5 Minutes & 7 Simple Workouts to a STRONGER Mind, Body & LIFE


The Crew after a rafting trip during the USC Spartan Mastermind.
The Crew after a rafting trip during the USC Spartan Mastermind.
The weekend was loaded with Uncomfortable training that helped everyone break through barriers in their mind, their body and their life / business.
Hard Training Builds Tough Men.

I wish I could tell you I had special skills that you don't have that have led me to achieving success in business, in training (getting stronger, packing on muscle) or anywhere else.

Even my setbacks don't set me back permanently. It's all temporary and the BIG reason WHY people like myself can rise above setbacks is because we don't fear the work.

We don't fear the suffering.

Call it mental toughness, call it discipline, call it what you will.

It doesn't take much.

I explain below so listen carefully and then take action with this info:

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Dk_cpXuiM[/youtube]

Here are 7 simple workouts to get started with only 5 minutes of training that will get your body & mind working together and help you develop greater mental toughness:

1) Burpees: 30 seconds work / 30 seconds rest x 5 minutes

2) Deadlift (Use Bar Weight Same As Your Bodyweight): 3 reps on the minute x 5 Minutes (Example: I weigh approx. 220 so I would use 225 but an advanced lifter can go heavier if he / she prefers)

3) Warrior Yoga: Perform the first 5 Minutes of this Video:

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7QHYQt4KQI[/youtube]

4) Odd Object + Bodyweight Training: Lift a Stone or Sandbag for 2 - 4 reps coupled with 10 Push Ups x 5 Minutes

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4gMN9CsqqI[/youtube]

5) Sledge Hammer Strikes: Switch Your top hand Every 10 reps, Get Max work done in 5 Minutes

Before I had tractor tires and sledge hammers I would swing an axe in my backyard on a large tree stump.

6) Kettlebell Get Ups: 1 rep per side, alternating, 5 minutes x Max Work

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNVi6H3OUVs[/youtube]

7) Kettlebell Swings: 10 reps per minute OR 30 seconds work / 30 seconds rest x 5 Minutes

Do any of the above with a 5 minute time frame.

From there, I am sure your 5 minutes will become 10 minutes, perhaps 15 minutes and perhaps longer.

Notice none of the training above is easy. No bull shyt short cuts, just hard work. Paul Check never says "work out", he says he prefers to call it a "work in" with a more positive meaning behind it.

Regardless, the word "work" is always present. So go ahead, make your training hard and thrive in the hard work.

The more you thrive in the work the less of a chance you will crumble when life challenges you.

Please leave your comments / questions below.


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6 Responses

  1. Dustin Maynard says:

    Building strength in 5 minutes! 6 days a week. That’s me to a T. As life got busier between my family and my job–I still maintained my strength training. For a strong body makes a strong mind. When you have as little as 5 minutes to build that brute strength–you pour everything into it because there ain’t no time to bullshit around.

    Your samples are excellent. I have several personal favorites that last 5 minutes as well. I’m a big fan of heavy holds/support work. A bench press lockout hold of up to 3-5 minutes. A zercher hold of 5 minutes. A heavy yoke hold or yoke walk for 5 minutes. Pressing and holding a massive dumbbell overhead for 5 minutes. These are actually my main lifts. My goal is to simply lockout or hold the barbell in position for 5 minutes. Brute strength can easily be obtained.

    On the other end—I am also a fan of one set-all out lifts. Performing 100 reps of 1 arm dumbbell rows can take up to 3-5 minutes. Use your imagination.

    Bottom line–if all you have is 5 minutes—make it count. Because it will work if you got the right mindset!

    1. Right. Telling yourself that you’re gonna X for 5 minutes is just the start, from there it often becomes a DESIRE to do an extra work…..

      It’s starting that is hard for most people so ya just gotta get after it!

  2. Jaime ingleby says:

    Awesome article; love the turning pro concept. Listened to an excellent podcast featuring The author last week.
    I have done some of the 5 minute workouts previously I tend to bump them up to ten and use them as finishers.
    Although this is my current favourite two; 10 minutes – 30s burpee jumps – 30s squats for max reps
    My current challenge is I have a log that I zercher carry OMEM 5 squats. For 5minutes – 10minutes
    Kind regards
    Be awesome Jaime

    1. The key is to JUST start with 5 minutes…. More often than not, it will become 10, 15, 20 minutes, etc.

  3. Awesome freaking stuff Z
    Can’t wait to get down there 44 March

    See ya soon Brother

    1. KILL Mode in March, brotha!!!

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