Underground Strength Show, Episode # 7


My old bedroom and my old book shelf! You gotta see this! Am I wrong here? Did the Golden Era really rock today's lifters? Today we have less comraderie, more complainers, more cry babies, more fancy methods and people still want more fancy methods. Here and there I get a complaint about me not showoing anything new.

Is new better? Maybe I can hang myself upside down, use a kettlebell, rubber band and a wooden spoon, that's new! There ya go, it's my next video!

I sure wish the camraderie would come back like it was during The Golden Era. Today it's powerlifting VS olympic lifting, bodyweight VS. free weights, and on and on we go.


Post your comments and let me know your thoughts. Feel free to tell the complainers to shut up πŸ™‚

I sure do wish the golden era would come back... Hell, I'm gonna bring it back!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

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7 Responses

  1. I hear you bro! Why so much hate. Just because you like one style of lifting does not make all the others bad. If you don’t agree with there methods that’s fine but it may work for him or her. It’s just like the gear no gear arguments. I don’t care if a shirt gave him another 60 lbs. They still had to work hard to get to that level! What makes you happy in your training so be it. Just work hard!

  2. Love the shows Z I think tomorrow I will have to make my first one on my visit to the tire yard. Once I get my gym up and running in my new place I will for sure. Also we need to teach you how to use your camera ha!


  3. I love this Sh@t!!! I hear ya on the whinners and girlymen!! Screw em all!!- keep bringin it brutha Zack!!

  4. Sean Polidore says:

    Yeah your right to many people think ONLY the way that they train is the way to get results and that’s not the case. We should all train to get results across the board to be the most complete person we can be. Body weight, free weights, body building, power lifting… There are sooo many things to learn and master within all of these styles of trainig so why would you want to just train ONE way???

    Hey post more of those old pics to man that really gets me going. Health is wealth peace

  5. Hey Zack,

    That’s so funny! I’m sure most of us have the same old magazines, books and videos! (^0^)

  6. Im coming out in the open. I got a bootleg copy of your stuff, so i guess its fair. Quite high quality stuff you make. Thanks

  7. Steve, ha ha, 2 damn funny, I am being punished for my teenage years now, sheeesh, what goes around comes around! But hey, glad u dig it bro!


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