There are MANY ways to train. MANY training methods are highly effective and trust me, MANY are horrible on even their best days. It all depends on HOW training is being implemented and is the training being done at the appropriate time and place?
When I look at training for myself or when writing programs for others, I look at their goals and what life looks like when they perform. Nothing complicated, straight, simple and to the point.
I am NOT impressed with the Coaches who TALK fancy. I look at results. Strength & Conditioning is BOTH an art & science. The best coaches understand this and CAN implement this.
Often times, the training programs that looks the easiest and simplest on paper are actually the toughest and the most effective.
In this video, I show you how I combine training for strength and speed in the SAME workout. WHY do I train like this? Because I WANT greater strength, greater speed, more athleticism and more lean muscle mass.
Most of the athletes I train at The Underground Strength Gym utilize strength, speed, stamina, mental toughness, muscular endurance and more during their competitive events. So, we train for them in the SAME workout.
In addition, my time training athletes is NOT as frequent as I'd like, so using the conjugate method would not work well for these athletes because they simply don't train enough to implement 4 x weekly training with 2 upper and 2 lower body days. Most of the athletes I see only train 2 x week. Even at the college level, it's 2 - 3 training sessions per week. Because of this schedule, I use more of a concurrent method with the athletes.
Check this video where I demonstrate one variation of one of my favorite training methods.....
Remember: Training must mirror life, your sport and your goals.
I am in training for the sport of life, what about you?
Drop a comment or question below. Looking forward....
Live The Code,
8 Responses
geart stuff as usual Z!
Thanks for this article, I often forget the KISS principle, I am training for a sprint kayak race, its so easy with the internet to get distracted and start to try the routines of others.
Listen to the body and yes, simple lifts, the basics never lie and never let you down!
Training SHOULD mirror life!
For instance, I am not an NFL football player. So, you will not see me specializing in the bench press or even squats for that matter. At the Steel Mill, when I was a labor man (recently got promoted to the office! Been climbing my way tot he top. Worked hard for it for 2 years!) I was always deadlifting, carrying weights, curling weights to fixed holds, zercher holds and carries, clean and presses with all sorts of steel parts, lateral raise “throws”, yoke walks, & farmer walks. So, what did I do? I went home and trained in the garage–the same movements—-i just made them harder and heavier. The harder I made it on myself in my garage, the easier it got for me at work.
Plus it gave me an excuse to eat more. π
Great video! As you always say dont want to be strong and useless! Speed and explosiveness are so important. Thanks for keepin the great info coming.
Justin, u KNOW it, homie!!! Strong & Explosive, then hit the jumps to become agile, mobile & hostile!
mr zach even-esh,i have been recieving your mail for sometime now and i just wanted to thank you man,love your articles,you changed my perspective on training,i live in kenya east africa,once again love your info man,keep strong
Hassan my man, thnx BIG time for your message, you made my day!!!
I’d love to see photos or videos of your training in Kenya!
Keep me posted and keep getting Stronger, my brotha!