5 Lessons Learned From AJ Roberts & Westside Barbell



I had a blast this weekend at The CrossFit Powerlifting course at my Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan.

My man, AJ Roberts crushed it and delivered an excellent weekend packed full of knowledge and insights that he has learned from training under Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell and became a world record holder in the 308 lb class.

There were over 20 Coaches in attendance, most of them were CrossFit Coaches. Here are 5 Lessons I learned from AJ this weekend as well as from Louie Simmons, a man who I've spent countless hours on the phone with since 2002.

Thanks to my countless hours of talking with Louie and AJ through the past decade, I've allowed my training to be less rigid and MORE dialed in for each athlete I work with while training.


Lesson 1: Everyone at Westside is doing something different. Why? Because everyone has different weak areas. Everyone has a different mindset. There is NO need for everyone to be doing the same exact thing. Louie doesn't force everyone to do a certain exercise unless that exercise is tailor made for bring up that person's weak areas.

If you're a Coach, sure, it might be easier to manage 10-20 people doing the same exercise, BUT, you can't truly be attacking everyone's weak areas. Make sure you give people some individuality to help meet both their physical AND mental needs when it comes to training

Lesson 2: Atmosphere and your training partners are key. You need to train with people who will push you beyond your own self motivation. It's great to compete against yourself, but, you need to train to beat other people as well. This competition will push you beyond the norm.

Lesson 3: There are various levels of potential. Some people have the commitment level to achieve their potential but many more will quit early. Louie says that most people break mentally before they break physically.

The Coaches from The Underground Strength Gym, learning, learning & LEARNING!
The Coaches from The Underground Strength Gym, learning, learning & LEARNING!

Lesson 4: Do NOT stop learning, ever. Don't just learn from books, learn form other coaches and learn in the trenches. Go to Louie's house and AJ said you'll see books covering the entire kitchen table because Louie never stops learning. He is always researching more and experimenting on himself and the lifters at Westside.

Lesson 5: Strength & Overall Fitness are NOT things that stay with you forever. Training needs to be a consistent effort to raise your levels of strength, speed, stamina, etc. This is a NO Brainer, but many lifters, coaches and athletes STOP lifting in season during sports season. After about 2 weeks your strength and stamina levels will fall off.

You can regain them quickly but unless you're training regularly, don't expect to hold your gains. Push yourself to the level that is your best THAT day. This is why Westside is NOT rigid with percents unless it is Dynamic Effort Lower Body Day.

Your maximum effort is based on your max for THAT day.

In a nut shell, train hard and train often.

I'll be back with more Lessons Learned from AJ Roberts, Louie Simmons & Westside Barbell.

If AJ is in your neck of the woods holding a CrossFit Powerlifting Course, get to it!

Please drop a comment or question and I'll see if I can get AJ to answer a few and then I'll get him on for a STRONG-Cast PodCast!

Live The Code 365,


PS: Next USC Cert & LAST USC Cert of 2013 is around the corner. Save $500 before price goes up on Nov. 1st.

Click HERE for Details.


10 Responses

  1. Great stuff from a great coach and true champion!

  2. Solid post Zach. Super simple but very insightful! Keep doing what you are doing!

  3. Jim Thompson says:

    Awesome! Two of the most inspirational guys out there Zac and AJ. Good stuff guys thanks!

  4. Glad to see more CFers learning powerlifting.
    Sometimes it seems many want to focus on Olympic lifting only.
    I hope to see 1RM bench press, back squat, and deadlift in the CrossFit Games in the next future.

    1. I hear you Coach! Close to 5100 affiliates through out the US yet if you look at the numbers for Olympic Lifting Nationals they are not representing.
      I know there are coaches out there trying to make the push, but if half stepped up then you are going to see an explosion in the underground world of Olympic and Power lifting.
      I have seen your videos and you definitely coach a great facility. Mindset and Training!
      It is one of the main reasons I will be taking the Level 1 cert through Crossfit. WOD less and lift more.

  5. Good stuff Zach! Can’t wait to get more info on the cert.
    I like hearing the individualizing for each athlete. There are some fundamentals I like my athletes to learn, but their accessory work is geared towards their needs. I will make variations in the skill if they have an issue with a particular exercise. No need forcing a square peg into a round hole.
    I love Olympic lifts, but no one is coming to me to be a lifter. So I work on joint mobility and crank dbs/kbs. They love it, and it works well in my system.

  6. Gary Larrison says:

    Solid info Zach, and I am gonna agree with Frank and Dustin, my people love some CF stuff but very few are even remotely interested in pure Oly lifts. I am going to check out AJ’s seminars and maybe next time Frank has the “Iron Brawl” I can make the trip. As a side note, power lifting when done correctly is also a technique driven sport.

    1. Is it ever! I have over six steps I have my athletes recite before every lift. Very technical. Even athletes that think they know I can find 2 or 3 things wrong. Change them and they are lifting even more.
      Good stuff Coach!

  7. GREAT feedback, brothas! It was a lot of great info and from the source, someone who was in the thick of Westside and bled plenty in there! If AJ is near you for a Westside course, get there!

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