I take you through a little trip down memory lane, through an old playground, which used to be way better than what we see in the video 🙁
More trips to come, and some, in NOT so nice places!
Look out!
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
I take you through a little trip down memory lane, through an old playground, which used to be way better than what we see in the video 🙁
More trips to come, and some, in NOT so nice places!
Look out!
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
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2 Responses
Hey Zach. Thanks for the show. Very cool to see your old stompin’ grounds.
You oughta see this park out by my girlfriend’s place. It’s this old school “strength” park just outside the ghetto. It’s mostly just wooden posts with heavy steel bars all over the place. It’s got high/medium/low pull up bars…metal parallel bars for hand walking…some wooden balance beams…and metal RINGS! I can’t remember the last time I saw a park with rings. haha
Anyway, thanks for the vid.
By the way, I was gonna check out Marty’s Purposeful Primitive book and clicked on your banner. It wouldn’t let the page open so I checked out what was up. Looks like you got a small typo in the html. (just an extra “h” at the beginning…no big deal). I just thought I’d let you know so you can get the banner “live” again.
Brings back memorties buddy of the Bootcamps I used to run down at the local park.
Nothing like training outdoors and using whatever was lying around to train with.
Keep it up,
Kyle Battis