Training & Life Updates, November 2012


"We aren't going to try to train you, we're going to try to kill you."

- Soldier I, SAS

Training has been full steam ahead, high volume and high frequency. Check out the video below for some updates on my training, how to attack goals the RIGHT way, the volume workout I did on Thanksgiving morning and how to stay healthy when training HARD.

Check the video....

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

I'll be back at my running on a frequent basis SOON.


Because I am getting a new dog on December 1st.

She's a Doberman and this is the 4th Doberman I've had. The first one was when I was 5 maybe 6 years old. In 2nd grade we had Doberman puppies born and raised in our home, and we kept one of the Dobes and I grew up with him, literally, from age 7 until 20 years old.

I'll be bringing Lavana with me to The Underground Strength Gym on a regular basis as well as running with her daily, especially as she gets bigger. Dobermans have a TON of energy and need to be ran with 3 times a day. I remember this and I am psyched!

My training has been 5 x week, sometimes more. The lifting is usually 4 or 5 x week and then I am still active with the family on weekends with running, biking, etc.

I have added The Underground Volume Training Course to The Underground Inner Circle. In addition, I added a "Nutrition Hacker" course, how I tweak Intermittent Fasting, my experiences with The Warrior Diet, The Renegade Diet, losing 10 lbs while Eating MORE....

I am at a point where I need to switch to my next phase of training.

A little less of the full blown powerlifting / old school bodybuilding workouts and more focus on pure Underground Strength Style workouts: lots of Kettlebell training, bodyweight exercises, outdoor workouts, odd objects such as tires, kegs and more.

After 24 years of training I am very in tune with my training and how my body feels.

One of the BIGGEST things that has helped me during this cycle is regular squatting and deadlifting with moderate weights. Often times 3 sessions a week, not too heavy, not too light.

I have been performing GTG with the Deadlift around 275 lbs and it REALLY helped me feel strong during Hurricane Sandy, hauling around my gas filled generator several times a day. The Body AND Mind must be able to handle lifting heavy objects with OUT a warm up.

That is the REAL world, that is Training for Life!

On December 4th, I turn 37. I must say, time has gone way TOO fast. My kids are growing up, my wife and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary and The Underground Strength Movement has been going STRONG for a solid decade!

I feel like I have JUST begun tapping my potential for helping others in life and lifting.

Stay tuned for MORE news, BIGGER news.....

In a nut shell, it is time to step up The "Live The Code" actions and I refuse to stand still or settle.

Advance & Conquer my friends, Let's DO this!

In Strength,


7 Responses

  1. Zach,
    that’s an awesome workout. I’ve been shifting my training as well. Got injured a couple of weeks ago so I had to take it easy and now I’m in rebuildmode. Focus for the winterseason will be more strength work (instead of my usual metcon & endurance work), corework and again more running.
    A good finisher is the good ol’ turkish getup. One of my favorite allbody workouts. Try that with a heavier KB after a good strenght session and you’ll see stars in notime. hahaha, …

    Good to see you confident and riding the wave forward. Remember age is just a number. Attitude, living the moment and constant growth is what counts.

    1. Sven, damn, I always do TGUs first, will have to try them last, brutal idea!!! Keep me posted on your training results and success.

      How did U get injured?

      1. Zach,
        got an old back injury which broke out again. Haven’t done enough gymnastics and mobility work lately and it just backfired. My body isn’t 37 anymore. hahaha, …

        What happend to Arnold or are you getting a second dog? Dobermans are wicked – high energetic is just an understatement. My cousin got one and it takes 3 people to power him out. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Yay new puppy!

    Congrats on the new dog Zach, can’t wait to see pics!

    1. Matt, yea bro, I am sooooo freaking psyched, homie!!!

  3. This line really clicked for me “The Body AND Mind must be able to handle lifting heavy objects with OUT a warm up.” Quick question though, do you take any pre-workout supps such as c4, jack3d, etc? You seem more the type that would just rely on a solid eating plan and let the rest fall into place

    1. Nick, I do NOT take any of that bull shyt, hyped up supplements, you are right my man, I derive strength through a strong will and strong foods. I add this supplement to my water 1 or 2 x day:

      Greens are loaded with vitamins and minerals, BIG boost to immunity and energy levels and highly recommended.

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