“You Can’t Do That” & Why I Choose Success Over Mediocrity



[youtube width="700" height="400"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THopw4BiKvY[/youtube]
Lack of evolution.....
Lack of forward progress.....
THAT is stressful.
Why not climb onward and upward?
I know some don't care to change, some are perfectly happy to be exactly where they are, as they are.
Something inside of me has me believing BIG time in others but this means nada when too many don't believe in themselves.
In turn, you "grow up" and get older.....
And, at age 25, 35, 45, 55......
You STILL do NOT believe in yourself because no one told you it's OK to be GREAT.
No one encouraged you to be AWESOME.
I had this conversation w Joe DeSena in our recent podcast Here.
And we were getting fired up because we want other to be fired up for their own success, BUT.....
I told Joe, NOT everyone can be great.
The REALITY is that we need those who are happy with "good enough", happy with average and even those who don't care that they are completely at the bottom of the bucket.
Think about business, schools, sports, etc.

The cream of the crop rises to the top.
There truly can NOT be Everyone being the best. That would be a fantasy land.
The top only has so much room.
This might be a conversation relative to the "What wolf are you feeding?"
This is NOT a conversation on "world domination" - for crying out loud that is some crazy ego trip BS. Every time I hear someone talk about "world domination" I sense a BIG ego trip that has little if anything to do with genuinely helping others.
How about genuinely caring for others so you give it your all? That would be a novel idea for many.
And for yourself.....
How about giving yourself the opportunity to be great, which you ARE capable of.
As James Altucher says, "Choose Yourself".
So here we go.....
I'm Moving forward with a 3rd location of The Underground Strength Gym. I resisted the idea at first but standing still and denying my mission of helping athletes change their lives through strength felt wrong.

Your gut instincts are powerful.

Why Else am I going for it?
MANY Reasons....

Here's just a few.

The BIG reason is, it truly breaks my heart seeing kids getting beat up in sports....

I watch a Football team get crushed, season after season.

A wrestler never winning a match.

A Basketball player getting cut from the team.

These kids need help. They need a mentor and leaders in their life, not negativity.

It breaks my heart more when I care more about the success of these kids more than their own parents care, or, more than the kid cares himself....

I am not God. I'm just trying to do some good in this world.

Here's another reason......
YEARS ago we worked with an athlete who was a wrestler.
He had a record with a 90% + LOSING Record.
The next season, he had a 90% + WINNING record.
The next year, The Dad told me they're done training at The Underground.
Found a place 5 minutes from home and 50 bucks cheaper.
Convenience over Excellence.
MANY take that Option.
I also realized, as a parent myself, time is crucial.
We sometimes just can NOT do things or get places due to being in too many places at one time.
It is NOT a $$$ thing, I can assure you.
I've seen parents with cars in the 50-100K range and talk about price.....
I've seen parents who gamble every weekend or choose beers and martinis on the weekend and talk about price.....

I can't help those kids until their parents help themselves and make different decisions. Better decisions? Who am I to judge, even though I do judge! ha

I want kids to have the opportunity. But here's the thing about opportunity, this photo says it all.

I believe in what we do with our training system with all my heart..... The positive changes of mind, body & life it gives to these kids..... The training is always evolving, always improving.

What you see on video does NO justice. The training changes from 1 group to the next, day by day, better and better. Why? Because the kids deserve us getting better, NOT resting on our laurels and patting ourselves on the back as Coaches.

I also believe in "going for it".....
I encourage ALL our athletes to Go BIG in sports AND Life and I can't talk about it unless I LIVE the Code myself.
Greatness and Success are Choices.
ALL are capable, the far and few between DO IT!
Round 3 of The Underground Strength Gym.

I've heard "You can't do that....." a million times by now. It's the BIGGEST joke I ever heard.

I've learned that there is always a way.

Live The Code 365,


9 Responses

  1. Eric Pritchard says:

    Great post! Trying to inspire my student-athletes the same way. Good luck with location #3 Z!

  2. Rock on Zach! This fired me up big time man! Congrats and best of luck opening up UGSG#3 too.

    BTW, are you going to be at the DD Strength conference next month? We’ll have to connect if you are.


    1. Matt my man, I will not be there…..

      Laying very low on speaking engagements, seminars, etc.

      Hard to get me away from family unless I am compensated properly 🙂

  3. I always look out for your emails, Zach. Truly inspiring

  4. Gary Larrison says:

    I am saving this blog….one of the most simple, honest and inspirational videos ever Zach…..there is no tomorrow,,,,only right now!! Live the Code. Always.

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