Wearing A Weightlifting Belt, Changing My Training & Rocky



Remember the days of everyone wearing a weightlifting belt? Even those Valeo velcro belts in pink? No? Ahhhhh, you're too young.

Anyway, regardless of your age or experience, wearing a weightlifting belt and learning proper breathing is something you need to know about.

Why and when to wear a weightlifting belt?

And, why every workout is better when Rocky tunes are pumping through the air.

Check it out below.

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SqUXHrL5wg[/youtube]

3 Tips to help you make gains in the Gym AND in Life

1) Open up your mind and be open for change.

2) As you change due to age, different goals, injuries, time of year, etc. your training should change as well. Don't resist change, embrace it.

3) Discriminate against nothing. Almost every form of training will have it's time and place in your life, even the methods you are resisting. One day, it will all work and be of benefit.

QOD [Question of The Day]

How is your training and life evolving? Drop a comment below.

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9 Responses

  1. Definitely like the mace work using the sledge hammer!
    You are so right about adapting our training as time goes on.
    It was great training with you again this past weekend. Thanks, Z!

    1. Frank! It was awesome crushing it w/ you, my man!!!

  2. Training: I have been adding more isometric holds of all varieties (L-sits, hangs, TRX positions, rings, planks, OH), along with GTG for shoulder press. Also mixing some throwing in to practice for Summer Strong

    Life: Focusing on creating a new personal vision for how to integrate strength and conditioning, my physical therapy practice, and an athlete recovery type facility. Most importantly, spending more time with my wife, daughter and dogs in the great outdoors.

    1. Matt, I love it, brotha, you are pushing mind, body & spirit! Excellent!

  3. In terms of “change” or adaptation, I’ve got to accept that at 37, I’m can’t wrestle “live” with the team I coach anymore. Or at least not with the prep work I had done this year. I’ve been struggling with my back and hips since.
    I want to renew focus on core work and hip mobility and then crush the Bodyweight Bodybuilding course (along with my distance running). After that, maybe add some KB work in for the first time.

    At any rate, I’ve got to strong AND healthy to continue playing with my girls and leading from the front with the high school kids I coach.

    Nice video Z: we throw the “Rocky” soundtrack on in the wrestling room when Nuc and I can’t listen to anymore hip-hop!

    Love the Spartan Wrestling T, wish I coulda been there!

    1. Pritch, don’t live in the past, brotha. No need to train like a 16 yr old, do what works for you, brotha!!!

  4. I’m always amazed how strong (blue-collar) average Joe’s are! Taking strength to “another level” isn’t always necessary if you’re not a competitive weightlifter. Mind, body and spirit strengths are vital for living a strong and productive life but like you’ve said Zach, sometimes you need to adapt and overcome according to your present physical circumstance.

  5. Mike Guardiola says:

    Glad you brought this up. It’s funny how I feel better and am making more gains at 41 than when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. I stopped pounding my joints with jogging and I am real efficient with my eating and lifting. I actually do more sprints because of minimal bone impact (done right) and the natural GH response i’m getting. I am consistent with my shoulder prehab and I lift for what feels right. I think the gains are coming from the golden era BB stuff I sprinkle in. haha! It get’s better!

    Zach keep it coming!!


  6. Truth Z! Love this message. I’m not “old” yet at 32, but definitely have noticed things are changing. The more types of training I include, the better I feel. Loving this BWBB right now. Also getting into a little more running/hiking for the summer. Feeling great helps the mind body and spirit!

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