Why CRAZY = HUGE Success


Been VERY inspired to share my thoughts on this lately.

It's been one thing after another, watch this video and I'll explain further....

I don't have much more to say than that.

Drop a comment if you have anything to add or share, looking forward!



PS: The BEAST Program is live. Once again, NOT reserved for the normal. Click HERE for Details.

Unleash The BEAST!!

beast strength

53 Responses

  1. You got it broski! I know Im pouring all Ive got into my training, reading and clients to make sure they get all theyre paying for.

    Im providing colossal evidence that not only am I THE go to guy but Im just as driven and more so than they are because their only “training” with professional is the time they spend with me. And I’m going to make damn sure it’s a high quality experience they don’t want to miss out on.

    Keep it up Z…I’m out!

  2. Yeah Z! Thanks for another inspirational post. Hopefully you get plenty of feedback with appreciation for putting this kind of stuff out there.
    Speaking personally, and I assume I can speak for others as well, we’re really grateful.
    Can’t wait for John Legg to open his Underground in Melbourne. In the mean time I’m off to train with an intensity that instills fear in others.

  3. Truer words have never been said. Inspirational to say the least.

  4. I like your “no time” translation. Example: I got home late from work and still had to do a ton of stuff to do. I could have skipped my workout, NOT! I didn’t change into workout clothes. I just took off my shirt, I already had sneakers on, and got into a quick 20 minute Hybrid Style workout, KB’s and pullups. I got a little sweaty in my jeans, but screw it, I got my workout in.
    Zach, you keep inspiring more and more undergrounders!


  5. so true Zac,there’s like a 90 year old Chinese guy in my park about 6am EVERY morning with his woolly cap on training!(running at a snails pace) Truly awesome!probably a old skool, zen ,shaolin master …? Nice one Zac..London

  6. P.S. Zac if you fancy a bit of Mind/Body Strength see if you can find an Aussie Dude called “The Mighty Apollo”…..?(Melbourne, Australia)

  7. Here’s a clue “Mighty Apollo pulls 30 ton tram with his teeth” get crazy!

  8. great true words Z! Motivates to 150 percent! I am ready to train and bust my ass off!

  9. Hey Zach, great post. I coach football up here in Canada and our biggest problem is getting kids to be tough. The lage majority are soft, spoiled and weak. We manage to turn some kids around into strong leaders but it is very difficult. I am always trying to show kids how to train and encourage mental toughness, but when they get home it’s back to being spoiled and taken-care-of!! When I was in highschool I had football practice, then right to my part time job, then home and right to bed because I was so tired and had to do it again the next morning. Anyway, great post, keep fighting to make kids tough.


  10. Z!!!!!!!!!!

    Dude I am pissed off it HASN”T snowed yet… part of my crazy now.. up at 3am to grab the 4am bus and then walk 40 minutes to my Bootcamps… AND could give a F$#% if there’s a snowstorm outside… I’ve already challeneged mother nature to BRING IT! … as yet she hasn’t stepped up to the plate. We’ll see if she’s got the balls to hit me with one b4 Xmas…

    As for training in the snow Rocky Style…. THAT is something me and a buddy have mine have talked about for years… (can’t reall do it in OZZIE Laand.. and if you do it then do it properly in a place that has a REAl Winter… and within 5 years I will have that kick ass barn gutted out and refitted UNDERGROUND Style and in the thick of winter drag his carcass through the snow after we have killed it in the barn with various underground tools

    Inspired Vid dude

    Rock on!


  11. Z,

    I feel you on this one man. I have the same problem with some of my kids…I want to win more than they do…and they’re the one’s on the field getting their heads handed to them. I’m trying to show these kids how they need to work to get where they want to be. Never heard anything more true than what you just laid out here man. TIME TO GET CRAZY!

  12. Train like its a war, out hustle out work everyone else. Thanks for helping me get my mindset back on track Z. I have been absolutely amped and motivated lately because of this blog and the honest brutal truth you lay out there. Keep killing it bro. In strength.

  13. Joe Chizek says:

    I agree 110% with that comment. I always try and tell my clients I work with that they need to get a little nuts when they workout. I think that not enough athletes no how to switch that mindset when it comes to a practice or game. Maybe everyone has this, but for some reason can’t tap into it. This is one thing that I have been trying to get out of the people I work with so they can get that much more stronger. It’s a decision to kick ass.It’s black and white, you either do it or don’t.

  14. Matt

    that’s what I like to hear, kick ass 100%!

  15. Ant – John e mailed me yesterday, his gym is in the works!!

  16. Gareth, awesome! Yea man, that dude could prob kick both our asses!

    Love seeing peeps like that!

