TWO Muscles You Should NEVER Deny!


don howorth wrist curls

TWO things you should NEVER deny or neglect if you want to be strong as hell:

1) Grip Strength

2) Ab Training

When I first began training without the use of wrist and hand straps my grip was weak as hell. I used to do chin ups and every pulling motion with straps to take the grip OUT of the picture. BIG mistake. Having weak hands makes EVERYTHING else weak, or, vice versa. A mighty grip makes everything else stronger.

casey viator forearm

For abs, I prefer two movements over others: anything with the power wheel and any variation of leg raises. This doesn't mean I never perform sit up variations, ab exercises on the rings, etc. I certainly do, BUT, I have found that using the power wheel with hand walks and ab roll outs are tops, there ain't no denyin' that bad ass training tool.

Check the Video Below:

That was the finisher from the workout of the previous videos, where you saw Gorilla Training and old school odd object lifting.

Drop a comment below with your favorite grip and ab exercises / workouts. I'm psyched to see the responses!

Lead from the FRONT


Recommended Resources:

Grip Experts

The Power Wheel

The Man of Steel Challenge

14 Responses

  1. I love reclined rows attaching grips that I made out of 2″ and 3″ PVC, some rock climbing rope, and carabiners. Killer for grip work. Definitely rollouts with the power wheel is up there, and 1 of my favorites… see-saw KB floor presses for the abs and core.

  2. I love stabilizing moves are great and train all of the core’s muscles. Also, just contracting the abs on all other exercises ie pushups, squats, helps develop that rock hard core! Grip-hex holds, farmer walks, and sledgehammer moves gets the forearms feeling good.

  3. Got some Fat Gripz a few weeks ago. Been using them for chins, deadlifts and farmers walk. Just fry my forearms. Cheaper than buying thick bars. For abs I love standing ab wheel rollouts.

  4. Would it not also be beneficial to use the Ironmind product with one hand at times?

  5. Z
    I have to say grip exercises for me are anything fat gripped and mixed grip pull-ups. Abs, I don’t have a favorite just keep rotating exercises, making sure to do an exercise standing, seated, in a plank position and make sure to do rotation.

    Keep it Rockn


  6. Z

    This is true! GRIP and ABS after every workout!


    The power wheel kicks ass too.

    I’m gonna hit a 100yard walk one of these days…

  7. Yo Zach, the 2 forearms in the beginning of your post…casey viator and boyer coe?

    that looks like a pic out of the first weight training book i ever read from joe weider.

  8. adam, 1 handed absolutely, or, simply use their captain of crush for the 1 hand crusher

  9. dustin, they are casey viator and i think gunnar rosbo

  10. Big T, you’re a pure stud you can prob get the 100 yd crawl today!!!

  11. rick parham says:

    Yo Zach,

    This is your Hillbilly friend from “big-D” Tx. Man you are a freeek !! I’ve learned more from the stuff I’ve bought from you & from the free videos that you post than any other person I have ever gotten info from ! I’m in sales my self & I have people ask me all the time what makes a good salesman? I always tell them to go to your website cuz you have the secret.
    1. give people more in use value than they could pos. give you in cash value.
    2. give them stuff that works simply & quickly.
    3. Treat your customers like your friends.
    4. Be passionate about what you do.
    5. Give a rip about others more than yourself.

    Fell free to use this at your leisure my friend. Everything you’ve ever shared with me works very, very well. I couldn’t poss. give more to you than you’ve given to me. Not only from a physical fitness stand point but also from a mental stand point towards adversity.

  12. Grip: Well I like to slap the fat grips on farmers walks if I’m using them somewhere toward the end of a workout, also sometimes I use hammer slammer as a finisher but I always do this exercise with a significant rotation of the wrists like you’re doing the figure 8 also picking up a light KB and trying to rotate the sucker so that the belly goes horizontal :p twisting a wet towel and almost trying to tear it in 2 is pretty good too 🙂

    Abs: I’m totally with big ZEE here, wheel roll outs, the power wheel hand walks are freakin’ crazy, hanging leg raises but there is also one I like to do which I call the imbalanced crunch where I lie down and put one hand to the side holding a very light weight the other hand is toward the ceiling and I do a crunch but both sides of the body going up at the same time, no twisting, this is difficult because of the weight in your hand that’s to the side…u u also the standing gym rings rollout tears my lower abs really nice too 🙂

  13. Rick, dude, you’re the f**in’ man, BIG thanks bro and I hope to keep helping you kick more and more ass!!!

  14. Great video man! I’ve had your Grip Experts product for a while now and the exercises in it are SICK!! Definitely making a huge difference in my performance on the mat. Thanks Z!

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