Training For ‘The Obstacle Is THE Way’



'The Obstacle Is The Way' Book Sketch by Sacha Chua

I had a horrific night of sleep. I was up around 1 AM and stared at the ceiling until 3 AM until I said F--K it, time to get out of bed and do Work.

I was exhausted after dropping my kids off at school and started coming up with EVERY excuse in the book to NOT train today.

  • I'll train tomorrow
  • Training when tired is bad
  • This workout will be wasted if I train today
  • Take a nap instead

I decided to use my fatigue as a reason to DO rather than excuse.

I explain the how and why in this video:

[youtube width="666" height="366"][/youtube]

THE Photo of Tom Platz that Was Hung In Front of the Squat Rack at Diamond Gym!
THE Photo of Tom Platz that Was Hung In Front of the Squat Rack at Diamond Gym!

What do YOU do when you're about to crash?

What inspires you to implement "The Obstacle Is The Way"?

Comment below even if you need motivation to be a worker vs an excuse maker.

Live The Code 365,


Get The Book, 'The Obstacle Is The Way' HERE

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6 Responses

  1. Michael Meeker says:

    Similar situation. My snow crews can’t make a decision to save their own lives, so instead they call me and I’ve been up since 2 AM. Supposed to be at the gym at 530. Debated on sleeping. Gym won and because of that I am closer to my goal of 1000 lbs combine for my 50th birthday in one month. Let the gym win every time, you will always be happier with yourself.

  2. William Barrons says:

    Every one has a problem. They underestimate me and I keep proving them wrong.

  3. The obstacle is the way.. Amazing book and a call to action..

    The impediment to action, advances the action, what stands in the way becomes the way… -Marcus Aurelius

    It is our perception of the obstacle that tells us the kind of men that we are.. Do we see the obstacle as a roadblock, stoppining us in our tracks on the path of life that we have chosen.. Or do we see it as a gift, a challenge, an opportunity.. put before us to shape us, guide us, and to help us grow stronger..


    1. Truth! And, as humans, we quickly become comfortable…. even myself, so I am very, very careful if I catch myself slipping with excuses or taking the easy road.

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