I've got a question for you.....
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQHX8ul2xlc[/youtube]
Please drop a comment with your answer. Looking forward to hearing who and what inspires the men and ladies of Underground Strength Nation!
24 Responses
Mother Maeve in heaven.
People who believe in me inspire me a ton. People who don’t believe in me inspire me even more.
ahhhaaaaaa, NICE!
Not in a conceited way, but I inspire me! I look at where I have been and each step I have taken/am taking in a positive direction. My son, daughter and wife inspire me to BE the man I want them to see when they look at me!
Hmm i never thought about that question.
The motivation to train comes most time from myself, because i love to train.
But iยดm also inspired by people like, James Smith, Jedd Johnson, Steve Maxwell, Mike Bruce and for sure also by you Zach ๐
But i donยดt have a typical role model to follow a ” i want to be that guy”. Hell no, i want to be a better me ๐ I think that for excample is inspired by you. You also want to be a better you ๐
I wish you guys and girls happy easter ๐
very cool, thnx!!
Two guys that come to my mind right away are Dan Gable and Walter Payton. These guys are both phenomenal athletes. In Dan Gable’s last year as head coach at Iowa he could still line up everyone of his wrestlers and take them down. It is because of Walter Payton that now everyone runs hills hoping to be the next dominating force on the field like he was. Also both of these guys are down to earth real men that if you saw them on the street they would take the time to talk to you. Walter Payton could still be alive today but instead he waited in line just like everyone else for a liver transplant and unfortunately his time came before his number was called. How many famous athletes or people do you know that would are that humble? What both Dan Gable and Walter Payton had that others did not was the desire to be the best and to out work their opponents on and off the field they were constantly training to be better than their opponent and that is why they were able to acheive what they did. When I think of these guys and what they did and how they trained it lites a fire deep inside me and gives me that fuel knowing that somewhere out there my next opponent is getting ready and need to be working harder than him.
2 awesome men right there!
Family first and foremost when it comes to why I do what I do. Use to party, eat like crap, and train periodically back in the day. When my first son was born I changed because he looked at me with those, “Who are you?” eyes, and I didn’t have an answer. For seven years I have been working on becoming who I want to be.
Inner strength? Simple for me. My grandfather participated in the Death March during WWII. At 18yo he was faced with either giving up, or pushing on. Living everyday with the knowledge that he could be killed, or fall sick and die. He made it through and raised six kids, and was a very loving grandfather. So when times get tough I think of him and realize my troubles are nothing.
Great stuff!
makes it ez for us to see we don’t have it hard one bit!
For sure Ultimate Warrior, videos by muscle factory on YT, and You.
Plus every time someone say to me: “You can’t.”
I am inspired by thinking positively and doing the best I can to relate to my surroundings. Training hard helps with this, it pushes away the negative thoughts and all I’m saying in my head is “I’m working. I’m getting shit done.” It makes me feel great and when I’m feeling good I get the sense that others around me are feeling good.
I look up to guys like you, Jason Ferruggia, and Jim Wendler. All three of you have impacted the way I train myself and others each and every day. I look forward to reading new material, buying products, joining the IC.
Tons of knowledge equates to tons of growth as a person and as a professional.
I’m inspired by others that are willing to put in hard work with anything they do. If I see someone that is an underdog or has struggled to get to where they are now, that lights a fire under me. More importantly I am inspired by my family and those friends around me that care about me. I consider everyone in my family as being superman or superman where they have achieved a lot in my eyes. I’m here to live my life for me and my family, it is what gives me strength when I’m thinking of throwing in the towel. Sorry, a lil deep but peace out and keep training.
Its a hard one. From a training perspective only guys like John Grimek or Arthur Saxon, and John Davis. From a just being a person standpoint people like Fredrick Douglas, Brigham Young, Mark Twain, Steven Hawking, and my father.
Dan Gable is a huge inspiration for me as well. I read a book about him my senior year(after wrestling season sadly) and it changed my perspective about what real work ethic is and how persistant training can take you a long way. It’s hard to beat a guy like Gable but if you took to heart some of his principles it goes to show that an average mortal without epic genetics can eventualy see some of that “Gable magic” if they keep at it. Every sport has it’s legends though, and all the legends have a a work ethic like no other whether it is god given or not. I have a dream myself to be legendary at something athletic. im not going pro because im 5’4 120 lbs. But i have the desire to train unlike all my friends. and when my friends tell me im too small or i’ll never make it… that’s what makes the fire. I don’t know whats More inspirational, Legends like Dan Gable, Walter
Peyton, Jordan, Armstrong, Prefontaine, or just your peers negative or positve help. Either way I believe anyone’s best inspiration should be themselves. Because even the legends had only themselves to inspire to when no one else would. Thats why they’re legends i guess.
In life I’m inspired and motivated by my family as well. My wife and my little girl are my life. I do all for them.
As far as lifting and fitness I’m insired by Christopher Reed, Sincere Hogan, Mandler, Uncle Mike, Smitty, The Milkan, and you Zach to name a few.
Thanks Coach!
What is the most effective way to imporove speed quickly?
People who don’t believe I can do something. I want to prove people wrong and that I can achieve whatever I want.
Get stronger. Until you can squat 315 lbs. you are weak and just need the basics.
Fat, balding men half my age who just don’t understand what motives me! (meant in the nicest possible way – if you get my drift!!)
And I should qualify my comment by adding, I refer to the “couch-potato bridgade” whose only sport seems to be knocking those doing something about their health – I’m sure many know the type…Cheers, Baz
I am inspired daily by my children and I strive to be their inspiration as well.
Just looking at human history can inspire me. Too many people focus on all of the terrible things that mankind has done….and they forget all of the stories that show the unconquerable human spirit. You want to know about the will to survive? Read Antony Beevor’s book: Stalingrad.
Arthur Saxon and John Grimek. Made me want to get my military press to 1.5xbw. Also the Saxon side bends rip my side apart.