Training In Your Mid 30s


I've got some tips for you regarding training in your mid 30s, staying strong and staying healthy. Please don't disregard this video if your NOT in your 30s. Even if you're a teenager you should be listening and watching. NEVER stop learning.....

[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]

As you can tell, just because I talk about staying healthy doesn't mean you can't train hard or heavy. The key is learning how to do everything smart and optimally so you continue to lift hard all your life, not just for your first few years.

Gotta walk the talk.



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11 Responses

  1. i see you Zach stepping your multi-media game up.

  2. Love this. Turned 36 last june and was hitting crossfit for about 5 years. My body was just run down. I switched to a strength bias and am on a wendler 5-3-1 cycle currently and love the lower volume. I throw in some metcon/assistance work aka “crossfit” and my body feels way better. More topics like this would be appreciated.

  3. Right on Zach! I’m 53, had back and shoulder issues, got them figured out (weakness manifesting itself as pain and injury, imagine that!) and now am working on strengthening those areas, eating strong, and like Jon Hinds says listening to my body. Maybe you could do an interview with Jon and hit some of those “old guy” issues? That would be way cool! There are some of us who will not be riding a recliner to our grave!!!! I grew up watching Jack LaLanne, and remain inspired by his example and fired up by yours, Thanks!

  4. Great advice coach -Z-! I’m training in my 60’s and it’s definitely about warm-up, movement prep and foam rolling… Great post!

  5. Zach….you are really hitting home with the pre game warm up routine. I’m 48 and really have to put the time into mobility before and after workouts…haven’t gotten to that leaving a little in the tank thing yet

  6. You had me at “intro” ; ) Nice new stuff Zach!!!

  7. This time, the new intro Rocks. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. One of your best vids yet Zach. Injury are signs something is wrong, and it must be addressed end of story.

    Wish I knew that when iwas younger.

  9. Dustin W. says:

    Nice Intro! At 13242 days on the rock (gotta love biorhythms)! Oh yeah that’s 36yo and change. Taking care of my body is the key! Really it started 6 years ago with the birth of my first son. He looked at me with the “Who are you” eyes, and in my heart I had no answer. For the past six years I have been on a quest to be the man I always knew I could be. Train hard, eat right and take care of the body. I get a kick out of my boys when they see someone drinking a beer, and say, “Gross we use those for brats.”
    Flexibility, mobility and general health is not just for the old guys. Young people need to do it too. I would save a lot of trips to my chiro if I knew this in my twenties. At least I learn am not still banging myself up.

  10. What’s the purpose of having one hand pronated and the other supinated on the bar?

  11. Englishbob says:

    Just happened across your site. Great stuff. Audio and video is great.

    About me, long story short: 37 been injured for 18 months with a lumber disc prolapse. Cannot lift weights as a result. Been bodyweight training for a year and fave exercise is handstand push-ups.

    Always suffer mild leg pain after a work-out. All exertion causes pain, even swimming. Tried everything and now I’m trying everything else. Its tough and progress is measured in months. But the injury is healing slowly.

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