  17. Toohey, you’re a straight up warrior, no 2 ways about it bruddah!

  18. Pat

    we need to outlaw x box and all the other sh*t

    i also believe hardcore gyms need to keep making the come back

    would love it if they just took over all the regular gyms, and start creating centers for physical culture


  19. Dennis

    I am honored you would even say that about this Blog bro, glad to be here for ya!

  20. Zach, I can’t tell you how much of inspiration your videos have been to me. This video in particular really hits home. I work with mostly middle aged clients in a “fancy” studio, but have brought that craziness, do whatever it takes attitude to the training room, and I can tell you our clients are seeing better results because I haven’t been putting up with their complaints. Thank you for inspiring me and all the others that follow you on the web. Keep up the good work. Hopefully I can get over for an Underground Cert one of these days.

  21. Walter Dorey says:

    I am certifiably crazy.

    Did the Rocky workouts in the snow when I lived in NY. Plowing through waist deep snow in the woods trying to run up hill, boots filling with snow then

    slipped down a hill, legs busted through ice on a stream and I walked, shuffled, somewhat ran through mounds of snow to get back home, covering a mile with pant legs that had forzen stiff with ice from the stream.

    I know crazy. He dwells within.

    I would run through the thick woods in the fall, dodging trees and branches. Some would stick me if I was too slow. Other dead branches I would chop and break with my hands as I rushed onward letting nothing slow my path. I was a Samurai.

    Yeah, I’m crazy. It’s in my blood.

    Here in AZ I have run up hiking trails carved deep by shod horses, rutted, twisting uphill paths that everyone else slowly trudges up.

    Crazy…that’s me.

    I wrestled a 5 gallon bucket sized rock out of the sand in a dry desert wash in 105 degree heat and carried, dropped, wrestled back up and repeated the process for over a mile. Sweat. Blood on the forearms. Crazy.

    Once again I will get crazy. I have been layed up for almost three months without being able to workout or work (per surgeons orders) after surgery on my legs.

    I can walk and that is all. So I hike on trails in the desert. Dec. 3 I go back for an eval from the surgeon and sonogram to make sure there are no blood clots.

    At that point, if all looks good, the surgeon will give me the go-ahead to begin stressing my body again.

    And as soon as he does:

    I WILL come back ROARING STARK CRAZY MAD to get where I want to be. Where I NEED to be. Where I MUST be.


    Yeah I know crazy.

    It is ME.


  22. zach, i’m looking into “the beast” and have a question. can i do other things and keep this as an outline ? also, do i need tractor tires, or can i substitute certain equipment ?

    thanks, mike b

  23. My dam thoughts every fkn day coach, you have to go to the darkside. If u r going through hell, keep going, W. Churchill

  24. Love the message bro…Definately see that alot around here and it goes along with the sticker in our garage gym


    You have to do the work to get the results..plain and simple!

  25. Zach,

    What the f#ck! This post is awesome and totally hits home! It’s the little things along the way that make a huge difference in the end.

    From personal reflection I was never the most gifted athlete but I was a worker. My approach to football was always blue collar- even now to this day as an entrepreneur I adapt the same mentality…work, work, work…no regrets no remorse.

    You’re f#ckin right I’m crazy! Since getting back from the Underground Cert I have blown sh*t up! My manual and certification are off the ground and will be reaching out to more peeps come the new year fo shizzle. That’s crazy to me! So much positive things have happened but like minds attract like minds. The underground crew reppin’ all across the globe now is just that- a crew that provides constant affirmation that impossible is nothing!

    I am back on for postings now- but you will be happy to know that my debt, from attending the Underground Weekend Certification, is now paid in full! you asked two things: bring 2 dudes with me (Mario Amaral W.A.R. Academy & Adam Toohey- Toronto Fitbody Bootcamps) and to pay it forward to three people upon returning home…newly Certified Kettleboxing Coaches (CKC)- Riina Bousquet, Carla Pagniello and of course my main dude Adam Toohey…so there you have it coach…crazy is as crazy does; you have just perpetrated the paying it forward tidal wave!

    Zach as always my thanks to you for providing such a kickass forum- and my thanks to the readers, you guys are all kickass and your posts serve as constant affirmation that I am on the right path!

    Age Quod Agis!

    – Christopher Reed

    p.s. The Empire is coming! (muaahhaaahhhahhhahhhahhhaaa)

  26. Zach,
    I love the attitude. As a 49 year old competitive powerlifter, It takes a lotta ‘tude to keep slammin thru all the little tweaks, aches,pains and negative talk from other”old guys” that have backed off or just given up.
    Guys like you help keep me motivated; kudos on what your doing, keep it coming, bro.

