Top 11 Muscle Building Exercises


Here's a list of the Top 11 Muscle Building Exercises that you simply can't go wrong with (minus if you have any injuries, physical limitations, excuses, etc) if you wanna get jacked AND strong.

Check em' out and decide how you can put them to use into your current training regime / workouts. My suggestion is to start with some hard work, mixed in with some heavy weight, sweat & consistency.

You'll also a see unique video from one of my workouts this week at The Underground Strength Gym....

After you check out this list, please add your own exercises to the list of "Best Muscle Building Exercises" in the comments section.

Looking forward to seeing your list of exercises.

Let's DO this:

1. Squats

2. Deadlifts

3. Bench Press (Medium Grip)

4. Jumps

5. Pull Ups

6. Push Ups / Hand Stand Push Ups

7. Rope Climbs

8. Hanging Leg Raises

9. Hand Walking

10. ANY Ground to Overhead

Dan John once said that if all you did was clean and press you could become awesome. As I practice the snatch I see exactly what he means. His message is of commitment. Are you committed?

11. Farmer Walks (Carry ANY Object)

Drop a comment if you've got ANY exercises you'd like to ADD to this list of 'Top 11 Muscle Building Exercises'. I am psyched to see what you can add to this list!


If you dig this post please do me a BIG favor and share with your friends on facebook / twitter. MUCH respect for showing the Luv! BOOM

Live The Code 365


19 Responses

  1. Daniel Behling says:

    Hey Zach I was just curious what are you using to fill up those rogue jerry cans? I know they can supposedly be loaded to 400lbs each according to the product description on Rogue’s site.

    1. yo bro, 1 of our Coaches, Kurt, filled em’ up w/sand off the beach! I have some steel shot but the shot is NOT what U imagine… it’s NOT tiny pellets, it’s basically like powder.

      So we filled w/sand and they are prob about 130 lbs each

  2. For several months now I havent been following a program but instead choosing what exercises to do from time to time. I have a list of 9 exercises (squat, deads, cleans, snatches, clean and presses, pullups, carries, bench press)

    What’s your thought on this? Training without a specific program, but instead trying to do each lift hard at least once a week?
    Any ideas on how to limit the downsides of training like this?

    1. Anton – Whats MOST impt is to train hard and be consistent, I think w/your list you’re on the right page, BUT, be careful NOT to allow yourself to veer too much.

      The downsides?

      Sure, you have lots of flexibility…. you’re goals are to do what? Complete just these lifts?

      Do U have goals to increase strength or speed or reps/weight on each lift?

      Set down goals for EACH lift…. then you will go somewhere πŸ™‚

      1. Very good point,Zach. You don’t necessarily need
        To follow any particular split as long as you have a measurable program. You must be attempting to make progress in some area of your training at all times.

        1. Pick the exercises that matter the most, then, set monthly or quarterly goals to achieve with weight and reps.

          Stronger Than Yesterday!!!

  3. Great list, I use all of these except rope climbs (because I don’t have a rope to climb yet), I’m substituting dumbell snatches for barbell snatches, and I’m doing handstand pushups but not handwalking yet. I’d also add muscle ups to the list, although I can’t do them without cheating, yet. Thanks for the article Zach, and keep it up.

  4. Creedence says:

    Snatch and power clean should get their own number since they’re such cool exercises.

  5. Man, I’ve been doing lately Pavel’s Power to the People, and gotta tell ya it’s legit. Only two exercises, deadlift and press for me, but gains are like crazy. Two exercises get really attacked with laser focus. No assistance work, cardio, nothing. Just you and the barbell. Don’t even need rack or bench. Rippin heavy shit off the ground it’s where it’s at!

  6. Dustin W. says:

    Stones and Tire. I use the big stones for traditional altas stone lifts. My smaller stones (Hybrid Molds from Rogue) work well for swings. Like a kb double swing, but I will swing it all the way to overhead, engage the body with a slight curve back (end position as if throwing over head-on toes-arms straight-hands need to be behind head) then control the down, and explode back up when ball passes between legs.
    The tire I will do the good ole flip. 1000# is my wrestling match, and it is a battle. 800# I get a one movement lift with a knee hold to drop under and push. 600# I flip in one explosive movement without the knee for assist.
    For fun I will flip the 600# 45 feet then jump inside and farmer it back 45 feet.

  7. Excellent article and a great website in general..lovin this list. One problem I’ve faced is i don’t have anything at home to deadlift/clean with so i feel kind of limited…any advice for make-shift things to use for those? Keep up the good work.

      1. Yes, yes I do! I love rogue, I’ve purchased wooden rings from them before and they’re great. I guess I’ll just have to save up…it’ll be a great investment for sure though. then to buy plates, a bench…it’ll be a good journey

  8. Zach, I totally agree with all of the exercises above, my favorite being the deadlift. I have read alot of Dan John’s stuff and I know he said in one of his books “If something is important do it every day.” I do farmers walks every workout (5 days a week for 10 weeks now) and my overall strength and endurance under a load has increased dramatically. I also started running 1.5-2 miles 4 times a week as part of my warm up, and again, after getting used to the usual aches that come from not running for awhile, my energy levels increased and I find that I recover better now and am getting stronger while running! Another thing I started doing was finishing my overhead/bench pressing workouts(twice a week) with 30 deadlifts for time. I set a new PR this morning, 235lbs for 30 reps in 2:30 flat. Its a smoker, but worth the effort. I’m 36 and weigh for 175. And for the record, I do enjoy your emails in the morning, they go well with my cup of coffee.

  9. Hey guys, I notice a lot of tire usage. I love it, but not one mention of sledgehammer work. Work all the angles and feel your upper body swell up, burn and demand more from you. It’s a good time. Thanks for reading.

  10. Curious about your thoughts on my current training. I am very focused on increasing my strength on the pistol squat, the pullup and the clean and press. I usually stick to 3-5 sets by 3-5 reps in these movements and afterwards will hit either a WOD, your combat kettlebell complex or viking warrior conditioning. I also throw in an occasional run in the morning anywhere between 1-3 miles.

    P.S. Super stoked about your new book, you and dragon door put out great material consistently!

  11. Hey Zach…Very Nice Blog Post…

    I was wondering…How can I get the plans to your pull up and rope climbing station? I wouldn’t mind building one of those for the kids!



  12. Great post Zach,

    I will add one mobility/Health drill- THE FULL BACK BEND- then progressing into the stand to stand version, standing drop backward into back bend hold with hands close to feet then right back up. An awesome stretch, I do about 3 sets of 10-15 reps for mobility, really helped my rehab from hip/femur replacement when I was overseas.


  13. Sibghatallah Imdad says:

    well, here it is. this really is a no B.S. llist, everything is awesome. time to pick a few and hit’em up!

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