NO Time to Train? Making Time VS Making Excuses


The watch of Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink, everyday, he's up before "normal" people.
The watch of Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink, everyday, he's up before "normal" people.


I constantly hear men saying, "I have NO time to workout, NO time to train!"

That is all BS. Make time or Make excuses. The choice is yours.

You don't need a gym membership.

Heck, you don't even need a gym.

Bodyweight Only workouts CAN get the job done and be extremely powerful when following the right system.

A few additional training tools can be added to the mix and stowed away so lack of space is never a problem either.

The photo above tells the perfect story and the truth that most men refuse to face: Wake Up Earlier.

That watch is the watch of Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL and BJJ Black Belt. He also runs multiple businesses, is a husband and father.....

I'm sure his schedule is quite full.

Success leaves clues.

And 1 of the Biggest clues I constantly pick up from successful people is this:

They wake up earlier than "normal people" and get shyt done.

For a while I was waking up at 6 AM. Then I began moving to 5:45, then 5:30 and now I am often up at 5 AM without an alarm clock.

In this morning hours when "normal people" are sleeping, I am getting ahead more and more, everyday.

I explain further in this short video.

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

There is a unique feeling you get when waking up early and controlling your day vs reacting to your day.

You feel energized, accomplished and even more invigorated to get more work done, to achieve more success and to simply be MORE.

I experienced this when training with Joe DeSena at his home in Vt. It was 7 AM and we had already crushed an awesome workout, had a healthy breakfast and discussed powerful business and life ideas.

Most normal people were still stumbling through their morning at that time.

No more excuses. Only reasons to keep climbing higher.

See you at the TOP!

Live The Code 365,


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2 Responses

  1. I retired from the Army two and a half years ago. Was diagnosed with ptsd and had multiple body issues due to all the years of hard PT and road marches. I had been feeling sorry for myself for the longest time when I came across your website. I’m working out three times a week and started my car restoration business. I wait daily for your e- mails filled with motivation and no excuses approach. Thank you! You have made a true change in my life.

    Ricardo Torres.

    1. Ricardo – Hellz yea, BOSS Man, LOVE the outlook on life and how you’re kicking ass again.

      MUCH Luv for your service!!!

      You inspire me to kick ass and keep spreading the knowledge bombs!!

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