Underground Strength Coach Certification Feedback…


Check it out, in the thick of things at The Underground Strength Coach Certification, held at The Underground Strength Gym in Edison, NJ.

What a crew this first group was! The next one sold out asap....not sure when the next one will be, for now, the next way to get in on my ass kicking methods is through the apprentice program.

Damn, that was a FUN, FUN, FUN weekend!

I must say, doing what I love, spending my time with others who are doing what they love, ya can't go wrong πŸ™‚

I also do a 1 month follow up with all our Underground Strength Coaches and we have been sharing success stories and this crew is killin' it! Starting boot camps, opening up gyms, traveling to foreign countries to coach sport teams....bottom line, they are taking massive action with speed and following their dreams!

My two take away points for you:

1) Don't climb the ladder of success, JUMP to the top...with SPEED!

2) Screw the "I'll do it tomorrow" saying, do it and do it NOW!

One more....

Go BIG or Go Home!

Dedicated to your success,


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