 mins (up to 20 secs rest in between sets). I like this one since after the squats it seems your blood’s in your legs and so the first few presses are a struggle.
If I’ve got more time I like the playing card routine. E.g. if it’s the four of clubs, that’s four right arm presses, if it’s the six of spades that’s six left arm presses. If it’s the queen of diamonds that’s ten left arm KB rows, ten on the right if it’s hearts etc. Do the whole deck, it’s brutal and you get a crazy volume of work done it about 15 mins.
After the warm up
1) Bottom up press 5 sets of 3 reps each side focus on form
2a Max rep get up each side
2b 20 double swings
3-5 rounds
3a Renegade rows 5-8 each side
3b KB rack walks 100m (have one over head for more of a challange)
KB juggling to warm-up
Round One
KB snatch left hand and walk 50 metres,
KB Snatch right hand and walk 50 metres
KB clean and walk 50 metres left hand
KB clean and walk 50 metres right hand
Round two
sideways shuffle swings x 10 each way
Single arm swings x 10 per side
Swing and throw/catch alternating arm x 10 per side
Round three
Kettle bell Man Maker x 5 reps + 50 metre Sprint – superset x 3 sets
Round Four
KB rows + KB floor press – superset x 3 sets
Round Five
Single arm high pulls x 10 per side.
Kill it Zachary!
Oli – the UK
That was an awesome workout. I can’t wait to try it. Thanks again for the great video.
1.) Eat Kettlebells – 2 sets x 1 rep
2A.) One Handed chins with bells in belly – 4 x 5/5
2B.) One handed pushups, bells in belly – 4 x 8/8
2C.) Pistols, bells in belly – 4 x 10/10
3.) Regurgitate bells – 2 x 1
-Don’t clean your bells, the stomach acid and bile will help strengthen your grip for the rest of the workout
4A.) 2 hand snatch 4 x 8
4B.) 2 hand press 4 x 8
4C. 2 hand swing 4 x 8
5A.)1 hand snatch 6 x 6
5B.) 1 hand clean 6 x 6
5C.) 1 hand press 6 x 6
5D.) 1 Hand high pull 6 x 6
5E.) 1 hand swing 6 x 6
rest 20 seconds, switch hands, repeat for all rounds
for a finisher…
6.) Farmers carry 2 kettlebells into a Planet Fitness mirror and cardio theatre and start doing a whirling dervish, like the Tasmanian devil, in the middle of the floor, attempting to hit everything in sight and reach, leaving the place like a cat 5 hurricane just made it her bitch. Proceed until the cops arrive, then sprint away carrying bells while being chased by Po-Po, outrun the boys in blue and you’re training is paying off!
Great workout and info Zach!
3 KB Workouts:
1. Dbl KB Clean – Front Squat – Press/Push Press (AMAP in 10 minutes) – different weights for different purposes – 16 kgs to work for speed & pure conditioning; 24 kgs – 32 kgs – 40 kgs will push strength-endurance to the max! (Use one weight for the 10 mins and try to beat the total next time the same weight is used (Density Training)
2. KB Swings alt. with Battling Rope movements – 15 seconds on / 15 seconds off for 15 minutes. I’ll tweak the work/rest ratio and total time depending on how I’m feeling that day.
3. This is my “Shoulder-Fixer” – with 1 KB – lying arm bar – Turkish Get-Up (to standing) – Windmill – complete the TGU to the floor – switch arms.
Here is my Kettlebell workout:
Workout performed with a single kettlebell and takes about 40 minutes.
Complete circuit 3 times: 2 minute rest between circuits. 30 second rest between excercises.
1) 20 two arm swings
2) 3 turkish get-ups per side
3) 10 1 arm swings each side
4) 10 1 arm snatches each side
5) 10 Clean and press each side
6) 10 suitcase deadlift each side
7) 10 tactical lunges each side
8) 10 dive bombers
DBL KB Complex: 3 Rounds of:
1 Dbl Swing into 1 Dbl High Pull into 1 Squat Thrust with 1 Pushup into 1 Dbl Squat Clean into 1 Dbl Overhead press then do 2 Dbl Swing into 2 Dbl High Pull into Squat Thrust with Pushup twice into 2 Dbl Squat Clean into 2 Dbl Overhead press, then do 3 then do 4 then do 5 then do 4 then do 3 then do 2 then do 1—just to be clear on squat thrusts part u do 1 squat thrust and 1 pushup on rep 1 on the 2 rep u do a squat thrust with pushup then squat thrust with pushup, on rep 3 its squat thrust pushup squat thrust pushup squat thrust pushup etc—I call this the JIMBO— and i rest for 1min at the end of rnd 1 and 1min 30 secs at end of round 2
also on my post when doing squat thrusts and pushups ur hands stay on the kb handles
Short on time? I was, so I came up with this. Kept it simple, but really wanted to sweat it out, in the time I had.