  27. Z,

    Nuff Said…….let’s get to work son…..Damn!!

  28. You get out what you put in. If these jokers want to be soft, lazy, fat, unhealthy, who am I to mess that up for them. But if you want to be a warrior, do what warriors do.

    Don’t talk about it, BE about it!!!

  29. Love your stuff Zach,
    I know this isn’t hardcore but I took my kids, 2 years and 4 years old, to the park tonight in the dark so that they could do some climbing, running around and some fresh air. There were no lights in the park, all we had were the street lights from the nearby road. Managed to get some pull ups in too.
    I love walking round town with my 4 year old on my shoulders and my 2 year old in my arms, everyone looks at me like I’m crazy. I want to be able to do that when they are fully grown! Training like Conan, ha ha. ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. You hit the nail on the head there man. That type of attitude has to get out there more. There’s too many people out there just goin through the motions in the gym and in life and it’s that stuff that they need to hear to get them out of that funk. This will separatethe Men from the Boys. Top stuff.

  31. Doug, you’re the man and you’re making your clients better b/c you’re making them tougher!

  32. Walter, holy sh*t you’re straight up CRAZY, but I love it! ha ha

    I hope all is well w/your health, and hope Dec 3rd goes smooth and easy bro!

  33. Mike B – absolutely you can use it as a template yet NOT set it in stone.

    Knowing your own body will give you best results.

    You can even follow the system and the splits and choose your own tools and exercises!

  34. Joe G and Mike B, hells yea broskies, thank YOU!

  35. Dave, thnx for the props, good to get that feedback from someone who understands me.

    I had hate mail today, ha ha

    You helped cancel that shit out, he he he

    Powerlifting at your age, you’re a pure stud!

  36. Belton and Joe – U boys always make me proud!!!!!!

  37. James, exactly, warriors are a different breed. And we train like mad men / women.

    Not everyone understands that, they r too busy following the rules and crying about anything outside of their scientific mumbo jumbo

  38. Peter, awesome! The more kids you have the stronger you must get so you can keep carrying them!

  39. Fantastic Post, Zach. You speak the truth. Cheers.

  40. Zach,

    You should send brochures of your website to our Military overseas. As a veteran, when your deployed overseas and your not out on mission your usually working out, guys and gals are REAL big on that over there because theres not much else to do. Im POSITIVE that that they would love the material you put out and you would get many subscriptions.

    Keep up the Good Work


  41. I am totally agree with you.. That’s really a powerful technique to gain the fitness and strength..

  42. Zach,
    The shit that you say in this video is dead on with what I’ve been thinking/feeling….

    I opened my gym 4 years ago in an area of TEXAS that has 4 high schools in the immediate area, thinking it would be the perfect place to build my legacy.

    After turning out some diamonds in athletes that were “coal” I got a rush of business. However, because of the training methods and the intensity of what we do at The Compound, the majority who came in never returned, because it was “too hard” and/or “too crazy.”

    Since then, my football clientele from the local area has dwindled to the point where I only have 3 local athletes. The reputation that my gym has gotten is kin to going to Hell. And this is because I expect the very best from everyone who walks through my doors…ESPECIALLY the “D-1 prospects.”

    Now, most of the high school athletes that train at my facility are from outside the local area. The locals prefer working out with trainers from Lifecrime Fitness and 24Hr. Fiction, because they get to do easy shit like balancing on BOSU balls, while saying their ABC’s in tune with Christina Aguilera music and tons of agility ladder work.

    Todays’ generation of kids are pathetically lazy and weak. Only a small percentage of them have the fire to PUSH themselves to their limits in order to attain their goals. This pisses me off too, because I see them having opportunities that I would have killed for when I was in high school in the 80’s!

    A friend of mine suggested that I “tone it down” so I’ll increase my profit margin… Before he even finished speaking that thought, he knew it wasn’t going to happen.

    I would rather work at Mc Donalds than to allow my reputation as a trainer to suffer or come into question because I softened my approach to getting shit done.

    “Crazy” works…. But it’s for gladiators and warriors, not pussies! Unfortunately, our society is breeding a lot of pussies.

  43. Coach PC don’t change bro, instead, seek to build the kids up, create a new family inside your gym and breed more beasts

    this is what we must do!

  44. erik, i don’t know what type of internet access if any the military gets when deployed overseas, i would love to help them!


  45. Boris Bartley says:

    In this day and age, their are a few that has the guts to say it like it is and you are one of those peeps. Nuff Respect Zach keep killing it Brudah.

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