5 Power Tips to Live The STRONG Life



I was the weakest kid on the block.

I didn't get beat up often, but if I was ever in a fight, I never won.

I had little if any confidence in myself.

But things changed when I started doing push ups every day in 7th grade.

Things changed more when I began lifting weights in June, 1989.

Then, my confidence REALLY grew when I broke free of the demons holding me down in life. That was the Summer of 1994.

I came across "mentors" perhaps you can say......

I trained with Joe, who went on to become a Navy SEAL and Avner, the crazy gym owner who was a PT Instructor in The Israeli Army.

I never want to paint a picture of some perfect, easy life. That is BS. My life is not easy and things don't come easy for me.

But, I work my tail off and don't have the desire to be average or good enough.

I want greatness in everything I do.


Some things have helped me achieve my goals more than others.

Here's a few of my favorites and if you are ready for the work and harnessing your emotions, they will give you the power to start living a STRONG Life.

Tip # 1:

1) Nothing Is Impossible

My son even said this to me 1 morning as I was pulling the knot from his baseball cleats.

I said, 'Holy shyt, this knot is impossible to untie!"

He replied, "Nothing's impossible."

He is RIGHT.

The most successful people think BIG. They don't self sabotage or go around announcing "I can't...." or any other excuse they can pull from the sky.

Your mind and your words can be your worst enemy or your best friend.

YOU choose, so choose wisely what words you use.

2) Speed.

WTF are you waiting for?

The excuses run like a laundry list.

I hear so many people on all levels in all aspects with excuses as to why they are waiting for this or that time to come. We're ALL busy but time is an equal for ALL of us.

24 hours a day, every day, no exceptions.

You can be busy or productive. Again, the choice is yours.

STOP waiting and start DOING.

I explain in this 59 second video......

3) "They" Are NOT Smarter......

Many Successful people are not these crazy smart people who are genius beyond our dreams.

Heck, MANY "successful" people are high school and college drop outs.


Success can NOT just be about the money.

Shane Dorian is 1 of the best big wave surfers in the world, he said he measures his success by how often he gets to wear camouflage in a year because he loves hunting and escaping.

What is your definition of "Success"? LIVE it. STOP worrying about what others define as success.

Another thing about successful people is they have guts.....

They harness their fears rather than allowing fear to imprison them and hold them back.

I spoke with my buddy recently and we were discussing people who are "crushing it" and it's not like they are so smart above and beyond anyone else.... it's that they just GO for it and don't wait around like everyone else.

I have an instinct where if I see other people doing something, I already don't like it and I begin a different path. Being like everyone else is where you don't want to be. Stop looking at others and start searching within.

MAKE it happen. None of this waiting BS.....

Waiting for "it" to happen is a recipe for never succeeding.

4) Finding A Mentor

This is as old as a tip as I can think of.

I constantly read about this or hear about it.

Sometimes this happens in person, other times a mentor comes by you learning and studying this person's work and communicating via technology.

The wisdom of a mentor will change your life. Not many people understand how to find a mentor. For example, I get frequent e mails for people who think having a mentor is gaining all your information and not helping you in return.

I get this type of e mail often:

"I'd love to stop by your gym and talk to you about business and take you out to lunch."

I've rarely ever heard someone say this:

"I'd love to see if I can spend time working and helping you in any capacity at your gym. You tell me what you need and I'll make it happen."

Too many people want monetary exchange because they don't understand how the knowledge and wisdom of a mentor can pay you for a lifetime!

5) Show Me Your Friends & I'll Show You Your Future

That line is from the Billion Dollar Man.

Are your closest friends scam artists and thieves? I am sure you are too!

Are your closest friends honest, hard workers, big thinkers and go getters? I am sure you are too!

Are your friends blamers, excuse makers and lazy? I am sure you are too!

Choose your friends wisely.

Time goes fast. As Gary Vaynerchuk says, "You're going to die". This means that the clock is ticking. DO something! The time is passing so you might as well GO FOR IT.

These 5 simple lessons apply to any area of life you want to apply them to. It's up to you. you can have excuses or you can have results but you can't have both!

The STRONG Life is The BEST Life.

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4 Responses

  1. Love this message Zach. I often find I’m trying to drive with the handbrake on.

    It’s amazing what happens when you get out your own way and just take action, right?

    PS. Loving the Garage Gym Gladiators training!

    1. JC, yea brother, I LOVE having a flexible training program.


      Train how you FEEL!

  2. Bob Hildebranski says:

    4) Finding A Mentor

    Z, so glad to have you as one of my “virtual” mentors. Your work, the example you set, the words, thoughts & actions that you apply to your own life inspire me to always keep raising my bar and keep me driving myself harder in all aspects of my life. Keep setting the tone, Coach, and we’ll keep getting after it!!!

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