A few of the high school bruddahs needed a lil' extra motivation so i decided to crank an unannounced pull up contest to win our latest Underground T Shirts.
You'll see they ALL hit double digits.
What's more important is that not long ago, some of these kids were only performing 3 pull ups with less than stellar technique.
One of these athletes was not able to perform ONE pull up!
Remember Kids: Eat Your Pull Ups for Breakfast!
Check the vid and drop a comment, show some luv!
I do pull ups every single day I'm at the gym.
What about you, how often do you crank pull ups and why?
Let us know in the comments.
PS: Some say I'm a lucky guy b/c I own my gym and do what I love. It has NOTHING to do with luck. I busted my ass and learned the HARD way. I have a system for training and for marketing. It allows me to pull 6 figures from the gym. It started part time, in my garage.
If you want to kick ass more than anything else in this world, then you can do it anywhere. If you're SERIOUS, I can show you the way Here ==> https://zacheven-esh.com/license.php
PPS: Want the ultimate Bodyweight Training Encyclopedia? Check This Out and Click HERE.
15 Responses
I love it, those kids are SO PUMPED UP ABOUT THOSE DAMN PULL UPS!!! It doesn’t even matter what the contest is, those kids just want to win, and it takes a certain character trait to put yourself in the running for these contests. Remember kids, it doesn’t matter who wins that contest, but who has the guts to put himself in the contest in the first place. Everyone gets better when you all put out your best effort, Kudos to all you little bastards.
My guys are HOOKED on pull ups. They will often crank out another set or two even after we’ve finished a session. We don’t have a formal competition but they are always comparing with each other who can do the most.
None of them can beat me yet though 😀
I Can’t do a Pull up!!
That is why I’m here, to work myself to that level. I don’t want to follow the guys on the next level! I want to follow the the guys at the top of the game.
So I will do assisted pull up every session and kick my feet out just a little farther. Until I can bust one pull up out. Then two pull ups, etc.
I’m love’n it Lost a lot of weight, gained a lot of muscle!
Peace Out
That was some pretty motivatin’ stuff right there. I admire that competitiveness those high-schoolers have. Giving it everything they got just to one up their buddy (for the fun of it, of course).
As for pullups, I train them 3-4 days a week, mostly weighted though, and work them in ladders w/ KB C&P. My goal right now is to be able to eventually do 5 w/ half my bodyweight (I’m about 175lb.). Got a ways to go, but making progress.
Keep up the great work. I always look forward to checking out the USG blog everyday after work. It gives me good ideas and definitely some motivation to keep going.
The next contest will have to be weighted pull ups.
Stay tuned though guys, I have footage from our lift STRONG fundraiser – these high school and college kids went nuts to compete!
coming soon!
RE: Adrian – try doing recline rows and other pulling movements to assist in adding strength to your pulling muscles – your pull ups will come!
dude fare play get the little monkeys doing pull ups, and hitting double figures very good!!
Hey Zach,
Great contest, congrats to all of the athletes. A few months ago I was only able to do 2 pull ups, the other day I hit 11, my goal is 20 by Labor Day, I’m 38 y/o and 235 lbs. If I can do it anybody can. I’m really started to include more bodyweight training, thanks to your site. Its the best $12.95 that I spend every month. If your reading this and not a member, get with the program.
Happy 4th of July Everyone,
Nothing like a little competition to bring it to the next level. Way to mix it up, Zach.
I like to doing pull up 3-4 times a week mixing up it with different grips and static holds.
Happy 4th All.
Pullups were a huge part of my Military training but I suck at them now. All this talk about pullups has given the drive to get my ass back in gear. I’ve been doing a band assisted pullup ladder every day. Ath the end of this 30 day cycle I will give it a shot with my bodyweight. My plan is to get 5-8 reps at 215.
Love the competition and the atmosphere it creates. Can’t wait for the weighted pull-ups, now we get to see who the really strong men are.
We’ve had prowler contests, pull up contests w/ and w/out added weight.
I stary away from the younger ones maxing on things like deads, squats, benching, etc just b/c pf the risk VS benefit ratio
the college and more experienced athletes compete when training w/the core lifts but even then I still prefer athletes to leave 1 rep in the tank – then again, u need to let them unleash their inner beast
keeps them hungry 🙂
I know this isn’t about the video but I just had to get this off my chest. I just read your email about the way a true beast trains and eats. The fact that someone wanted to return the underground kit tells me that they didn’t give two shits ( pardon my french ) about their physical conditioning. I mean maybe if he is like 97 years old, but it sounds like he will just never get anything from your course and is looking for some easy answer to either his conditioning or weight loss. I know that anything worth having never, ever, EVER comes easy. I am not the peak of physical shape, but I also know there is not an easy answer to it, just hard work and planning. I mean holy crap, he couldn’t at least get some ideas of ways to use the kit or just some good ideas that are outside the norm that everyone knows. Hell, I’ll take the kit off his hands and be damn grateful. Sorry to rant guys, but that pissed me off really bad. It just seems like no one wants to take responsibility for their present condition so they change nothing and nothing changes, yet they still complain. Too hard, hmmpphh, my 7 year old can do a lot of this shit and has fun doing so with me .
Well with the ranting and raving out of the way. I can’t recommend Body Weight U enough. I have only been using it for about a week and a half at least once a day for 20 min, but have been feeling better, my triceps are already looking and feeling better, my energy is at a higher level, and most of it is from body weight with a hint of cheapo equipment in the mix. Thanks Zach.
I can’t do a pull up… yet. I am getting closer and have been doing more rowing exercises using BW. I got higher and closer than I ever have before today when I tried to do a full pull up. I am hoping that soon I can boast about 1 and then maybe 2. Someday Hopefully I can crank out those 20 in a row.
Man, pull-ups are great. I have always been extremely good at them. I’m a little guy, 5’4, 115 pounds and 20 years old. I was a weightlifter in high school, placed second in the state of Florida in ’07, and pull-ups have always come so naturally to me. Just a few workouts ago I hit 45 clean pullups in a row and also did 2 weighted pullups with 110 pounds. I suppose you could say I have an advantage because I am so light, but I have kicked my ass for years in the gym to be able to lift the weights I can now and being heavier is no excuse not to be able to do at least 20 pullups. All my bigger friends, 200 pounds or more guys, say I am only good at them because of my size but then I show them videos of you, Zach, doing 20 of them at the end of a grueling workout and I say, “Stop making excuses!”. Keep the videos comin’ man.
Where is this pull up contest being held and does it still go on now? And i tottally agree with brian my friends say that the only reason why i can do so many pullups is because of my weight and size i say hey you should be able to lift your own body weight! HAHA