Underground T Shirt Give-Away Contest. REPRESENT!!


Brian MacKenzie Underground Dog

underground strength coach t shirt

Our Underground T Shirts are selling out, FAST! I didn't think they would sell this FAST but they are. As of last night, only 51 Underground T Shirts were left! Undergrounders from around the world have ordered their t shirt, a good many of them ordered BOTH the grey AND black tees!!

Here's what we're gonna do..... We're gonna crank a lil' contest!

This is your opportunity to WIN, for FREE, BOTH the Grey AND Black Underground T Shirts! I'm even gonna throw in some extra goodies (some of my products πŸ™‚ for good measure πŸ™‚

Here are the "EXTRA" Goodies for the Winner who inspires the most through his / her video:

- Underground Inner Circle Membership (10 years at http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com!!)

- Full Day to train with the athletes at The Underground Strength Gym

Here's How You Can WIN.....

1. Create an inspirational video of you training like an Underground Gladiator: Strongman, Odd Objects, Powerlifting, Old School Bodybuilding, Gymnastics, Parkour...... ANYTHING goes if it kicks ass, you KNOW how we roll. It can be any length you want, NO rules.

Be Creative! Show us your personal side, your aggressive training side, where your from and why you connect to training Underground spiritually and physically. Don't hold back, half ass effort NEVER results in success!

2. Post your video on you tube, title it 'Underground Strength T Shirt __________' (fill in the blanks on your own via your own creativity). This common theme and title will help link all your videos together for easy finding and inspiration for yourself and other Undergrounders around the world.

3. Once your video is up, post a comment under this Blog Post & embed or link your you tube video. Do NOT e mail it to me as it will get lost in e mail land! If embedding your video doesn't work, just post a you tube link and I'll fix it from there πŸ™‚

4. The Due Date for the Videos is next Friday, December 10th, 12 Noon EST. I will choose the winner on Monday, December 13th.

If you don't have a you tube account, go to http://YouTube.com and create an account, it's easy and free.

You've got NO time to waste, go ahead and get cranking!

Looking forward to seeing everyone's Underground Videos!!



PS: Remember, dig deep, inspire us and entertain us with your video.

Most importantly, be YOURSELF. I wanna hear your story and I am psyched for this. Good Luck!!!

This is your chance to WIN Underground T Shirts, Underground Inner Circle Membership for 10 years and a chance to hang at my gym and train with us!

Recommended Resources:

Underground T Shirts are HERE

97 Responses

  1. distilla49 says:

    What if the video is too long. Can we submit a part one and two?

  2. Colt, inspiring videos brutha, 100% SIC, but, hoping you make one for this contest, your training is killa shizza, we’re looking for a personal video as to why you have been inspired through the underground, your video was made in July, we are lookin for vids made specifically for this contest, brutha!!!

  3. Joseph Rosenfeld says:

    this is my contest entry vid

  4. Keith Fine says:

    Nice Work Colt!! Dude your a Fuckin Beast!! I’m inspired bro!!

  5. That was ridiculous. Colt u remind me of a beefier version of Ross. Sic vid bro!!

  6. Joseph my man!!! Fuckin ripping it up!! You had me at the 1 armed plyo pushups mate. Here is your winner Zach!!
    A guy showing the world how effective bodyweight training can improve your strength. I can bench 240 but can’t push my upper body with 1-arm! Back to basics!
    Keep ripping Joseph. You’ve got what it takes to be anything!
    Sunshine Coast

  7. Zach, check it out, Colt’s doin 1-leg GHRs haha they’re sick!! great vid!

  8. these vids are awesome. blow me away…..

  9. For me Colt is the best till now. And to 3rd vid – you call this winter? Here in Poland we have like -20 (yes, below zero) Celcius degrees! and half meter of snow!

  10. Quote i wanted to share, uncontest related but i love it:

    “No one can run a mile in 4 minutes; Bannister does it, then 4 people do it in 1 year, now high school kids do it regularily; how much are we limiting ourselves based upon what we know?”

  11. Zvi Fridman says:

    When it comes down to basics, being fit is not just to be strong and ready for every thing that life throws at you. Being able to play hard and have fun with your kids every day and for as long as i can, it what matters to me !

  12. Zvi, you changed the title of your video bro, ha ha, I saw it a while back

    Looking for people who took the time to make a video for THIS contest πŸ™‚

  13. Mateusz!! Back here in canada we have around -35 at the highest point of the winter, makes it fun to go pull the sled through all that snow and that cold!

  14. William!!!! Hells yea brutha, gettin’ after it!!!!

  15. Zvi Fridman says:

    Hey Zach yeah i did, you got me on this one : ). even if i posted an old one and will not compete i’m glad that you’ve checked it out back then. it means allot to know you took the time and effort and watched it bro.
    Here is another one I’ve made a while ago, to show that anytime any where there is an opportunity to train

  16. Hey Zach! Don’t know if I’m doing this right, but here’s part 1 of my entry for the contest. Thanks for your time.Check out this video on YouTube:

  17. Here’s part 2 of my vid. Check out this video on YouTube:

    Sent from Ozzie’s iPhone

  18. HOLY S**T Bruthas, this is gonna be ONE, TOUGH, Friggin’ T Shirt Contest!!!

    I am honored that everyone took the time to put together these videos, I KNOW it ain’t EZ!!!

    Friday is the deadline, winners announced Monday!


  19. All of these videos are crazyyy!! Im working on mine and will hopefully have it done by tomorrow!!

  20. Wow!
    Thanks to all you guys for posting the videos. Inspiring! I’ve been forwarding them on and getting lots of thanks for doing so.

