STRONG Life 62: Former Navy SEAL, Andy Stumpf: Man On A Mission!



STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 62 takes a unique insight into the mindset of former Navy SEAL, Andy Stumpf.

My words can't do justice to the power behind what we share inside this podcast.

This episode chokes me up because of the moments in my life that have been affected through my friendship with a few Navy SEALs.

The pivotal and life changing role that a few SEALs have played in my life have been powerful to say the least, From pulling me out of deep depression to mentors who taught me how to LIVE The #STRONGLife regardless of the circumstances I was in.

Without these guys there would be NO Underground Strength Coach or any STRONG Life. That is the truth.

I am also helping Andy with his Man On A Mission Project, where Andy is raising funds for The Navy SEAL Foundation and we have some BIG Prizes for those of you who are Hard Chargers so see the details below!

Enjoy the show and as always, share this with your friends any which way you can!

Thank you!

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Listen to This podcast with Former Navy SEAL, Andy Stumpf:



How To Help The Navy SEAL Foundation & How To WIN AWESOME SH*T!

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Level 1 Prize: $50 Donation - Download of The Underground Strength Manual ($197 Value)

Level 2 Prize: $100 Donation - 1 Year Membership to The Underground Inner Circle + Prize # 1 ($397 Value)

Level 3 Prize: $1,000 Donation - Prizes 1 & 2, Plus You Will Spend 3 Days Mentored by Me at The Underground Strength Gym & Receive Your USC Certification. Must Use By June 1, 2016 ($3,000 Value).

Level 4 Prize: $5,000 Donation - Spend the day training with Andy in San Diego and experience a tandem sky dive jump with Andy! You also get Prizes 1 - 3 included.

If you are local to NJ, I am holding a Fundraiser to further support Andy's Man On A Mission at The Manasquan Underground Strength Gym with ALL details HERE.

Here's How to Get Your Prizes

E Mail Me A Copy / Screen Shot of Your Donation to Andy's Man On a Mission Page HERE.

Once I receive your proof of donation I will get your prizes organized Immediately.

Thank YOU for your support.

Live The Code 365,



9 Responses

  1. Andy–
    To just say thank you for your service, just isn’t enough.
    My family is full of veterans: both of my parents, 3 of my uncles, my cousin, my brother, and myself.
    All of us have the utmost respect for the Navy SEALs.
    My Dad was a WWII Marine, he never considered himself a hero, he said he was just doing his job.
    He did it well!
    Everyone who steps ups and serves can sleep well at night knowing they did their part.

  2. Jean Paul says:

    Mr Even Esh
    Thank you for all your effort, dedication and commitment to make better athletes not jut physically but mentally. I have the Freak Strength ebook, I was wondering in the full body template how many working sets. And can conditioning be done on separate days?

    1. JP glad U enjoy FREAK Strength!

      The sets depend on your level and what you’re training for.

      1 – 3 hard all out sets on the big lifts are good

      Hit a finisher at the end of your workout w/sleds, bodyweight, etc.

      Search the blog, plenty of ideas here as well!

      1. Mr. Even Esh
        Thank you for taking the time to answer.

  3. Dan O'Connor says:


    I’d like to make a [no strings attached] donation that should help Andy’s endeavor. Will you possibly forward the following to him?
    I just discovered your respectable endeavor and would like to donate a painting that should bring in $3K-$5K if you’ll accept it.

    It’s a 5’x5′ painting of the Statue of Liberty completed by famed “speed painter” Dan Dunn. You can view a demo at

    I believe this art work can easily leverage awareness and bottom line proceeds for your fund raising endeavor (ie; raffle it off, sell outright for set price, “lease” to a corp sponsor, etc)

    Please let me know if you find this offering beneficial. If so, let me know where to send the painting.

    Huge thanks for your valiant service to our great country and our brethren in need!!

    Dan O’Connor

    1. Dan!!

      Awesome, awesome!

      I just forwarded to Andy, you are the man, will follow up more later as I’m hitting the road to open The Underground!!

      Thank YOU!

      1. Dan O'Connor says:

        You bet, Zach.

        Just a heads up…I haven’t heard from Andy yet. Please ask him to let me know if he believes this particular [art] donation would be beneficial to his Man On A Mission Project

        If not, no worries. All I ask for is a Yes/No.

        Carpe Diem,

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