Double Kb Snatch x3
Double Kb clean + press x3
Double Kb clean + squat x3
Double Kb swings x3
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.
I managed 12 rounds, but thought i was gonna do more than that at the beggining ha.
Alright Big Z,
These weights used are very conservative and a beast like you can go heavier in the poundage.
THis kB workout is not for the weak or lame. I used it in 87 degree weather here in Chicago, about 95 degreez in garage.
After a good thorough warmup I set a 53 kb next to a 45 dumbbell and next to that a 60 pound sand bag.
All lined up next to each other, proceed to do swings for about 30 seconds with the 53 and after complete 30 seconds no rest go straight to 45 and swing away for about 30 seconds and no rest go to 60 pound sandbag and swing away for 30 seconds.
After completing the 3(53kb,45db,60SB) rest 30 seconds (Round 1/Set 1)
Repeat for 20 minutes if your man enough!!!
A true Certified Beast should complete a total of 9 rounds/or 9sets
*Finish off with an all out sprint for 15-30 seconds
If you have ever done breathing squats, this is what it feels like after your done with this workout, leaving you sweating balls and looking for an oxygen tank.
I call this the “Dirty 30 Threesome”
Let me know how it goes for you big Z.
If you choose to do it put it up on youtube.
Hey there Zach,
I love kettlebells as well…there are so many different variations of exercises it’s tough to get bored.
I train in MMA and BJJ so kettlebells really offer a lot when it comes to overall flexibility and explosivness. Not to mention endurance.
In regards to kettlebell only workouts…I like to think I have some pretty good variations.
I try to train to suit my sport. Typically mma and brazilian jiu-jitsu tournaments have 5 minute rounds (some bjj tournies have 6 to 7 minute rounds depending on your level…I’m not there yet).
One workout I do consists of a ton of snatches and a ton of windmills. I only have a 30 lbs kettlebell at the moment…hoping to get a bigger one soon as the 30 pounder is starting to feel a little wimpy.
Basically I set my gymboss on 30:10 second intervals for 10 rounds…that give me 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of active rest (just for fun). The workout goes like this:
30 sec – snatch with right hand
10 sec – halos
30 sec – snatch with left hand
10 sec – halos
30 sec – windmills with right hand
10 sec – halos
30 sec – windmills with right hand
10 sec – halos
repeat sequence until timer saves you!
Using this routine I can typically crank out 75 snatches, 50 windmills and a bunch of halos in about 6 minutes. I’ve made it to 3 rounds…hoping to get to five soon. Plus you don’t put the kettlebell down for the entire time…which in itself is tough.
I’ve also done this workout using just snatches and just windmills. I’ve cranked out 130 snatches or 90 windmills in about 6 minutes. It’s tough to keep the pace.
Another variation would be to use iron mind grippers for the 10 second “break” instead of the halo’s but that would be using something other than the kettlebells. Your forearms feel like there going to explode!
I’ve actually debated trying to do this workout with for 10 minutes. You know what, I think I’ll do it tonight!
Hey Zach here is a KB workout entitled “Fight Gone Bad”. Made many feel the KB-flu with this one.
5 Rounds-1min. length for each exercise (30sec R,L for non 2 hand exercises)-15 sec. rest between each exercise-45 second rest between rounds.
1. 2 Hand swing
2. Push Press-R,L (or do double KB)
3. Clean-R,L (or double clean)
4. Snatch-R, L
5. Hand 2 hand swing
6. Snatch, bring bell to rack. Front squat to press
7. Box jumps
The goal is to not put bell down until done with all rounds. During 45sec break is active rest. And if anyone has no problem, drop rest time. And if there are any serious bad asses no rest, just start back to number one. I like to keep track of how many reps the guys get during each round, and see how much the numbers drop or stay consistent
Thanks. I am a lot older than you, so I will have to do at least one break when I try to emulate your workout (with lighter kettlebells).