  21. Big Chris says:

    Colt KILLS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Zvi second vid has the best music! Hangman rips!
    Derek is beastly strong! Crossfit makes me cringe as someone who has worked in rehab for 2 decades. Orthopedic surgeons everywhere must be car shopping though.

  22. Thanks guys, anyone traveling through Nashville feel free to look me up at crossfitmt.com and stop by for some heavy training. Thanks for getting a strength community together zach!!

  23. dont know why vid was cut off on this blog, see full width at youtube.com/dmlrobinson

  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvED6vOx_lI

    Here is a Link to my video not sure how to embed it on here! Had some trouble getting it up but finally did! Sorry for the quality, it is shot with a camera that is supposed to be used to take pictures and little 1 minute clips hahah! Only thing I have! Hope you guys enjoy!


  25. My boys Joseph and Wendell would get my votes. Awesome stuff fellas. Wendell-those homemade blast straps look so familiar. πŸ˜€ Keep doing what yall doing boys.

    -Chris N.

  26. Wow! Great stuff!! Straight beasts! Young bucks tearin it up is as inspirational as it gets. Good luck pickin a winner here Zach!

  27. Thanks Chris! Hahaha You have your own pair?!!

  28. Body-weight fitness.. lets bring it home!!

  29. Tough Contest, i really liked Noel’s video. Not only is he vegan but those moves are hard to do.

  30. Voting for my cousin Noel, he’s style of workout is very unique.

  31. Jennifer Gray says:

    My vote is for Noel – Vegan Fitness Star.

  32. I vote for Noel .. his story inspires me and I see that there is no need for a gym when you want to be fit.. Way to go Noel

  33. I vote for Noel , Vegan power πŸ™‚

  34. noel's biggest fan aka erica says:

    noel my vote is for you. you are so amazing changing peoples lives. giving them hope and inspiration. motivating them and showing them that you dont need a gym or money to get fit and in shape.GET FIT OR DIE TRYING!!!!

  35. My vote is for Noel, hands down! This guy is pure natural strength – no one here got anything on him. He is an inspiration to all of us and makes us want to bring out the best in ourselves. Much Love <3

  36. Amanda Jones says:

    my vote is definitely for Noel. he deserves it in every way. he is truly an amazing man

  37. My vote is for Noel. He changed my life with his motivation and inspiration.

  38. Awesome stuff! My vote’s for Noel – the “Vegan Fitness Star”.

  39. Wendell is the Winner! He is a “True” Underground Warrior. There are thousands of guys on youtube doing what Noel does. Very, very few Wendells digging deep inside the Warrior heart to motivate themselves in a lonely basement underground, then make their own equipment to make the body and mind stronger.

  40. Voting for Noel best video

  41. My vote is For Noel!!! He brings something different to the table. He shows you how to stay in shape with just using your playground. And hes moves are not only explosive but entertaining. Taking a different road than others. He seeks a healthy body not only from the outside but by the inside as well. Vegan MUscle. Vegan Fitness Stay Bring it home for the vgeans!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Noel - Vegan Fitness Star says:

    Taking my time to thank everyone who is supporting me. I went out to create the most unique video for the contest. Without using any equipment at all. No weights, no bands, and any other type of equipment. I did that because we already came with the equipment we need to workout and that is our own bodyweight. Not your typical moves you are use to seeing on the playground but all these explosive exercises work, and take it from me. I dont take any supplements, and i am a avegan. Right now i am in the best shape of my life. Hope to keep inspiring others into getting shape, and being healthy without taking any chemicals harming your body or injuring your self. Love your body is the only one you got! – Vegan Fitness Star Noel

  43. cassandra says:

    I vote for Noel πŸ˜‰

  44. voting for the only vegan in the contest. eats right and works out hard = perfect package. my vote goes for vegan fitness starrr

  45. Colt is a MAN-BEAST! His video is by far the best!!!!

  46. Tess Diaz says:

    I’m voting for Noel Polanco. His organic and costless workout style is a great influence to those who don’t want the gym; who wants to workout outside; and who wants to save some money. His workout style is very natural and very effective. He is also a raw foodist. A total package – clean living workout/lifestyle.

  47. Gotta vote for my raw vegan superstar, Noel!

  48. Colt is a beast. No one works like this dude.

  49. My vote is for Colt, he’s beast and puts it all out there!

  50. The video Colt made is by far the best. He lunge walks while pulling a truck! That is insane!

  51. My vote is for Colt, freaking ridiculous!!

  52. john truck says:

    Colt video is by far the best video on this website, Noel video is all upper body and doesn’t work any legs.

  53. Rob D. Fitzgerald says:

    Colt for sure. He’s a monster and has inspired me to try some of his workouts.

  54. frank the tank says:

    Colt is an animal…most people can only dream of doing some of the things he can do. the other videos are nice but thats stuff that a lot of people can do. no one can do all of the things colt can…and they would die tryin

  55. I think the video that guy colt made was the best. he definitely shows what underground training is all about!


  57. COLT!!!diesel..awesome!!

  58. all looks good..my vote is for colt!!

  59. Colt for sure. It’s so raw. lunge walking a truck, wth? And he’s not doing gymnastics, that’s awesome.


  61. vegan fitness star gets my vote. Noel is a beast on those bars. Shows you how to stay in shape with bodyweight exercises, gotta love him.

  62. Colt Coletti is a badass!!!

  63. Actually not a great crop of videos, but Colt has a bad ass video. If anyone wins it should be him.

  64. Colt has my vote! Awesome!

  65. Colt killed it! One day I’ll do what he does.

  66. Colt is a straight MONSTER!!! Why does anyone else even try!

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