Getting Tough & Pissed off for Greatness


In this BONUS episode of The STRONG Life Podcast I am a guest on Pressing The Limits Podcast with my friend, Jon Bruney.

We dig deep into the mindset needed to be TOUGH & Successful in all aspects of life. And I gotta tell you, the more I Coach, the more I am reminded about what it takes for athletes to be successful. They need to be TOUGH. They need GRIT. They need to get Pissed off for Greatness.

As an adult, if you are lacking grit & toughness, then life will kick your a-- up and down the street.

This episode brings a lot of thunder so be I don't suggest you listen to this at night. You'll be too fired up!

  • The origins of my transition from old school bodybuilding into the research of the Russian wrestlers who were dominating the competition all around the world
  • How I got into the strength & conditioning career. A path much different than a normal strength ciach in today's day and age
  • Why everyone needs to get punched in the face
  • How kids of the 80s were motivated to be strong out of Fear
  • Why athletes need more mental toughness and grit to succeed in athletics AND life
  • Why Coaches & adults also need more toughness and grit. Life is tough.

  • Training athletes to know how to get stronger, faster & tougher whether they have a strength coach or not
  • What exercises do I recommend for athletes when they are training at a local gym
  • What old school strength books do I recommend for athletes and all lifters

Enjoy this show. It's filled with fire and passion.

Please take a minute to drop a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts. Your support keeps the show & business going STRONG.

Also, BIG thanks to my partners at Sorinex. Visit Sorinex for the best in Strength training equipment. I've been working with Sorinex since 2003.

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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