Where were you 30 years ago when I needed your help with my Thai Boxing training and had not even heard of kettlebells.
My 16 year old boy will like (or dislike) your workout when I show him.
just started kettlebell training. one of my new favorties is 2 handed swing for max reps(26lb kb) and then do hindu squats or goblet squats for max reps. the swing activates the lower back and hamstrings and squats thighs and calves. i can get a great cardio and lower body workout in minutes as i just keep repeating the circuit until i can only get 2-3 swings and 10 squats.
i also do the i arm windmil with a side press to stress and stretch obliques and core. normally 3-5 reps per side for 3 total setc. again qorking to failur . if you want to ad a real burn do the wind mill with the side press and then add overhead squat while holding the kettlebell after . really works total core/ bill
Zach really got everyone to put up some killer workouts, Rock on Guys
5 high pulls per arm
5 goblet squat jumps
5 snatches per arm
5/arm alternating 1 arm swings
rest and try to slow heart rate
at the start of every minute start a new round for 20 minutes
every round you complete within the alloted minute is 1 point
once you can score 20 pts, increase weight of kb or add a vest or chains or something to make yourself heavier if you don’t have a bigger kb
i hope how the rounds work makes sense
I’ve just started the MOS program, love it! Anyway, I wear a 40# weight vest in every workout… Along with my kettle/ cardio days. I enjoy your enthusiasm, you motivate the hell out of me!
Hey cuz,
here’s one I did with my rugby lads in Jan 10:
farmers walk 5min
snatch 10/10
rack walk 2min (KB in each hand)
single overhead walk 40m (each hand)
farmers walk 40m (gripping 2 KB each hand)
rack walk 50m (KB in each Hand)
2 hand swings x 20
goblet squat 10 x 10
farmers walk 10min
2 hand swings x 50
15 snatch left arm
15 snatch right arm
10 swing left
10 swing right
5 TGU right
5 TGU left
For me KB’s work perfectly, I can have a good workout in short time. My workouts are mostly around 20 minutes, great with an almost 6 month old son, so I still have time for my family (with shift work you don’t see them always a lot). I always combine them with BWe exercises as active rest (mostly hindu squats and hindu pushups or burpees). Still want to share 2 short workouts I do, although they are not only KB, but combined with bwe.
(I have most of the times a 4 week buildup on the swings, week 1 20/20 with 2 minutes rounds and it works towards 50/50 swings in 3.5 minutes rounds)
here are 2 examples:
4 rounds of:
40/40 swings and the remaining of the 3 minutes are hindu squats
1 minute of double KB clean and squat
after the 4th round keep them after the last c&s in the rack position and do rack walks, when tired I drop down and do a set of hindu pushups and after that some farmer walks or another set of rack walks
other routine is almost similar:
4 rounds of:
40/40 swings and remaining of 3 minute round hindu squats
1 minute of burpee and snatch
(sometimes I do after the 4th set some more snatches and or presses)
burpee and snatch, perform a burpee but instead of the jump I do a snatch, every rep a snatch on the other side.
There are more routines I use but I still like these 2 simple ones
Kettlebells are great training tools. They can be used for numerous different things and as far as what they can do for you and how little space they take up I consider them the most efficient training tool out there. My trunk has 4 KBs, 1 Bulgarian bag, battling ropes and I can literally hit 1000s of different workouts at any park I want! KBs can be used for bodybuilding style movements but do to the center of gravity being thrown off compared to the DB they will hit these muscle groups slightly different. There are many kettlebell workouts that I love to perform but below is a very simple yet brutal leg routine.
5 min Warm-Up Turkish Get Ups: Switch sides every rep, every other rep, or every 5 reps. The more reps per side in a row the more difficult the warm up will be.
10-1 rep scheme(55s)
1a) KB Swing
1b) Goblet Squat
Perform all repetitions without putting the KB down for rest.
I usually like to finish this workout with a Farmers walk circuit that I got from a Dan John audio done w/ Zach. Here it is: ea movement is performed 50′ with NO BREAKS
-Farmers Walks carrying bells at side
-Farmers Walks with 1 bell in rack position and other by side
– Switch position of bells from last one
– Farmers walk 1 bell locked over head 1 bell at the side
– Switch position of bells from last one
– Farmers walk both in rack position
– Farmers walk carrying both bells over head
Hey Zach,
I know it’s past the deadline line but here is my KB workout from yesterday. I been inspired by you to enter a KB competition. It is on Sept 25. I just started training a few weeks ago for it. I have a long way to go but I will be ready. I will be entering the Long cycle with the 53 lb KBs.
