Wanted! Intern for Underground Strength Gym


Have you seen the F-R-E-E videos I have rockin' for you at my Blog?

You better cruise on over to the video page asap...

==> https://zacheven-esh.com/blog/category/videos/

Keep the speakers low, you don't want your Boss to catch you doing your Underground research 🙂

***** Underground Intern Wanted *****

I am looking for an intern for The USC Gymnasium located in Edison, NJ.

If this isn't for you due to location, please take a moment and pass this on to someone who might be a good fit.

The intern is unpayed for the summer, but, he will get the chance to work with awesome athletes, learning our methods inside and out, training with athletes and getting insider access to pretty much everything I do.

There will be an interview process, and there is always the possibility that this is not a good match for you. We want a highly dedicated, highly motivated individual ready to learn and also one who walks the walk. You can't be a Coach here unless you are training hard and learning yourself.

If all goes well, the intern will have the possibility of becoming a regular Coach at The USC Gymnasium and get payed for doing what you love.

Ya can't beat that 🙂

In Strength,


PS - Don't forget to check out those videos:

==> https://zacheven-esh.com/blog/category/videos/

2 Responses

  1. chris gonzalez says:

    hey im really interested in being an intern and learning alot i am just curious to what the hours would be like?

  2. Hi Chris

    we roll from 3 – 7 or 8 PM

    the intern would be required at least 10 hrs per week

    i think we snagged our best person for this job, but, ya never know, so feel free to e mail me your info, background and you would be a good fit for the USC Gymnasium

    thanks bro,


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