Underground Strength Stories: Tom Platz Squats & Diamond Gym


It was the Winter of 1995 and I was driving to Diamond Gym with my training partners. Our typical 30 minute drive to Diamond was the 3 of us getting fired up to destroy the gym as we blasted music from my special Kenwood stereo.

Back then, I had cassette tapes that were special mix tapes with our favorite music. But this one time, the guys were strangely silent.

I was scared.

Scared that our workout was going to be a wash.

The entire 30 minute drive I could just feel their lack of energy.


Things changed when we opened the doors to Diamond Gym on that cold, Winter night.....

THE Photo of Tom Platz that Was Hung In Front of the Squat Rack at Diamond Gym!

The lesson here is to choose your friends / training partners / environment wisely.

The wrong people coupled with the wrong place will suck the greatness right out of you.

I don't know about you but I have NO time for average. In fact, I despise it. I want NOTHING to do with average people and average environments.

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4 Responses

  1. Great article. I couldn’t agree more with your advice…choose friends/training partners/environment carefully. Learning it’s so true. Thanks coach.

  2. Great inspiration Zach! And happy birthday brother! I remember your birthday because it’s my birthday as well. I think you got me by a year. I am 43 years young today. I’m about to go tear up some squats, bench press, and rows, then go jump in a freezing cold lake. I don’t say this to he irrogant or cocky, although some may take it that way, but I absolutely despise “normal” people. One of my favorite quotes, “if you always do what is easy, you’re life will be hard. If you always do what is hard, you’re life will be easy.” Live the code.

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