All of the exercises are with 2 KBs.
Clean and Jerk (long cycle)
35 lb KBs x 20
53 lb KBs x 7
61 lb KBs x 7
70 lb KBs x 5
70 lb KBs x 4
61 lb KBs x 6
53 lb KBs x 6
53 lb KBs overhead walk x 160 ft
53 lb KBs rack walk x 160 ft
Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone, and keep our Military members past, present and future in your thoughts and prayers.
Awesome workout, Z. Here is one I put on my class the week before our break. It is not for the weak, and will have your heart ready to explode out of your chest. This is also a good one for fighters, as this workout will definitely help get you ready to push through to “championship” rounds.
Only the true New Warriors will complete this without setting the bell down. Do not go to heavy or too light with your bell selection, for this workout.
Perform ea. exercise for 1 minute ea. The object is to complete this workout without setting your bell down. This is called “Southern Kettlebell Gumbo” because it has everything in it, that you can find, and it will have your body burning like a cajun fire. Have fun and good luck ;-D
“Southern Kettlebell Gumbo Workout”
1. 2 Hand Deadlift
2. 1 Hand Deadlift x right
3. 1 Hand Deadlift x left
4. 2 Hand Swing
5. 1 Hand Swing x right
6. 1 Hand Swing x left
7. 1 Arm Clean x right
8. 1 Arm Clean x left
9. 1 Arm Press x right
10. 1 Arm Press x left
11. 1 Arm Jerk x right
12. 1 Arm Jerk x left
13. 1 Arm Clean & Press x right
14. 1 Arm Clean x Press x left
15. 1 Arm Push Press x right
16. 1 Arm Push Press x left
17. 1 Arm Snatch x right
18. 1 Arm Snatch x left
19. Rack & Hold x right
20. Rack & Hold x left
21. 2 Hand Bottoms Up Squat
22. 1 Arm Rack Squat x right
23. 1 Arm Rack Squat x left
24. Windmill x right
25. Windmill x left
Bonus: Once you finish the above workout, rest 2 min. then run 800m or Jump Rope x 750
Forgot to add one to my yesterday’s post.
Currently I do 2 conditioning routines a week, like the one described in my previous post (last few weeks I used at the 1 minute intervals hindu pushups or jumping rope and did snatches afterwards, but I will use next week the ones described in my previous post again, they worked great).
The other 2 days are based around the TGU:
TGU practice: start on floor and go to sitting position (TGU situp), return to floor, than immediate back up to kneeling position and when in kneeling position perform a kneeling windmill and return to floor and than a full TGU. After the full TGU place the KB on the floor (this is 1 rep) and repeat on the other side.
the routine:
14-10-6 renegade rows (with a pushup) supersetted with
1/1 – 2/2 – 3/3 TGU practices
some pikeups with the power wheel
(used yesterday the ppu2 instead of renegade rows but next week it is back to renegade rows again)
I am also thinking of adding an overhead walk after the last full TGU.
I use the kettlebells in conjunction with my martial arts and boxing types sessions, as most do now anyway!
I am not tied up in reps, I look at time. I build my sessions in rounds. Some sample routines will look like this:
Warm Up, primary session(running/skipping pads, sparring, bags etc, 10 – 15 rounds, 2 – 3 minutes and vary recovery 1 minute down to 30 secs depending)
1- 2 mins skipping or treadmill
2 arm KB Swings x 30s
1 arm Clean and Press 2 x 30s (both sides)
Uprights (with slow negatives)x 30s
Turkish Get Ups 2 x 30 sec (both side)
Recovery can be varied, from straight through to 1 min recovery.
Repeat 3 – 6 times
Rounds and recovery will vary depending on stage in training.
This is were the circuits are tough,at the end, you are pre fatigued. The technical work is done and this is the grind….It comes down to character to keep you going. It is easy to come second, you dont have to train too hard!
Train Hard/Smart: Fight Easy!
zach this is one of the most incredible videos i’ve ever seen. this page has been bookmarked and will be CONSTANTLY referenced. thank you so much for your contributions to the strength and conditioning community. what’s crazy is that even with the detail that went in to this video, your products are even better! the grip experts product is superbly done. keep up the great work and thanks!
There is plenty of good information here thanx for the read.
Overhead lunges! Sick..I like those.